Feedback and Suggestions

Feedback and Suggestions

It's time Wesker got Nerfed

Member Posts: 808
edited April 2024 in Feedback and Suggestions

Genuinely I'm sick and tired of going against Wesker he's in every other game he gets his power back way to frequently and needs to be punished heavier for missing his dashes and the Distance he gets needs to be shortened obviously his hug Techs need to be fixed too

increase power cooldown please devs

Post edited by Rizzo on

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  • Member Posts: 2,014

    His tunneling potential needs a nerf (infection should not progress after being unhooked until the survivor performes a conspicuous action), otherwise he's mostly fine, but I think minor tweaks could be made. Maybe reducing the % of hindered or increasing the time until hindered becomes active. Also I don't see why he needs a cooldown reduction for every infected survivors. As you said, it already recharges quite fast.

  • Member Posts: 808

    And geuss what they did with blight? They fixed his hugs techs in the ptb cause hug techs are NOT INTENDED DESIGN so Wesker like blight will be fixed soon don't care if you consider it skill Wesker is NOT supposed to be able to do that

  • Member Posts: 658

    Wesker should be reworked altogether.

    The way those parasites work in RE is that they invade your brain. Rework Wesker infects you with his parasites once he grabs you. You now have a time limit. Like Wesker says. Seven minutes is all he has.

    Being healthy slows the infection rate. Being injured, or mending accelerates infection. Being hooked pauses infection until unhooked. Being downed slows infection considerably. Using First Aid will heal you one health state, and will pause the infection for a short time.

    Inevitably if you get grabbed by Wesker too many times, or you took too long to escape… Uroboros reaches your brain. The survivor dies a horrible cinematic death, and their corpse becomes a minion.

    The roaming minion won’t harm survivors, but they are highly infectious. They infect survivors with the parasites exponentially.

  • Member Posts: 5,951

    I agree on the tunneling part.

    But what do you mean by "lose definition of a Hitbox"?

  • Member Posts: 16,663

    That you can get hit by him even if you are on his side or that you get slammed into nothing. (And I dont mean that an object is nearby and it just looks janky, I had situations where I got slammed into thin air)

  • Member Posts: 5,951
    edited April 2024

    Thanks. The part about his slams is weird indeed. There are times when you get slammed into nothing and other times he trows you into a tree and you don't take damage. I hope that can be fixed (even more so, now that they have fixed Blight's hitboxes).

    The part about him grabbing you, when you are on his side, I have not yet experienced in any way that I could be sure wasn't due to latency. So, I'm not sure, if that's a problem with Wesker. If it is, then I'd like to see that fixed too as long as we don't go back to Wesker rushing right through survivors (like on release). If it is due to latency, then I really doubt it can be fixed completely.

  • Member Posts: 11,763

    Not sure if those are the changes I would suggest, but I agree Wesker needs a nerf. For a killer with hyper mobility, his kit has way too much.

  • Member Posts: 2,336

    For the most part I feel Wesker is fine but I still stick with my opinion that I have since he was released and that he shouldn't get killer instinct when survivors use first aid sprays. He has addons to track survivors after using it if they want to tunnel it makes no sense why he also just gets killer instinct.

    I'd be fine with removing hug techs though although that does remove some skill expression.

  • Member Posts: 4,634

    If you look at how he worked in the beginning you will know it works like that... There was a time where you could glide through survivors models and not him them... What we have currently is already the best result.

  • Member Posts: 2,267

    The only real change I want to see is infection should be cleared when a survivor is hooked.

    As currently Wesker can be a tunnelling machine due to survivors coming off hook already hindered by full infection. Wesker is already strong enough that he doesn't need this imo

  • Member Posts: 2,336
    edited April 2024

    I do feel that if you change Wesker so infection clears on hooks some Weskers would adapt by slugging to keep infection because realistically with infection what are you going to do versus a Wesker? You're already slowed.

    I do agree with you I just imagine that's how people would adapt to not lose infection - It sounds stupid but notoriously a lot of players try to get the most out of debuffs.

    Personally I'm in favor of either your solution or Wesker's not being told at all where a survivor is when they cleanse because I feel both cause tunneling.

  • Member Posts: 1,060

    Wesker isn't too strong. I think he's in a good place as far as balance goes. I'm not so sure about his infection. Being mildly hindered for a while can be played around. But his infection doesn't have a work around. Once enough time has passed, the infection is complete and you can't loop anymore.

    I kind of wish that you could use the antidote gradually instead of needing to remain still for the entire duration. That way survivors who are being chased have some sort of counterplay, instead of just getting hindered, and going down due to moving too slow to loop.

