Feedback and Suggestions

Feedback and Suggestions

No more slugging for 4k



  • Member Posts: 306

    Redesign the system
    Hooks and dying state should be one pool
    Allowing the ability to recover from dying state until 2nd hook at the risk of being damage even more and obvious 2nd hook you cant just like now.

  • Member Posts: 13,671

    How is sluggin toxic? If you don’t like slugging for the 4K then remove hatch.

  • Member Posts: 306

    I think the entire dying state needs to be reworked and made into one health system. This would make sense.

    1st Hook or downed character
    Can use perks or use attempts to get off hook or wake up at the risk of more damage

    2nd hook dying state less recovery time and no attempts allowed naturally.

    Knocked down from dying a very limited time in dying state and instant hook death.

  • Member Posts: 359
    edited April 2024

    "Only having to get a 3k" if the team got 3ked then they already lost and thats completely on them. It is, in fact 100% fair to the survivors that losing results in a loss.

  • Member Posts: 103

    I had a match just before with a Ghostface who slug everyone wait till someone come and slug the person as well. He also had Ultimate Weapon with.

    And sry to say it to all the killer who do not want to hear it but NO it is not the fault of the survivors when a killer slug. I mean when you have a killer which slug and camp there till he got all 4 down, what are you supposed to do? When three are already slugged? Make 5 gens all alone and hope the killer do not search for you after the first one is done? Killers who seriously say the survivors made the situation that is why the killer slug everyone are a real joke. Sry if that sounds to harsh but it is just a joke. I mean slugging is not even a real game mechanic, there is no advice anywhere in the game that slugging is a "game mechanic" it is just a result of another used game mechanic which is misused a lot. Down a survivor is a game mechanic which is nessessary in this game yes, BUT SLUGGING IS NOT! And no where in any How to play the game tutorials it is mentioned as a "game mechanic" to slug. It just is not. And it is also never the fault of the survivors because they do not have any influence in the killers minds.

    My solution for slugging. Put a anti slug bar in. Make it like that.

    • The first survivor which is downed just got the bar but it does not fill as long as the killer is near or after a short amount of time.
    • After the second got slugged the bar of the first fills faster by x%
    • As soon as the third survivor got slugged the bar of the first one fills even faster and the bar of the second one like x% of the first one by the time the second got slugged.
    • After four people got slugged the first slugged person can lift up himself no matter how far his bar was at this time. He got condition and his aura is hidden for a few seconds. And he can pick up other survivors no matter how far they are recovered.

    I know it sounds unfair but to be honest everyone who thing it is unfair is for sure someone who like to slug. Also it is just to make it more fair for the survivors if they face slugging killers so if you are not a slugger than why do you even care?

    This game currently do nothing to prevent this behaviour because the killers always say it is a "game mechanic" which it is not it is just a result of a real game mechanic which is misused so hard nowadays that like 9/10 games are like that or with tunneling etc.

    Devs pls focus on that issue. Not to forget that because you changed the way killers get their adept trophies most just do it because of that. What is the point to just have a 4k when the way you got it is mostly against the game rules since take the game hostage for your own advantage is a report reason?

    Oh and to anyone who come up with "yea then just use x perk" NO why do I have to take certain perks with to evade a toxic gamestyle which you as killer can use without any consequences or perks as well? If we as survivors have to take a certain perkbuild with only to counterplay that why do we need the other perks in the game then? Because most killers play like that now, and if we have to deal with that by using certain perks we basically can delete all the other perks out of the game cause you as killer refuse to face the problem you created. Because in my round we had a survivor which just recovered and pick herself up with the perk of Bill and instantly was downed again so all these perks we "have" to take with to "counter" this playstyles do not even help cause killer do not care bout play normal anymore. Why should they? The developers had change this game to a degree that the killer can just do nothing than slug the whole game and been rewarded for that with a win and a adept trophy for free. Sry but how do you as game developers want to have a game so hard splitted in the game experience and still got more splitted by killer who still do not have enough changes in their favor?

  • Member Posts: 1,347

    How are you supposed to get killer adepts without slugging for 4k? Are there not very strong survivor options to deal with slugging?

  • Member Posts: 1,347

    Why shouldn't slugging be happening? Should killers pick up survivors in front of a survivor no matter what? A mass slug requires survivors to be grouped up, injured, and have insanely short chases w/o multiple strong perks in play that could prevent the snowball. Grouping up injured out of position from resources is a misplay by the survivors why should the killer be punished for bad survivor play?

  • Member Posts: 812

    I think this thread is referring more to the instance where the third Survivor is slugged while the Killer looks for the last one (after the other two are already dead). Mass slugging is a different issue entirely, and when Survivors complain about that, it's more about the Killers who leave them on the ground and let them bleed out for no reason. Slugging everyone and then hooking them is an understandable tactic. Being left to bleed out for four minutes is a huge waste of time. If we've already lost the match, I'd rather end it and go next. So I'd be fine with the option to bleed out faster.

  • Member Posts: 1,347

    the thing is I’ve yet to meet someone that actually thinks 4 min bleedouts should be a thing or that hatch standoff v2 isn’t problematic.

  • Member Posts: 2,374

    Survivors can't stop the killer from playing and progressing the game. Killers can stop survivors from playing and progressing the game by slugging. This is why killers shouldn't be allowed to leave survivors in the dying state for prolonged periods of time without punishment. We have an unhook progress bar for camping killers. Its time we get something similar for slugging killers.

  • Member Posts: 2,257

    Survivors can't stop the killer from playing and progressing the game.

    That's not true, if all survivors go hiding, there is not much killer can do unless they are prepared for exactly that situation, which is going to be hard without Ultimate weapon.

    You are technically playing, you can still move, no? Other survivors can save you, no?

    Only thing that should be changed about it is simply option to give up. At specific conditions of course.

    We definetly don't need more baby sitting mechanics.

  • Member Posts: 812

    Some Killers think that, apparently. Removing the hatch won't solve anything, and will only cause even more giving up prematurely.

  • Member Posts: 189

    What? Game is so easy for survivors and getting easier everyday. They are rolling back almost all the good stuff for killers in the patch, and you still get your little tunneling escape to make the game EVEN easier.

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