I think I had enough

I didn't play DbD for few days and decided to play some evening 5 survivor soloQ matches today. Here is how it went.
- Legion that DC after 5 minutes of the match.
- Blight with broken Iri add-on and Alch Ring (still very good) tunnels someone early on, plays like hot potatoe, still manages to get 3K becuase it's Blight with OP add-ons.
- Xeno that tunnels and also 2 people decides to hook suicide early on. Nice waste of time and free lose as well.
- Good Guy, where also someone decides to suicide and give free kill early on making the match 3v1 and of course Chucky wins. Free lost as well.
- I was allready loosing my hope and sanity at this point, decides to give it one more go. So this time we have Bubba that proxi camps every hook, downing both rescuer and hooked Survivor with endurance ("Bubba can't do that" was a lie I quess since he can do it just fine and eat everyone health states). Plays Deadlock as passive slowdown that rewards camping.
Why I am even bothering with this game. SoloQ is unplayable mess and its waste to time even que up there.
People need to be punished for leaving games early or just make it impossible, this is unbareable. NO wonder why killers have 60+% killrates when pretty sure big portion of it is survivors giving up. Also still there are some unbalanced stuff like Blight getting buffs and still having OP add-ons, Bubba still able to facecamp pretty much and eat all endurances, etc.
I am just tired boss. Unless there is event with like 300% BP bonus there is no point wasting your time here.
Yeah, I’ll be playing during BP events and after a New Chapter releases… aside from that, DBD really isn’t worth the time invested.
Rifts are fun, but not worth the grind, imo, considering there often aren’t any cosmetics I wanna grind for.
Played less than 30 hours since August 2023
feels SO Good😌
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Sounds like healthy diet :D
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This is what the devs want. In their exact words they say they want the killer to feel like "an unstoppable force".
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As long as people log in for 'events and stuff' occasionally, BHVR's numbers look just fine. You're not hurting or helping the issues stated here.
Either this is a game you make your own fun in, or you can't really enjoy it anymore, on either side. Those who do -usually- show some sort of joy from making others miserable. Humans at their finest!
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Man I would have still had fun in all those games. Its a shame you didn't but if every game was the same farm fest where the killer always swapped out who they chased and was generally polite then this game would get really dull really fast.
Being under pressure to try and survive is the point of playing survivor. Killers leveraging their power to be as nasty as possible is the horror movie experience.
Sure the quitters suck but there will always be quitters I wish the lockout bans were longer.
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insert 40% statistics to justify the terrible state of solo q.
people giving up constantly, matchmaking that pair u with anybody, and overpowering tactics that still to this day have bad counterplay for your average solo q team. These are just some of the things that make playing solo q pointless
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BHVR just doesn't want to try bigger changes, especially regarding tunneling and camping. If these two strategies were just nerfed properly, survivor would already be in such a better state. But for whatever reason BHVR continues to do the minimum and that's it.
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More killer buffs on the way.
It's only going to get worse.
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take a day off survivor
I already kinda gave up on playing survivor (shame cause I was almost done getting p100 on survivor but I’m burnt out from playing survivor) and I’m enjoying a lot more of pyramid head
Or you can play something else
I usually when I feel burn out of dbd I play Hotline Miami
It’s a really fun game
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Then idk
Try playing killer ?
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I just play for events and the Rift now. I'll hop on to play the occasional game when bored but I'm quickly reminded why it's not fun to play outside of the aforementioned scenarios (mostly very little reward for my time input). It is what it is. No point forcing yourself to play, it's that whole definition of insanity thing - doing the same thing over and over, and expecting different results.
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you simply cannot expect anything from a SoloQ Team since communication is basically non existent. Join A Discord to find some people to play with but actually expecting to be rewarded for your actions in SoloQ is madness
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I tracked my escape rate over the past 57 games. So far it's at 31.5%. This is worse than ever. it seems like the only way you can escape through exit gates now is if whole team is slamming gens with hyper efficiency, there's no breathing room.
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90% of the time even when I'm iridescent 1 rank I get horrible teammates in solo q as well who literally join with either 1 perk or nothing at all while I've got full load out cuz I wanna win... irritates me cuz I thought MMR was a thing but obviously not. I've got over 1300 hours on this game and I'm at 240/242 trophies as well, so I think I'm a good player so kinda outrageous to be partnered up with such useless teammates in solo Q when they swear up and down how MMR will put you in matches with simular skill level... iridescent 1 I get amazing killers that I play against which is fun but if I'm literally stuck doing all 5 gens for the team for them to just leave me to die on hook while they escape kinda ruins entire game.. like everyone else has been saying, just cut back on play time on DBD and focus only on playing it during events etc. Only time solo q is actually alright
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Yeah given that the twins PTB was a flop I can only see 2 outcomes from that, they just remove the basekit addons and leave them like they were after that or somehow making them even worse to play. Either way the next month and a half is still gonna be stale as nothing really got changed.
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Uninstall. Leave this place behind. I swear you'll be better off doing so like I did. This game took a toll on me mentally.
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I absolutely love queuing up solo and getting destroyed by an A tier killer with four slowdown perks. Then to add insult to injury he ends the game with 35K bps while the highest survivor is only at 12k. It's so much fun losing AND getting less reward for your wasted time.
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So, what you're saying is that the game is dead for about 60% of the player base.
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It's always when you bring BPS or anniversary cakes too
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On a side note isn’t it crazy how coincidental offerings can be sometimes? 2+ people bring bps- match only lasts a short while. Bring a stage offering- a counter offering is played or for a different stage etc. Funny crazy little things about this game lol
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yep and it's only gonna get worst
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Alch ring is so completely over blown, especially with the upcoming patch. I can get from top left of Ormand to bottom right and now I can get from Top left to bottom right? Map traversal isn't too only decent regarding this add-on and in chase it's worth nothing.
Like explain it, because with what I've said I can't think of something else.
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I swear certain offerings are cursed
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But you are still here...
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Play killer then.
With half the killer roster buffed this year, what did people expect? Surivors to just get good?
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Just because I don't play anymore doesn't mean I don't keep watch of it. I genuinely want it to get better. It's so frustrating that I made a plan for myself in the event I do come back to the game. 5 total matches a day max and custom is exempt from this rule because bot matches are always chill.
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I'm sorry, that your experience is this bad.
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Why shouldn't a killer be? The alternative is more group lampooning than there already is. No killer would play that.
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The trick is, DBD is not fun for survivor unless you are in a swf. Then all the horrible balance can be laughed at with friends.
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It's also not fun for killers unless:
- You are playing as top tier killers (wesker, huntress, blight, etc.)
- You are playing with top tier perks. Maybe even two gen regression perks: pop and pain resonance.
- You are playing against solo players.
If you reach mediocre-high MMR and dare to take hag, trapper, wraith or anything else like that, if you dare not to take gen regression perks, if you dare to play fair and if you have toxic SWF with flashlights and grenades, especially if its all at once, prepare your ananus.
And behavior actually don't care about what is happening with this game, they have your money, thats enough. This is why i stopped buying chapters.