Lightborn is Mandatory
Lately I've been running Lightborn full-time even if I see no flashlights in the lobby, and it's come into play every single game. The lobbies with no flashlights will have flashbangs because Background Player makes saves so braindead easy. I shouldn't have to run this would-be niche perk 24/7 to avoid unhookable situations.
I use Lightborn pretty much all the time, but I'd say if there are no flashlights in the lobby, then it's safe to switch it for something else. Of course, there is a risk of flashbangs and blast mines, but flashbangs can be dodged and blast mines still stun you even with the Lightborn equipped.
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It seems to be flashbangs are literally impossible to dodge nowadays
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They are, you can be hit with a flashbang while facing a wall. The survivor has to mis-time it to fail.
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Yes....yeeess, the time has come. Embrace the shades from our Lord and let them protect you!
All hail to our Lord and Savior Lightborn 😎
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I am always using Lightborn these days when I play Killer because all these flashlight buffs (flashbangs, no counter in wall, background player being busted, extra window for ezi miss timing, etc.) make it just unfair at this point.
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Sounds like skill issue flash bag save still take skill to use their is legita 4 second window for saves witch mean the person doing the saving it right around. The courier background player don5 help that much u all just want it nerfed to death COUNTER slugg the misses u just downed for a second and down the saver then pick the other guy up easy counter most likely their only 1 their because they never get out of the game and their only so many flashbacks that can be made if you don't kick the gen oh look another counter their seems like u all just crying because these saves take skill and is basically the equivalent to killer tunneling off hook killer get to tunnel off hook they going g to tunnel flash saves their is plenty of counter just seem none want to do it
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Lightborn is a problem-solver perk, true. However, as someone who barely gets to use it due to randomizing, I can state the idea of this being mandatory is untrue. Some blinds are near impossible to dodge, but I've avoided many more blinds - either through awareness of what's around me, survivors making errors or reflexes - than I've become the victim of one.
Lightborn is definitely useful, but I can't pretend to believe trials are impossible without it when flashlights/flashbangs are involved, which is what's implied by declaring the perk mandatory.
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Lightborn is far from mandatory. If you want to use it to avoid Saves, sure, but this does not mean it is mandatory.
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omg same bestie, but with Distortion as killers have:
- Nowhere to Hide
- Leathal Pursuer
- Darkness Revealed
- I'm All Ears
- Nurses' Calling
- Bitter Murmur
- Retribution, Undying
And Soon Ultimate Weapon <3
I shouldn't have to run Distortion 24/7 to avoid being non-stop revealed to the killer.
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A blessing, for sure. Lightborn will always protect us.
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Love having lightborn especially against flashlight bully sqauds or the survivors click click clicking.
Nowhere is also very good for the Blendette's hiding in bushes etc.
You might think that is a waste of 2 perks but as I don't care about winning or losing I never leave home without them.
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i don't mind background player being used for pallets/flashlight saves. However when paired with flashbang it just becomes an uncounterable BS. There is no real counter other then slugging which is poor design. They need to do something about background and flashbang specifically instead of just outright nerfing background player. Bot sure what the solution could be .
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- flashbang with background is far from being a problem friend, I use them and it only works against inattentive players. Even with the background, we have to be close to the killer to be able to save, we only have 1 second to hit the flashbang. If you are not desperate to catch the fallen survivor, you will never have a problem with flashbang and background players.
0 - flashbang with background is far from being a problem friend, I use them and it only works against inattentive players. Even with the background, we have to be close to the killer to be able to save, we only have 1 second to hit the flashbang. If you are not desperate to catch the fallen survivor, you will never have a problem with flashbang and background players.
I used this perk when I was learning the game. Now it feels like a waste of a perk spot. I feel shadowborn is more useful. They spend extra time away from their objective to blind you so you down them super fast and possibly get a free hit on another survivor.
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I once faced a wall picking up a survivor and still got flashbanged.
It isn't just 'inattentive' players, it's actually a glitch or something.
