Integrate icon/portrait/etc. customizability?

People constantly do it anyways, and those who don't (like myself) are those who are afraid to get falsely flagged by EAC. Because it's 'technically' game file editing, which EAC doesn't like, but it can't tell the difference between file editing done maliciously (for cheats), and just some visual changes on the UI... and cute new icons for perks are NOT worth losing my whole account. 😥

iirc, BHVR said "you can do it, we won't ban you directly, but if EAC catches you and bans you we won't appeal it." (Correct me if I'm wrong about that, please!) It's not worth risking my whole account, no matter how much I want to customize portraits and such.

But I really want to do it, and so do tons of other people! So is there a chance we could ever get this added in properly? Or would this be too difficult?


  • Satori_Keyeto
    Satori_Keyeto Member Posts: 3

    I would also love this^^

    I would buy some^^

  • JPLongstreet
    JPLongstreet Member Posts: 6,335

    Yeah the devs don't ban for it, but if EAC does ban that's permanent.

    As a consoler I'd like for such things to be part of the game, solving all of this. Maybe a mod workshop integrated somewhere all platforms can use?

  • crystalkitti
    crystalkitti Member Posts: 394

    I don't keep much up-to-date on the news. I try to but aagh attention span is not good for livestreams. 😣

    Has anybody heard any updates on this?? It feels like it's been forever since custom icons were popularized, surely BHVR's got integration somewhere on the plans?? 🤔 After adding banners, badges, etc. this just seems like a natural next step.