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How many 4 K's at 5 Gens will it take to move the needle?

KayTwoAyy Member Posts: 1,699

There is "playing the game," and there is "trying to be the only one having a good time."

Surely it doesn't take a 20-minute player satisfaction survey, which won't even reach the thousands of dissatisfied players who have abandoned the game, to identify the numerous design choices that have made this game an attractive choice for the black of heart.

I don't play Killer enough to encounter the "4-man sweat squads" that others bemoan—I really couldn't say how common they are since recent updates. But this sentiment extends to them as well.

The massive power swing provided by perks and add-ons does not do this game many favors.


  • KatsuhxP
    KatsuhxP Member Posts: 679
    edited April 6

    Well it depends on the person why they play like that, I don't play sweaty to be only one to have fun, I just learned after beginning the game that most of the people won't thank you and just insult you if you play nice (interessting enough some people are even nicer if you play sweaty). So I just play as good as I can without holding me back on my tactics depending on map-offerings and items xD

    Oh btw: 4-mans are more or less regulary a thing, they really like to bring eyrie, the game, haddonfield or gardon of joy and to use a lot of flashlights, toolboxes and sabotaging. It's quite annoying but after a while you learn to kill them (you have to play really dirty for that sometimes)

  • UnusedAccount
    UnusedAccount Member Posts: 130

    I don't know what else BHVR can do without completely gutting Killers at this rate.

  • Iron_Cutlass
    Iron_Cutlass Member Posts: 3,169
    edited April 6

    I play a lot of DBD on both sides, I rarely have matches where all Survivors die at 5 Generators remaining; I think it's only happened twice to me within the past two months or so for me (1 as Killer, 1 as Survivor).

    In general, 4Ks are not that common to begin with. Most of the time I get 3Ks as Killer or the Killer gets a 3K when I play Survivor since the final Survivor gets hatch or outplays them in an Exit Gate standoff. Yes, they could slug for the 4K, but not everyone does that, a lot of players just find it boring and would rather go next.

  • I_CAME
    I_CAME Member Posts: 1,238
    edited April 6

    Problem is two things.

    1 . Matchmaking is terrible and produces a huge amount of mismatches. These usually favor the killer since there are four survivors and a high chance that at least one will be bad.

    2. The amount of broken things you can still bring. If you bring four slowdowns on a strong killer and tunnel at five gens then no ordinary team will have a chance. Only a coordinated SWF really has a chance and we know those aren't incredibly common. Matchmaking is more likely to put players like this against casuals in my experience.

    The solution is obviously to make matchmaking more strict for people with higher MMR. Let's say in the top 20% or so. This way they can't ruin the game for everyone else. Behavior refuses to do this for whatever reason.

  • Nazzzak
    Nazzzak Member Posts: 5,432

    "Matchmaking is terrible and produces a huge amount of mismatches. These usually favor the killer since there are four survivors and a high chance that at least one will be bad"

    Happy to be proven wrong on this, but it feels like teams are based around the killer's MMR now. Killer readies up and the game then finds them half a team that is in a lower MMR bracket, and half a team that is in the same bracket. Explains why games feel increasingly like the outcome can be determined early game depending on who is found first. If one of the less experienced survivors is found first the game can snowball, if one of the more experienced survivors is found first then there stands a chance for gens to get done. It explains why survivors are noticing how mismatched they seem to be to some of their team mates. The game doesn't seem to take the individual survivor MMRs into account when creating teams.

  • Araphex
    Araphex Member Posts: 696

    Well they gutted survivor. Might as well gut killer and finish off the game for good.

  • Sava18
    Sava18 Member Posts: 2,439


    It's all perks and things irrelevant to most killers. In my time playing this game they have reworked GF, Sadako, Legion and Twins and non of those are real reworks. GF and Legion are beyond non problematic, sadako is whatever and twins just hit the ptb broken beyond belief. None of the bad killers have been buffed to be oppressive compared to just base artist or wesker. It's just pop/pain res tunnel and bad matchmaking.

    Don't act like all the F-B tier killers are all of the sudden strong because of any changes made to them, that's just not true.

  • Raccoon
    Raccoon Member Posts: 7,693
    edited April 7

    26 more….but only if the killer is truly black of heart!