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The whole point of flashbang is to counter the previously uncounterable "shove your face into the wall" tech. It is absolutely healthy for the game, as it requires a survivor to put 45 charges into a generator, or 45 seconds they MUST be doing gens solo (co-op progress messes with the charge per second rate).
If a killer cannot win chases and get downs within 45 seconds, especially with the plethora of perks now available to them that block gens (corrupt, grim embrace, dead man's switch, etc.), not even mentioning killer abilities and chase perks, that is a skill issue, and crying about flashbangs isn't going to get them anywhere. "Well flashbangs aren't the problem, background player is!!" Like other people have posted, if you're allowing a background player to stun you, you didn't do your due diligence as killer and check the immediate area, as there is only a 1 second window for them to get the flashbang to work. It is extremely easy to counter.
I've said multiple times that lightborn is an unhealthy perk for the game. A perk should not be allowed to fully counter an aspect of the game. Even distortion has its limits, with its charges being fairly limited and will run out if a killer runs 2 aura read perks (lethal + bbq, lethal + gearhead, etc).
And before any killer mains want to lie to me, Calm Spirit does not counter Ultimate Weapon the same way Lightborn counters flashlights. Calm spirit nerfs totem cleansing speed, and the blindness (which is very effective, despite what killers want you to believe) still applies to the survivor. Lightborn actually goes above and beyond and reveals the survivors aura to the killer for multiple seconds. They are not the same.
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Someone mistook what reflective wall means.
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Am I horrible for preferring to use Franklins’ Demise?
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My lobbies lately have been tons of flashlights with flashbangs and good ole blastmine.
I got nuked yesterday 🤣 kicked the gen. Blast mine..once I could see flashbang lol.Then 2 powerful beams from flashlights lol 🤣
I am most certainly using light borne
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Say it again😄
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Not mandatory.
You just want what is essentially basekit lightborn which would render an entire subset of items and perks useless.
Blinds are supposed to be a threat.
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I had to do a word search to see if anyone else said 'reflective wall' because I have no idea if you're being sarcastic or not. 😅
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Careful you'll end up getting lightborn nerfed at this rate.
Its a great perk in of itself, I get so much free stalk as Myers from players trying to blind me.
All you have to do is pretend to try and dodge it and they just keep on trying till bam tombstone.
Lightborn isn't the only way to build around flashbang play. Make a slug build Third seal, septic touch, knockout and a gen regression or chase perk of choice.
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not being able to stealth for 5 seconds and losing a hook stage are completely different situations
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Anything that gets players away from stacking regression is a W at this point
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I want BP to be 150% so SWFs can't activate noclip and fly into my face from like 30 meters away
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"didn't do your due diligence and check the immediate area"
You do not play enough killer my dude, BP users can and do come in for the save from way (way) outside a reasonable distance to be checking4 -
I do play enough killer.
For a flash grenade to achieve a save, it must be thrown between 1 and 1.5 seconds after the killer's pickup animation begins. Background player gives a survivor 100% haste, meaning 8 m/s. 1.5 seconds max would mean a survivor can successfully save from 12 meters away at most. If a killer can't do a quick 12 meter radius check around them if they anticipate background player in play, that's on the killer, and they don't deserve the hook for not doing their due diligence.
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That only applies assuming no line-of-sight on the killer. They'll pre-run somewhere you've already checked before pickup
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and if the killer does a patrol to look for the hiding survivor the downed survivor crawls to a pallet making it a lose lose situation for killer. what do u think about that?
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More proof that killers either play this game muted or it's a skill issue. If you can't hear survivors running that short distance away or see scratch marks that are in your face, that's a skill issue.
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This topic was specifically about flashbang and background player without pallets in play. I will admit being able to run 24 meters as survivor and still get a pallet save is strong, but it is an exhaustion perk for a reason. Also the situation you describe about lose lose really isn't, survivors can only crawl so far, and it only takes 5 or 6 seconds max to check the range I described.
