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Anyone think Freddy should have an end game ability?

Slaughterhouse3 Member Posts: 901
edited April 8 in Feedback and Suggestions

Would be neat considering all his perks revolve around end game. I mean I think he needs a ton of other changes also lol but I just thought it seemed like a cool idea.

Post edited by Rizzo on


  • ArkInk
    ArkInk Member Posts: 654

    In lieu of generators, maybe his TP could work on Exit Gates? Given his animation, it'd definitely make him a Blood Warden of sorts.

  • TieBreaker
    TieBreaker Member Posts: 876

    I love that you're in every Freddy thread lmao.

    I would give Freddy something similar to Tombstone Piece or Condemned, and incorporate it into his moveset. It would make him genuinely threatening and be true to his source material. His lack of personality will always keep him from feeling like Freddy though.

    When I play against Freddy I feel like I'm playing against a killer with no power. Constantly staying awake is annoying, and when you're asleep he isn't that much more of a threat. So I just stay asleep. I would trade more time awake, for Freddy being more threatening when you're asleep. So it's less annoying to keep waking up and Freddy is more dangerous if you ignore his side objective.

  • Snowbawlzzz
    Snowbawlzzz Member Posts: 1,419
  • Slaughterhouse3
    Slaughterhouse3 Member Posts: 901

    I agree old Freddy needs to come back! I dont even care if he is weak or not I just like fun powers lol

  • GeneralV
    GeneralV Member Posts: 10,404

    I love that you're in every Freddy thread lmao.

    I have to, my friend! He is the very reason why I joined the Forums in the first place :)

    As @Snowbawlzzz said, the idea is to undo his horrible rework from 2019.

    Bring his old power back with QoL adjustments. As it was done with Hillbilly and Sadako.

    Love to see it, my dear friend! We will get our killer back!

  • ExcelSword
    ExcelSword Member Posts: 512
    edited April 8

    I doubt that BHVR would ever reimplement his old power again. Saying this as an old Freddy main that used to play original Freddy near exclusively.

    Old Freddy was the one of the first killers in the game to have a power almost entirely for Macro gameplay. He was near impossible to hide from, having true invisibility, he had the best map awareness and slowdown to this day, and his dream projection with range addons was the best tracking tool in the game, since it would lock onto survivors through walls (not many people knew this except for dedicated Freddy mains). At the time, There was no other killer as focused on Macro gameplay to the level that old Freddy was.

    While this is not actually exclusive to DBD by the way, fast reactions and twitch shooter mechanics are usually treated as more skillful than strategy or game sense in other games as well. And unfortunately, most players do not like macro gameplay focused killers. They don't tend to respect them as having a power with skill expression as much as micro (chase focused) powers in the game.

    A lot of bad Freddys who didn't understand why his power was strong would just use his power to make sure they never lose them so they could tunnel them. Even though his power did not want you to do that and punished you for focusing on only one person.

    Unfortunately, it was decidedly easier to change Freddy's power rather than try and balance it. I do think the power was problematic in some ways, like how slugging was very effective, and we shouldn't design powers that benefit from slugging a lot. I will admit that survivor gameplay suffered, because while it isn't Freddy's fault, the main gameplay loop consists of being chased, altruism and map awareness/stealth. And Freddy negated one of those completely, didn't engage with chasing, leaving altruism as the only enjoyable part of Freddy gameplay.

    But he was really unique, and I do miss his gameplay loop.

  • JeanGreyarea
    JeanGreyarea Member Posts: 498

    wouldn’t it be better they just combined all of his abilities? So teleport, dream pallets, snares and putting survivors to sleep

  • _Onyx_
    _Onyx_ Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 348

    I'm not gonna keep repeating my idea for a Freddy 3.0 rework in every thread I see. So in response to Freddy having an endgame power. They can make it so Freddy can teleport to any generator, regardless of whether it's blocked or fully repaired.

  • GeneralV
    GeneralV Member Posts: 10,404
    edited April 8

    In my honest opinion as a long time Freddy main, no.

    I don't think his current power is worth salvaging, except for the teleport. But other than that, I really really want my favorite killer back.

  • GeneralV
    GeneralV Member Posts: 10,404

    Thank you, my friend <3

    I will never forget your support, it is sincerely appreciated!