  • KayTwoAyy
    KayTwoAyy Member Posts: 1,699

    Yes, and in the context of my post it means the killer brought a gun to a knife fight.

    "Match-making fail" is relevant to this discussion. The other two would be considered off-topic.

    You're missing the point.

  • Neaxolotl
    Neaxolotl Member Posts: 1,477

    why are you playing a knife fight from the beginning tho

    This is PvP game, right

  • KayTwoAyy
    KayTwoAyy Member Posts: 1,699

    Genuinely need me to answer this, or are you just hoping I'll say something ludicrous?

  • Neaxolotl
    Neaxolotl Member Posts: 1,477

    I'm stating PvP games are played with as much efficiency as possible from both side, generally

  • KayTwoAyy
    KayTwoAyy Member Posts: 1,699

    mmm.. not sure if I agree.

    Sounds true, but even in competitive game modes I'm not so sure it's absolute.

    Take the Killer roster for example; if PvP games are played with as much efficiency as possible, why would anyone pick the lowest tier killers? I'd conclude it is because people have preferences on playstyle.

    More likely is that people will play as efficiently as possible within their playstyle…but that doesn't mean they have chosen an efficient playstyle.

  • Neaxolotl
    Neaxolotl Member Posts: 1,477

    But the fact is, more or less serious players (who want to win, "have fun" or just don't want to get demolished) are pretty much locked in most efficient playstyle

    You can blame BHVR for making choices nonexistent due to balancing, but I doubt you can say anyone black heart or whatsoever

  • Nazzzak
    Nazzzak Member Posts: 5,432

    They need more content for their YouTube channels. They certainly don't upload the games where they lose so of course they complain.

  • Ayodam
    Ayodam Member Posts: 2,862
    edited April 8

    Not only that but it also drives people away from the survivor role.

  • Archael
    Archael Member Posts: 815

    I started playing both sides because of dailies, first win of the day and Rift rushing. So my comments are called both wrotek by etitled killer and survivor.

    Its either me or one of my teammates who is victim of tunneling or camping, its very common and unfun gamestyle i could encountered and i think it should be removed from the game.

    But without slugging its almost impossible to get 4k especially with 5gens. For that survs need to screwed tremendously.

    Im playing the way i concidered "fun" as a killer so im not camping nor tunneling unless i got 8 hooks, then i start killing (sometimes wait untill survs heal themselves or finish one gen, which means they do not heal). I can get 4k this way, but only with luck on finding hatch, yet mostly because survs made too much mistakes not only in chase but also with unhooking, healing and spreading gens.

  • KayTwoAyy
    KayTwoAyy Member Posts: 1,699

    Thanks for taking the time to articulate your thoughts here!

    I really like the way you breakdown some of the recent changes and new content.

  • Mr_K
    Mr_K Member Posts: 9,184
  • KayTwoAyy
    KayTwoAyy Member Posts: 1,699

    Probably because I chose a headline I knew would drive engagement over one that perfectly articulated my opinion.

    Elaborating off your initial response…

    Looking at all the games that end in 4 Kills at 5 Gens, we can assume that:

    • X% happen because 1 or more survivors gave up early
    • X% happen because of poor matchmaking
    • X% happen because 1 or more Survivors made a serious misplay
    • X% happen because the Killer made a very impressive opening play
    • X% happen because the Killer intended to win as fast as possible
    • X% happen because of a reason I'm not considering at this moment

    None of these causes are mutually exclusive; i.e. a game can end in 4 Kills at 5 Gens because of poor matchmaking AND because 1 or more Survivors made a serious misplay.

    My post is concerned with the second to last bullet, "…the Killer intended to win as fast as possible." The issue, however, is that we have no way of proving player motive. The only thing we can really do is look at the output of every trial and take note of whether or not the number of 4 Kills at 5 Gens has gone up in the past year.

    So I pose the question, "how many 4 K's at 5 Gens will it take to move the needle?"

    Personally, I am most concerned about the bullies who are empowered by the game's poor balancing.

