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General Discussions

Survivors Hiding, Taking Game Hostage



  • Member Posts: 39

    Honestly the honest decent suggestions. Killers refuse to even acknowledge that slugging occurs for the 4k. Its taking the game hostage from those who are on death hook forcing them to wait out 4 mins of time. Also tends to result in killers letting them wiggle off in hopes of ratting out their other survivor. Lots of negative impacts from it. Yet they want to claim that its fair and fun.

    If they want to address survivors hiding till the other gets found then Slugging needs to also get removed.

  • Member Posts: 461

    I have doctor PFP because, at least at the time not sure if it's changed, there was no Pinhead PFP :-( But I get the point lol

  • Member Posts: 209

    Killers cause this on themselves. Some of them play so sweaty and tunnely its no wonder why these things happen. Anyways this can be addressed once slugging for the 4k be addressed until then keep searching. If survivors hiding too long is a bannable offense, then so should slugging and bleeding out for the 4k, but ofc yeah killers must always have rights.

  • Member Posts: 461

    If you want to complain about slugging and such, you should create your own forum post. Otherwise, you've added nothing significant to the conversation.

  • Member Posts: 209
    edited April 2024

    Sorry that the truth hurts oh well. Its a forum if you do not want others to reply do not make a post.

  • Member Posts: 9,513

    BVHR fixed hostage 3 gen gameplay for survivor. Where's the fix for hostage stealth for killer? I agree with OP post that late-game stealth needs to get nerfed.

    as compensation, buff survivor's overall stealth in early to mid-game such as increasing walk speed of survivor so they can hide scratch marks better. buffing crouch speed could also be good. maybe helps a little bit vs hag and pyramid head trails.

  • Member Posts: 1,480

    Not even wiki mentions that though, just that "lights up when 32meter range" and "plays random whisper upon active", nothing about direction

  • Member Posts: 5,605

    The Whispers say "yes" or "no" if you are facing a Survivor or not… so it's not directional but it tells you if and when you are within 32M of a Survivor and facing them or not

  • Member Posts: 1,480

    And is there any sources for this

    I've searched and what I found was that the "dev confirmed whisper is not directional and will not guide you in direction of survivors," which is also correlate with my own experience, people's opinions, and what wiki describes

  • Member Posts: 42

    You are right and i told previously my idea how to fix that for solo players:

    Dev's could make extra "hatch" in case there is only two surv's alive, but only one of them can escape, if one of them uses this extra exit, other one instantly sacrificed in mori. To escape this way they have to do something, objective, to power or charge it, that can be easily made by one survivor. Each survivor has to have each own objective, so that this will turn into race IF they willing to escape and leave the other one to die. Yet they can keep repair gens, if they are SWF or just good persons, depending on how much gens left.

  • Member Posts: 42

    It will not help, here is why:

    1. Generator progress with 4 survivors alive -10% means gens will be repaired 9 seconds longer. There is nothing more boring than repairing them, you will make game even worse.
    2. Generator repair + 20% for 2 survivors is nothing, unless its last gen, but even then it will more often turn into third death even if gen repaired successfully.

    Tunneling problem have its place for two reasons: its easier for killer to win by tunneling AND generator repaired too fast, so killer cannot afford himself to waste a single precious second to go for full hp person, while unhooked injured one has nothing (even then we don't know, he might have off the record, DS, DH, SWF). Playing as killer is pain in the ass right now, especially if you are playing as a nice guy. But if you don't its not much better. Unless you are playing tunneling camping Nurse, Huntress and other top tier killers with top tier perks.

  • Member Posts: 1,400

    Outside of Eruption, CoB, Overcharge meta, killer in general is the easiest it’s ever been for a plethora of reasons.

  • Member Posts: 1,061

    The 2v1 and 1v1 endgame scenarios are definitely two major game design issues still, that have never been properly addressed. If only two survivors remain and there is even just one more gen to do, or let alone more than that, the game is regularly a foregone conclusion and the survivor players will be reluctant to touch gens or otherwise risk being found, as that puts them into a certain death position. That the killer can then slug one of them once they have finally found them in order to try and find the other, and even pick them up and let them wiggle, indefinitely prolonging the match just to try and kill both survivors adds to the flawed state and the undesirable gameplay experience these game scenarios can and often do yield. And then in the 1v1 scenario the hatch standoff still exists: if the killer finds the hatch first, they can simply stand on it and refuse to close it, so as to not risk allowing the survivor to open a gate or escape via a key, instead waiting to spot the survivor first; while the survivor will of course refuse to show themselves. And even if they do close it, the gate spawns can regularly be such that the survivor has no chance of opening one, and various killer abilities can also render it all but impossible regardless of gate spawns.

