New Huntress Skin Provides Massive Advantage

Iron_Cutlass Member Posts: 2,846
edited April 23 in Feedback and Suggestions

The Wind-Up sound that Huntress normally makes while lifting up her hatchet is insanely quiet from the Survivor's perspective and is basically non-existence since the chase music is loud enough to entirely cover it up.

Huntress is a character that revolves around not just visual cues for her power but also auditory cues, removing the auditory cues in this kind of way removes a lot of the counterplay and makes playing around loops harder for Survivor.

For example, if you have a loop with long walls, you could hear a normal Huntress pull up their hatchet before they round a corner so you know to cut the loop wider. With the new skin, the same Huntress could do the exact same thing but the Survivor would be unable to tell.

Likewise; the Lullaby is FAR quieter as well, allowing for the Huntress to run Undetectable perks and get away with it since half the time other audio such as Generators and map ambience covers it up.

Please consider readjusting the audio balancing for this.


  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 6,745

    who needs deathslinger when we got huntress slinger. they're mocking slinger.

  • Iron_Cutlass
    Iron_Cutlass Member Posts: 2,846

    Deathslinger has the ringing sound when he ADS and you are within his LOS… granted it is quiet but it's loud enough to hear within a chase if you pay attention.

    Huntress has nothing with the skin. No auditory warning whatsoever.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 6,745

    i am stereotyping the old slinger that has instant shots with no audio warning. The audio makes no difference for me because I memorize the charge time of the killer. I also know how to look behind me while running forward.

    The lullaby should be default imo. i am perfectly fine with every lullaby being deleted and turning into a TR.

    these changes are great and all but where is slinger revert?

  • alpha5
    alpha5 Member Posts: 184

    Naughty Bear is quieter than regular Trapper, Were-Elk is quieter than regular Huntress. Are there any other character-altering skins that provide a clear advantage? On killer obviously, we know survivor volumes are quite different.

  • Iron_Cutlass
    Iron_Cutlass Member Posts: 2,846
    edited April 24

    ”Just look behind you”, “Memorize the charge times”

    Let’s take those Long C walls with a pallet for example.

    If a Huntress raises their hatchet, I can hear it and cut the loop wider to avoid it. If I try and do that versus the new skin I can’t, I’m put into a 50/50 where I have the guess what the Huntress is going to do (M1 or throw a hatchet) since LOS is obstructed.

    Memorizing the charge time would be pointless since I’m already aware as to when the Huntress should pull a hatchet but that does not mean they will, not having audio forces me to further guess here.

    Your argument is a bit flawed when you consider how ideally you want to break LOS with Huntress as often as possible so you don’t get hit with a hatchet, which means ideally you should be using audio cues as much as possible as a result. And Huntress’s counterplay can lose you distance and lead to you getting hit/downed with an M1 if you try to counter it, it’s a “Catch 22” situation.

    Huntress already got some unnecessary buffs recently, they were already a good Killer choice before and the idea of “buffing” them more is insane to me.

  • Valaryyn
    Valaryyn Member Posts: 72

    The new elk skin for huntress is a really awesome design, but it gives a really unfair audio advantage to the killer.

    The grunt that huntress usually makes on wind-up is nearly impossible to hear, which is an enormous advantage in chase. The proximity lullaby is also much worse for determining distance from the killer, often allowing huntresses to sneak up on survivors, especially on indoor maps.

    Please make the elk audio more audible. Thanks!

  • Spare_Them_Mori_Me
    Spare_Them_Mori_Me Member Posts: 1,328
    edited April 24

    This. Since I only play Trapper, I can attest the Naughty Bear skin completely silences him. I run a no TR build and its so easy to snatch off gens. P2W skins are indeed a thing in DbD

  • VomitMommy
    VomitMommy Member Posts: 1,099

    I don't care, that skin is just awesome. Not really Huntress main, but I just had to buy that skin.
    Animations, visual and sounds are just amazing.

    the Lullaby is FAR quieter as well

    People still don't use that hearing feauture? You can see Lullaby, it's great against Sadako too…

  • VomitMommy
    VomitMommy Member Posts: 1,099

    On killer obviously, we know survivor volumes are quite different

    Really? Wanna talk about Sheva Alomar? That's basically passive Iron Will.