    "To use this mistake as a form of aggression, a form of succession, a form of a weapon, thinking 'I'll teach them…'"
    - Tyler Joseph, Neon Gravestones

    I don't care if these players make up less than 1% of the game's population. Losing to someone who is significantly better than you is not the same as losing to someone who wants you to have a bad time. Players should not have to worry about encountering opponents who want you to have a bad time, they shouldn't have to carry a gun on them just to feel safe (to use another analogy in this thread).

  • Neaxolotl
    Neaxolotl Member Posts: 1,477
    edited April 8

    I highly doubt any killers who can win as fast as possible can actually pull that off, honestly I suspect there would be far less than 1% of them, to the point you NEVER match with such killer

    Also to be honest I don't get where you took "someone who want you to have a bad time", like can you elaborate what exactly is that, I believe those who want you to have a bad time would rather make matches longer instead

  • LeFennecFox
    LeFennecFox Member Posts: 1,233

    4k at 5 gens is not a common thing in my matches on survivor unless someone DC's/gives up first hook even then at least a few gens get done. You're the only consistent factor in all these matches so who knows.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590
    edited April 8

    I haven’t seen a 4K at 5 gens in hundreds of games of solo queue. Quite rare. This sounds like the matchmaking just may have been off. To not even get one gen before a 4K when in most games it’s 2-3 gens completed before 1 hook, those survivors had to be playing way, way worse than the killer.

  • KayTwoAyy
    KayTwoAyy Member Posts: 1,699

    You're the only consistent factor in all these matches so who knows.

    …consistently sitting on the same gen being Pain Res, Popped, and Grim Embraced while my teammates fall like dominoes, yeah.

    It's comical you'd come in here thinking you can talk down to me because I am the common denominator in my own anecdote; as if I was even capable of speaking on behalf of any other player's experience. No reason to be passive aggressive, unless my post offends you.

    I'll gladly turn on OBS next time I find myself in gen regression pergatory.

    For the record, I'm less concerned with the scoreboard than I am with the player behavior behind it. Not much to celebrate about 4K at 4 gens, either—honestly, even 4k at 3 gens is pretty grim. But all that is besides the point; I don't expect anyone to believe I'm running into this "all the time," because I'm not.

    BHVR has all the data they need to make balance changes without player feedback. They don't need me to tell them how many times I've died at 5, 4, 3, etc. gens. I'm trying to eject the human element into their decision making. I'm here to say "your data might please you, but players are still unhappy, and I believe this is one of the reasons why…"

  • Neaxolotl
    Neaxolotl Member Posts: 1,477

    Uh, what is the "reason" you've described, it's really hard to understand what you are even trying to prove

  • KayTwoAyy
    KayTwoAyy Member Posts: 1,699

    Sorry, thought I responded to this last night—must have signed off before sending my response!

    "someone who want you to have a bad time", like can you elaborate what exactly is that

    I could give dozens of anecdotes, but your best bet is checking out content creators who create videos about "toxic TTVs" or "salty survivors." Those videos should paint a pretty clear image of the vitriolic players who use DBD as an outlet for their own pain.

    What percentage of the player base is made up of these people, I don't think we could possibly know. But no one can deny that there are players who are intentionally malicious and use the game to demoralize other people. It has been recorded, and it has prompted hundreds, if not thousands, of discussions on this forum over the years.

  • Neaxolotl
    Neaxolotl Member Posts: 1,477

    Ah the one reason why some people avoid streamers at all costs

    Honestly I don't really know? they've removed face camping and all that nonsense that gives black hearts the power, and the SWF that used to mess up newer killers having lot harder times due to all the balancing between killers and survivors, game seems to be going in correct direction

  • Atsuka_Anarchy
    Atsuka_Anarchy Member Posts: 378

    tbh, 4-man SWF ops squad is like a 1 in 20 or more. You can play the most lax killer game and still have it easy. SBMM REALLY kills my mood often when I play killer; 90% of my games as a Pig are done by the time 1 gen is even done and at that point you could ask yourself “why?” I check the hours and most of these players are barely clocking in a hundred hours or a little more. It’s disappointing. You want a GAME not a slaughter fest.

  • radiantHero23
    radiantHero23 Member Posts: 3,944

    Sadly, many matches feel very one sided. It often comes down to who wants to win more.

    I wish for the communities mindset to change and see a fun game as a win over a 4k / 4man out.