Feedback and Suggestions

Feedback and Suggestions

Can't defend this game anymore, one bad decision after another

My two mains, Sadako and Trickster were reworked and lost all of their fun and uniqueness and are now bland, watered down versions of their former selves with no identity.

Sadako is a weak M1 Killer with a non-existent slowdown and mobility that can be disabled. She's useless and pointless. Literally no power.

Trickster is a weak M1 Killer with a ranged power that is more of a detriment than a skillfull tool and is used only to charge up a cheap skilless Main Event spam that rewards easy instant downs. No skill or fun whatsoever. Often better to just only M1 as him. Literally no power.

Skull Merchant was reworked to be even worse than she was, with her drones having a huge overlapping radius that covers the entire map and disabling them does literally nothing. She is guaranteed constant unavoidable damage and haste and hinder. Absolutely mind boggling.

They remove Blight's techs which take away varied playstyles of the character yet make his add-ons even MORE BUSTED THAN THEY WERE BEFORE.

You buff Huntress when it was completely unnecessary, taking a Killer that was perfectly fine and now making them more annoying for no good reason whatsoever.

And now Twins have been made even more oppressive and are now encouraged to slug even MORE than they were before with literally no counterplay. ACTUALLY unplayable.

How can BHVR set out to "correct" all the issues with these Killers, and not only make them worse to play against, but also in the process completely ruin anything their mains found fun about playing them? You ruin the positive experience for these Killers' players yet make the negatives of the Survivors' experience even WORSE THAN THEY WERE BEFORE? HOW can these reworks even BE this awful?

On top of all that, Perks on both sides are gutted and nerfed to the point where Killers must tunnel to win against gen rushing, and Survivors must gen rush to win against tunneling, creating an extremely boring, rushed, unfun, pressuring gameplay loop that literally no one enjoys. But then any changes BHVR does just makes those issues even worse.

You guys need to do more PTBs before suddenly impulsively pushing them to live. You need to do more testing before you commit to ruining the game like this. It's like your goal is to upset your playerbase from every possible point of view, Killer and Survivors both. Who asked for these changes? Who wanted them? All these changes have done is create new problems while making the old problems worse. They literally have not fixed or solved anything whatsoever. You need to listen to content creator mains who have an actual solid understanding of their characters. You need to focus on small gradual changes instead of making huge drastic changes and then letting them fester for months at a time.

Meanwhile every new update introduces a thousand new bugs that make the game a frustrating, annoying mess. But the store rehaul was perfectly smooth and works great, at least we'll all be able to buy tons of shiny new cosmetics without issues. Gee, I wonder where all the development resources have been going?

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  • Member Posts: 415

    Watch Wacek if you think Trickster is weak and has no power and you'll likely change your mind. I actually wish this annoying killer was weak.

  • Member Posts: 5

    I do watch Wacek. Even he wants Trickster reverted. He is literally the best Trickster in the world, just because he can get value doesn't mean anyone else can. Even if you want to claim he's powerful, he's still unfun for both sides, regardless of his "viability". By thinking he's so annoying, you're only proving my point more, that BHVR does not know how to fix Survivors' issues with Killers and the only thing they do is ruin the fun their mains had playing them. The rework did nothing to alleviate this.

  • Member Posts: 3,305

    I agree my friend. Their reworks aren’t living up to par except Billy. Even twins that people waited a few years for and her rework isn’t good.

    Sadako. 3 reworks later. Bad….Great…worse…nobody asked for Sadako to get a rework. We wanted OG sadako with todays buffs.

  • Member Posts: 3,305

    I’ve given this to a few other threads, so they can see it as well, I’ll leave it here for you as well if you would like to take a look. 👀

  • Member Posts: 2,036

    Every patch, they keep kicking weaker m1 killers in the gut which just pushes more and more people to just go nurse\blight\spirit. It's beyond frustrating. Why are they so obsessed with making weak m1 killers unviable? Less and less options for them which just HEAVILY encourages a tunneling playstyle.

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