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Can you please do something about daily rituals?


I don't see anyone talk about these daily rituals, so please let me know if you agree with me!

Firstly, I want these developers to add something whilst I'm in the game to tell me that I have completed my daily ritual. So I'm not here contemplating whether or not I have completed it or not. You know, I go out my way to play a survivor or killer I don't want to play then having to use them again on account of it not indicating that I've completed it yet again rather than having to wait until after the game for it to tell me. They already have something like this already where it tells me that I've completed my rift challenge whilst I'm playing, so why not daily rituals too?

Also, another problem I really dislike is that fact I have to wait an entire day to see what new daily ritual I have, for it to be a daily ritual for a survivor or killer I don't necessarily want to use. Oh, I can delete it and replace it with a new one? There lies another problem. There's so many survivors and killers in this videogame that I potentially won't get to a killer or survivor I want to play as. I can't remove it twice so I'm having to resort to waiting another day to possibly get a challenge I'm willing to do. Additionally, can there be more daily rituals a day? Maybe, if you don't have any challenges, the next day it resets all three rather than one? Or having the option to replace all daily rituals to new ones rather than just one singular challenge? It is all so lackluster otherwise.


  • SuperCop
    SuperCop Applicant Posts: 137

    I absolutely agree. It takes me forever to get a ritual I actually want to do. I don't want to be forced to play characters I don't want to, either. They should just let us chose our rituals or at least let us roll them continuously.

  • PilotBob654
    PilotBob654 Member Posts: 15

    I'm really glad someone agrees with me here! Exactly! It would really prompt us to actually go about doing these daily rituals if they gave us more availability. Like you said, letting us choose which killers or survivors we enjoy and the rituals will decide on those, or at least rolling them continuously to our desire. I'm chuffed that I'm not the only that feels like it takes forever to complete one an all! Hopefully they shed some light onto this, because it needs to be looked at swiftly!

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 8,856
    edited April 7

    All good points.

    Additionally, I think Daily Rituals need to be more worthwhile. Increase their BP by 50%, and add in some Iridescent Shards on top.

    Secondly, provide more generic rituals. It's all fine and dandy geting a "do specific thing as specific survivor" because survivors are just skins. But when you've unlocked virtually every killer and you only play half a dozen of them, it can get really irritating having to trash them all the time. Something like "hook all survivors once in a trial" and "kick generators 10 times" etc.

    Post edited by Seraphor on
  • _Onyx_
    _Onyx_ Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 328

    Yeah I agree with all of you @PilotBob654 @Seraphor @SuperCop

    The rituals were great when the game first came out. Loads of BP for taking the time necessary to complete a specific task over 10 times.

    Now they don't do anything for the game. BP is the easiest it's ever been to gain quickly. And these rituals don't do anything to speed that up.

    I would love to see brand new rituals; both Killer and Survivor rituals per day instead of just a random 1; Iridescent Shards on top of BP; and the option to use a small amount of BP to reroll them again and again if the first reroll isn't appealing.

  • Hexonthebeach
    Hexonthebeach Member Posts: 342

    I thought about to raise the bp gain from Daily Rituals and the Survivor/Killer bonus.

    But I like it more that the Dailys and Survivor Killer bonuses only play a small role. I don't have the urge to do them and can play whatever role I want.

  • SuperCop
    SuperCop Applicant Posts: 137

    Exactly. Atm it really feels like a waste of time trying to do them. So ai don't unless I get one I like.