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Even if I see the guy and chase him, the downed survivor will go under a pallet and become unhookable until i have fully downed the BP user
and we're JUST talking about BP in conjunction with Flashbang, leaving out its synergies with toolboxes, breakout and odd bulbs. The perk is a SWF wet dream0 -
BGP should be nerfed because of pallet saves, not blinds.
And once BGP gets gutted Flashbang + Lightfooted will be complained about next. And then once that's gutted we'll be right back to complaining about flashlights.
Blinds are supposed to threatening. Either learn how to play against them or equip Lightborn which nullifies your entire problem.
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And you're ignoring how much slowdown you're generating essentially taking 3 survivors off generators. 1 person is slugged, 1 person is being chased by you, and 1 person would come and assist with the downed survivor. That's a lot of faith you're putting in that 4th survivor to actually do a generator.
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Since lightborn exists, this thread seems pointless? Lightborn exists to counter your issue. Anti-tunneling perks exist to counter my issue. It's what everyone tells everyone every time.
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Not at all. We welcome believer of our more aggressive sister religion. 🔨
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12 meter radiou
If those numbers are correct, Flashbang save can be countered not only via Lighborn, but also Infectious Fright:
Or Fire Up, that can mess with pickup times
But it would make some killers remove one of the 4 gen regression perks, and that is unimaginable price :)
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Yeah it is absolutely hilarious how hard mediocre killers think it is to pick a survivor up. Even without these perks, simply chasing someone for 10 seconds to hit them is more than enough to ward off some background player plays. Those perks you mentioned would help indeed, but even without them, it takes the most miniscule amount of game sense to figure out how to play around background player.
Also the killer entitlement is beyond horrendous. "Well I worked so hard to get this down and hook, I should get it for free since it's my main objective!!!" Meanwhile running 4 of: Pain Res (22.5 seconds of a generator gone), surge (9 seconds of a generator gone), grim embrace (12 seconds of survivor main objective progression blocked), deadlock (30 seconds of the generator most likely to progress the game blocked), corrupt intervention (2 minutes of the map essentially forcing a 3 gen on the side opposite of the killer spawn).
That is why I can't take any killer mains seriously when they start to complain about pallet/flashlight saves, since it's the same thing. It wouldn't be an issue if I didn't have to repair 6-7 gens a game with the amount of free regression the killer gets by just doing what they're supposed to, and sometimes failing to do so (deadlock, corrupt).
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This isn't pallet or flashlight save though
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"pallet/blind" 😊
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Been a while since I've heard from the Cult of Lightborn. How y'all doing?
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Honestly I was so wrong about this but recently I have been trying to play fun killers like Bubba just to break up the frustration of solo queue and try to have fun matches.
However I have been absolutely plagued by Background Player with Flashbangs and Flashights in general and it is making for incredibly unfun matches. I just DC'd from my last game where I played totally nice as Bubba with zero gen regression, as I simply could not pick up anyone because they were all running BGP
I don't know what BHVR was thinking with BGP but yeah, sadly Lightborn has become mandatory which is absolutely absurd.
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I NEVER run 4 slowdown perks, but usually random perks. Am I allowed to think BP and FB is busted then?
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You're allowed to think whatever you'd like. However, if you're ignoring evidence that would conflict with what you previously thought was true, that isn't doing anyone any favors. The whole point of a discussion is to discuss.
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I never run more than 2 slowdowns and I wish I didn't have to run any as I think slowing gens is a very boring way to have to play.
I am a survivor main but I found out the hard way just how broken BGP is when combined with flashlights and flashbangs. If a survivor goes down near a wall you may get away with picking them up as flashbang timings are a bit harder than flashlights.
But if they go down away from a wall you can plant your face in, other than Lightborn there is literally no counter to BGP and it doesn't matter how good of a killer you are. Anyone claiming otherwise probably never plays killer
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You were the one pretty much saying a killer may not complain about BGP+FB when they run 4 slowdown.
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<sad Nurse noises>
It used to be one of my four go-to perks. Not anymore on Nurse 🤧
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Pointing out a double-standard is not the same as what you're suggesting I was doing.