Plague add-on duration times are OP

Comparing with other killers they usually get 5-10 seconds duration for addons. Now looking at Plague she can have 120 infection time on a gen or 30 increased seconds of Red Vomit kinda wild
There is literally no problem in that
It's nowhere near "op", just that she has decent addons
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Aight then give the same duration add-on boosts with no downsides to Oni, Trickster, legion, singularity you'll change your tune real quick
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This doesn't apply the same way you think it does. All of those killers, except for maybe oni's depending on survivors, which is why they've got less long power durations.
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Giving plague a 30 second duration red vomit duration boost who can down faster then new PTB Twins that everyone is calling OP busted is insane
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Well, the Plague is not the same as Oni, Trickster, Legion, nor Singularity, so I don't see the point.
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It can't down faster because the survivor gets a speed boost after a hit to get to any sort of cover, and she can't catch up to down as fast because, unlike your Twins comparison, she does not have 150% movement speed basekit. PTB Victor eats through health states faster than a Nurse and the only temporary reprieve is a god window. There are no comparisons to be made here.
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Trickster huh? do you actually believe longer showtime would be strong?
And strength of oni legion singularity power is extreme, nowhere near comparable to plague with never changing 4.6m movement speed
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Oke longer red vomit time is debatable but what is your problem with object infection time?
Do you want to wait out a gen being infected? So you try to play in a way where you avoid getting infected? That's not how to play against her her infection is a part you can't and should not be avoid
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Are you stating legion has a stronger power Than Plague ^^ Or are you just about the 4th hit that leads to a down? Either way Legions power is way weaker than plagues.
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His power is strongest, it's only weaker because of short duration and not so short cooldown
Since his power can slowdown entire team of survivors, has literally uncounterable tracking, counter both windows and pallets, and is extremely fast, if he had a duration as long as plague, it would be literally unbeatable
Not even "spreading out" works because with super duration he would cross entire map and still hit the survivors
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She can be stunned out of her power or denied it entirely, unlike any of the other unnamed killers you're thinking of.
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His power can only down on the last hit and it takes quite a while to do so, therefore he might get a down eventually but it will take forever... I have to fully disagree with the statement that Legions power is stronger than plagues xD
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I never said legion power is stronger than plague, I said legion power is stronger than plague when both has same duration
And it doesn't even matter if he can only down on the last hit, the mend time is enough to pretty much negate the time it takes to hit four survivors with legion, with whatever slowdown perks it would be literally impossible to finish gens until a survivor dies and legion stops giving deep wound to literally everyone
even for now, never-sleep pills + mural sketch will absolutely destroy any team that can't reliably counter legion, you don't even have to think about how it goes when pills have been replaced with something like 20seconds duration no downside addon
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All you have to do to counter this is to camp a pallet. When they swing, you stun. That's it.
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At later stage of his power, he literally can hit you and run through the pallet in less than seconds
Then it is more or less limited, and with longer duration legion can try to fake indefinitely too
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Not explicitly, but for the sake of the argument let's say you did.
Even then I disagree... The difference is the effective power usage, if Plague could activate her power at will instead of using it from a fountain, despite the same duration as Legions power hers would be stronger by a lot.
The mend does not do too much, you can still do gens during... So technically you could have 3 people slamming gens together, the could maybe finish doing the Gen to the most part before getting downed by deep wounds. The time it takes legion to get to the next survivors makes it so the last one is almost done mending again, you are severely overestimating Legions power.
Yes Legion is good against players who don't know what to do, so what? ^^ If you just spread out it takes him forever to get his down with his power and that makes it so effectively gens will get done.
Legions power is quite bad, especially compared to something as good as Plagues.
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So what? You tank the hit and stun him afterwards, he will never get a down with his power that way. He is not faster enough to get out of stun range in time.
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So what? You tank the hit and stun him afterwards, he will never get a down with his power that way. He is not faster enough to get out of stun range in time.
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If they spread out, it'll inevitably lead to 3 gen and legion will win regardless, if duration is short down can be avoided, but with long duration down will be inevitable, making slowdowns to work no matter how well survivors do
Plague more or less depends on normal chase and survivor actions, doesn't have any tracking and survivors can still utilize windows or pallets as usual, which means survivors CAN prolong chase against plague unlike with legion
Legion power with longer duration is literally all in one package without nearly no counter at all (beside pallet/flashlight stun I guess), if survivors act in near mathematically optimal way it might be viable, otherwise I doubt any team can pull it off
He is with combined with human reaction time and extreme lunge speed
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Good players always spread out and it does not necessarily lead to a 3 Gen... Why would it even? Despite the point where the anti 3 Gen mechanic will kick in and make it so eventually the 3 Gen will be broken. Plague is considered among the top 10 or top 15 killers, she has one active fountain by default and several more with addons, she is way more than an m1 killer and her range attack is extremely versatile.
Legion is one of the weakest killers in the game, you have to be joking at this point...
You get slowed down when you get the hit, it is impossible to avoid the stun when getting the hit.
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You are comparing apples to oranges. Infection on gens doesn't matter once plague has started to infect people, because working on infected gens while fully infected doesn't do anything. It's why she can have addons that increase the duration so high, because it's very early game frontloaded.
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The difference here is that plagues power can be completely denied by coordinated survivors. When she gets actually gets to corrupt purge she deserves massive duration because she probably wont get it again for a while.
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Here's the difference between Plague and other killers.
- You have to give her the red puke in most cases
- Even if survivors instantly cleanse, she still has to work for it by infecting and then moving to the red fountain
- She has a means of instantly losing it (get stunned by a pallet) despite all the effort involved.
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You obviously haven't faced against enough plagues the speed boost you get is nothing she has plenty range and duration to 2 tap you while your running away
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Completely denied maybe with old plague that's true but now with over 2 mins infection time and you have can a free blood pool now its not the case at all
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If you're running in the open with no cover in sight, yes. But you get a global notification that Plague has her power so you should at least aim to have a place with high cover around you to retreat to as to not go down instantly.
PTB Victor? He finds you, you are dead. There is nothing you can do against him bar a god window as I mentioned before. Good luck camping a god window against the Twins every game.3 -
Her projectile speed is abysmal to do that in common situations
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If the first hit is not at max range you will get two tapped super easily... The cooldown is really low and you can just start another one shortly after. There is a reason that she is one of the strongest killers in the game and even performs well within comp matches. Her range attack is super versatile and can hit through tiny wholes or even over high walls if the plagues knows what she is doing.
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Oni's instadown power with map mobility is 100% comparable to a ranged attack on a 115% killer 🤔