  • Member Posts: 4,634

    It should not be entirely removed, because that would negate his slowdown and make it so hit and run would be more favored.

    It would be enough to just make it stop until another power hit or conspicious action.

  • Member Posts: 6,493

    I don't think it should be cleared, because it is a mean of slowdown for him that he needs. But it should reset completely back to 0, and survivors that are unhooked should probably gain a short time of immunity to infection gain after the unhook.

  • Member Posts: 2,267

    I could tolerate that as a compromise, though I do feel he is already strong enough as I already said

  • Member Posts: 4,634
    edited April 2024

    What do you mean too big of a terror radius? That's a good thing for survivors as it gives ample warning...

    Imagine if he had 32 m, then you run monitor to make it 24 and then he is able to dash 21 m or so by using both of his dashes... You would basically have no warning... Complaining about his big terror radius is a weird thing...

  • Member Posts: 4,634

    If he runs distressing he is playing with 3 perks...

    No heartbeat is directional... I don't think what you are saying is limited to his heartbeat only...

  • Member Posts: 592

    whine whine whine, wesker is one of my favorite killers to go against. Wesker is absolutely fine. once his hug tech gets removed he will be one of the best killers to play against.

    You don't go against weskers every other game because he is really strong. You go against him because he is extremely fun to play as. We need more killers who are just fun to play as. His design is probably peak dbd design.

  • Member Posts: 1,206

    Well he's extremely fun and extremely strong. If he just bebble bopped around and did very little he'd see less play

  • Member Posts: 209
    edited April 2024

    Oh for the love of god leave wesker alone please, there is so much annoying more op killer than he is. Can I ask for a spirit nerf? because that audio que of hears does nothing, I do not use head set for dbd and iron will is trash the only counter to her.

    I even find nemesis more annoying than wesker since he is part antiloop like most ranged killers with zombies that chases you off gens/messes up your looping when he chases you and what not.

    Also I barely have been getting weskers anymore so idk how your so lucky to get them. Please give me all your weskers and take the skull merchants/spirits and other far broken killers away from me please. Ever since singularity for me honestly I may get maybe one wesker an entire week.

    I envy anyone who gets weskers, If anything I keep getting annoying chuckies/xenomorph/or unknowns nonstop. Give me 10million weskers over most other killers if you please.

  • Member Posts: 448

    I enjoy playing against Wesker tbh

    against a good Wesker, yeah it can be rough. They will use power and get you when you thought you were absolutely safe

    overall fun imo, wouldn't nerf him. Oppressive in the right hands but so is any killer plus that's few and far between

  • Member Posts: 999

    Wesker is mostly fine as a killer. When he uses his power and you dodge it, he gets punished enough by losing distance and wait to get power back. Same when he uses his power for mobility. He has to wait until it comes back.

    The only things I would change is 1) the infection stops when the survivor is in chase so the survivor gets not the -8% slowdown during the chase because this is unfair. 2) killerinstinct should not trigger when a survivor prays another survivor. The issue here is that this enables wesker to tunnel by knowing where the survivor is. 3) I would also change the instadown effect on his iri addon because it is ridiculous that he can instadown you either with his M1 or with his M2. This is stupid. 4) lastly, year the hug techs are kinda unfair in the way that if the developers remove it from Blight they should also remove it from Wesker, even though they are harder to pull off.

    Otherwise Wesker is balanced. He is fun to play as and against which is a good thing. the developers did an amazing job with him and I hope they learn from it yo make more fun killer like him.

  • Member Posts: 4,634

    Which is a good thing isn't it xD With the visual indicator you even know somewhat how close he is... So it makes no sense to complain about having more information...

  • Member Posts: 1,584

    Tunneling isn't a problem exclusive to Wesker. I'd rather they punish tunneling globally and see if there is still an issue. I don't think he's anywhere close to pyramid head in terms of tunneling...

  • Member Posts: 1,347

    Wesker is not that strong of a killer in reality

  • Member Posts: 808

    it is not at all his power returns way to quick ,Hitbox is way to generous to get grabbed double his cooldown and shrink his hitbox the I'll think its skill

  • Member Posts: 808

    takes like 10secs to get his rushes back a hitbox bigger then a huntress hatchet and a recovery so fast it puts scamper chucky to shame

  • Member Posts: 4,634


    A. If he is chasing someone you see that via the interface... (when within 12 m or so and chase started)

    B. The heartbeat sounds different depending on how close or far the killer is... So that statement of yours is just objectively false, besides that just use visual heartbeat and you can see it much clearer instead of needing to hear it.

    So.... Yeah I guess…

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