Dead by Daylight should no longer be affected by an outage. Players logging into the game between September 26 3PM ET and September 28th 3PM ET will receive 1M Bloodpoints as compensation.

DC penalties should be obsolete with the addition of bots

AnxietyDrone Member Posts: 1
edited April 24 in Feedback and Suggestions

I've been having issues with my dbd, working closely with tech support on it. During testing with them my DC penalty is now at 6 hours. I've sent them everything on it, my files on my computer, screenshots of errors, I've verified my files, and nothing has worked. They can't get rid of the penalty for me because it's "completely automated" like #########? We're testing this ######### together and you have no way to waive a penalty I shouldn't be accruing in the first place because YOUR game is the system not working??? It's absolutely ridiculous. It's still kicking me out and they've refused to help me saying they'll pass my info on. To who? I have no idea. I do know that I went two days with no error kicking me out then boom today I get booted and 6 hour DC penalty is back. Fix your game. It's not my system, not my internet, not my problem. You should've fixed it for me and waived the ban.

Post edited by Rizzo on


  • Peachblow
    Peachblow Member Posts: 29

    I can't speak to your technical issues, but I wouldn't mind seeing disconnect penalties removed now either. As you pointed out, with the addition of bots and now with the recent addition of no pip-loss, leaving a match shouldn't leave you penalized. While I never really leave as a killer (because really… it's so easy to play and you have the vast majority of control in a match), I've been seeing a tremendous increase in tunneling over the last month or two that it just makes the match far from fun. Right now, either penalize yourself from a time-out or penalize yourself by continuing the match… not exactly fun options.

  • jayoshi
    jayoshi Member Posts: 314


    I really like the idea of not letting people know someone has been replaced with a bot. When I play survivor I would much rather have a bot on my team than a person who dies on hook or when you go to save them, they will have a temper tantrum and go around throwing every pallet. If someone doesn't want to play a round, they will find a way to end it early while screwing over the other players. You cannot change their mind by saving them before they die.

    Bots will continue to do gens, they will heal another player, they will try their best to loop a killer. Give me that over someone who doesn't want to play for whatever reason. Would also solve hacker games (killer just DCs and moves on not having to worry about a timer). I think it's time to really consider removing the DC penalty.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775

    I think it will be even better when the novelty factor wears off.

    Most players don't remember not being penalized for DC'ing. It's a shiny new toy, but it'll fade in time.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775
    1. Dodging, Sniping, Targeting, etc etc
    2. That's the entire point. You shouldn't be able to ID and target people.
    3. Why does it matter if someone DC's but you had a good time anyway? Would you even notice? Probably not.

    It's pretty clear you're just against it to be against it. None of your points make much sense and only serve to allow people to continue to harass and antagonize others.

  • NephewsGonnaNeph
    NephewsGonnaNeph Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 6
    edited April 23

    There should always, always be a DC penalty. It keeps players who don’t think a DC penalty is worth it in the game. If you remove the penalty there will be a substantial increase in DCing and more matches in which killers face bots. Which is not multiplayer gaming; it’s boring.

    When you purchased this game you agreed to be sportsmanlike. You have a right to leave but the devs have a right to penalize you. This is of course addressed to people who DC intentionally unlike in your case. But they should be addressing crashing issues or reworking the system’s way of determining if a DC is intentional, not removing DC penalties altogether.

    Post edited by NephewsGonnaNeph on
  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775

    People do, actually, play the game to make other people miserable. It's not as uncommon of a playstyle as we'd like.

    You wouldn't know you're playing against a bot, nor would the other Survivors. There's always improvements to be made to the bots, but they're miles better than a teammate who doesn't want to be trapped in a game.

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,209
    edited April 23

    Without the DC penalty, players will just quit games they're losing.

    Everyone will have max MMR, because quitting will avoid any negative MMR.

    You will never open the gates because killers will just DC once the 5th gen is repaired if they haven't killed anyone, to preserve their precious MMR (that they simultaneously and unironically hate).

    May as well just play custom games against 4 bots because that's what you're gonna get.

  • Sasu_Crow
    Sasu_Crow Member Posts: 12

    Um, no. Bots are the replacement to a backfill in a traditional multiplayer experience, but they suck massively. There's already plenty of times where one person leavingc causes another surv to leave as well, and that's with a penalty. No penalty means more matches where you get zero progression for your time, because a killer doesn't want to play against 4 bots in pubs. Yet if you leave a 10 minute match with 4 bots and two gens, you forfeit your 30k or w/e bp, and that sucks for each player involved

  • Katzengott
    Katzengott Member Posts: 1,210

    The system can't tell the difference if a player DCd intentionallly or not.

  • Neaxolotl
    Neaxolotl Member Posts: 1,477

    Isn't it a problem in support and system than DC penalty or anything

  • drsoontm
    drsoontm Member Posts: 4,610

    Aren't you playing killers from time to time? One would have to be blind not to spot a bot.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775

    Maybe, maybe not.

    I'm perfectly fine with seeing people DC, some people seem to take it too personal

  • Neaxolotl
    Neaxolotl Member Posts: 1,477

    "personal" huh? it's objectively hurting the game, because this is the online game which is more or less meant to be played with humans

    Not to mention the fact every players must press "ready" to join a match, which means "I'm ready for playing out a game to the end"

  • VomitMommy
    VomitMommy Member Posts: 2,257

    Issue is you would need to remove DC penalty for both sides and that simply can't end well.
    If you think it would work, then you are just naive and most likely don't play multiplayer games for a long time…

    So many players DC when they are about to die on hook, that's like 10 seconds of waiting, but they rather take DC penalty. Doesn't make sense at all, how do you think it would go, when those people can DC at any time?

    Btw playing against bots is so boring, so I will rather not make it a regular experience.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775

    And people's answer is to double down and make sure those people have a worse time.