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Why does it exist?!

Manslaughter Member Posts: 25
edited April 20 in Ask the Community

Racoon city, it's a bad map. Pardon my words but like why are their so many pallets and vaults. I can't get a ######### hit in before I get 18 stuns. Lower the amount of pallets or something, do what you did Haddonfieldand make it smaller. Just fix ur map please bhvr

Post edited by EQWashu on


  • Royval
    Royval Member Posts: 170

    RPD is my favorite map and I’m a blight killer main the map is fine imo

  • KatsuhxP
    KatsuhxP Member Posts: 255

    There are a lot worse maps for me like:

    The game

    Garden of Joy

    Eyrie of Crows

    And Mothers Dwelling

    RPD is by far not my favorite, but it's pretty okay after you know the layout

  • Manslaughter
    Manslaughter Member Posts: 25

    Ture dat, but like i have a terrible memory so I can only really remember simple maps like temple or backwater Not that kind of map though.

  • KatsuhxP
    KatsuhxP Member Posts: 255

    I'm gonna be honest: rpd is easier than the temple or backwater to learn the layout for me.

    RPD has 100% of the time the same rooms, only thing that changes are the positions of palettes but usually just on 2 spots in the same room (and there aren't many palettes where that's even the case). Besides that there is east- and westwing, so it's only the layout of half a map xD

  • MvHoeller
    MvHoeller Member Posts: 48

    RPD bad? What about the baddest bad maps of the entire game that no one has mentioned yet: "BADham I-V"! These maps are so bad that my bad hand starts to shake the moment I read "BADham" after the loding screen. These bad maps are so bad they cause PTSD and even the developers are afraid of touching these bad maps, allthough they badly need a massive rework, that they prefer loads of bad comments over getting into just a single thought about how to make these bad maps at least half as bad. Try to play all 5 variations of "BADham" in a row and I guarantee you'll whish yourself back to RPD the moment your brain getting over that grief that "BADham" causes.

  • KatsuhxP
    KatsuhxP Member Posts: 255

    Well they are pretty bad yes, but for some reason they are less annoying than the one's I already told above for me. Probably because I see them more often in my games.