    BHVR will hopefully at some point address these scenarios, such that things aren't as hopeless for survivors and not as tiresome or choresome for killers in them. A few quick, rough ideas: In the 2v1-with-gens-remaining scenario, the survivors could gain a significant increase in repair speed, as well as the ability to recover from the dying state. In turn, they would have their locations exposed by killer instict periodically. Instead of the ability to recover from the dying state, you could alternatively give them one to give up in the dying state and be swallowed by the entity, such that they can trigger the 1v1 endgame. For the 1v1 endgame, at the very least the hatch should automatically close after some time, maybe a minute, powering the gates. Gates should always spawn on opposite sides of the map. Not necessarily as far apart as they possibly can be, but with a certain minimum distance. The red light indicators on the gates could also activate later into the interaction - 50%, 75% and 95% seems apt. This would allow the sole surviving player to more reliably still play for an escape. For a crazier idea, trigger a sudden death scenario in the 1v1 after the hatch is closed or automatically closes, putting the players into a chase where if the survivor can survive for more than a minute, hatch spawns at their feet and they escape automatically, whereas if the killer downs them before that time elapses, they automatically mori them on the spot. I know this would be far from equal for all killers, but I for one would welcome this whacky twist at the end, and I mean, the game is already won for the killer anyway, this is just for the fun of it.

    Whatever they would come up with, I hope some day they address these flaws. Again, the fact that even the hatch standoff still exists in this day and age and despite BHVR having had proclaimed to have fixed it years ago is just a tad ridiculous.

  • Member Posts: 1,993

    Then record your games and get them banned. Otherwise, play the game.

    To recap, survivors were hiding from the killer. Ban them.

  • Member Posts: 1,993

    I dont understand this. Killer is in the BEST place its EVER been? What do you mean by " Playing as killer is pain in the ass right now, especially if you are playing as a nice guy. But if you don't its not much better. Unless you are playing tunneling camping Nurse, Huntress and other top tier killers with top tier perks."

    Ofc if you play those top killers with the meta you'll do fine. But if you don't… its still pretty free, especially if its a pub lobby of solo'Qs. SWFs aren't as bad as the ridiculous killers here would lead you to believe. Its so rare. But killer is not hard right now. At all.

    I main Trapper and get my 4ks or happy fun games whenever I want. I can literally decide before the game usually. No, its not hard. But maybe it's my skill vs others. Who knows.

  • Member Posts: 342

    Hiding from a killer is part of the game (especially for beginners) and always will be.

    To blame survivors who hide is a terrible statement in my opinion

  • Member Posts: 11

    There are perks that prevent that from happening. Just be smarter about your perk choices if it is happening to you so much.

  • Member Posts: 1,400

    I play a majority killer nowadays lol. Practically the only games I lose are when map offerings and multiple meta perks/items are brought (FTP+Buckle Up, multiple dead hards, syringes, etc.)

    The game is killer sided outside of coordinated groups who are clearly trying to win, and I don’t think anyone’s argued against that, that’s always been the case. If I stacked gen regression perks, my win percentage would go from like 75-80% like it currently is to 90+%. If you’re stacking gen regression and still losing a majority of your games, your MMR has clearly outpaced your skill level with the help of gen regression.

    May I ask how long you’ve been playing the game for? Because like I said, outside of OverBrine meta, this is without a doubt the strongest killer has ever been in the 6 years I’ve been playing the game. Stacking Pain res, pop, grim embrace might as well make the survivors start with 7-8 gens.

  • Member Posts: 2,475
    edited April 2024

    The issue is that when there are only two survivors left and still multiple gens, or heck even one gen left with zero progress, there's just no realistic way the survivors can win. The killer will be patrolling the few remaining gens and the moment either survivor start doing a gen they'll get found, chased and killed.

    Yes, hiding isn't going to really help them win but what else do you expect them to do? At that point doing a gen is suicidal.

    You need to somehow give the remaining survivors an incentive to still try.

  • Member Posts: 2,976

    I rather deal with neither. Both are a waste of time for the sake of wasting time.

  • Member Posts: 2,412

    So survivors going straight to the killer to be downed intentionally should never be a bannable offence

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