Haddonfield - Lampkin Lane Feedback

We've made some adjustments to Haddonfield. After traversing the streets (and houses) of Lampkin Lane, please let us know what you think below.
Nothing changed since PTB, lots of cars on center with constant 1 pallet spawn + butchered park loops for no reason when you nerfed all the windows and give openings in most of the buildings.
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Oh great. So its still the tiny dead zone it was on the PTB.
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I'm sorry but how could this go live? I mean, the street is a gigantic dead zone right off the bat. The new hedge tiles aren't playable because they're so unsafe. There have been weak pallets before but I think I have never seen a weaker pallet than the one in @Mag1cian's first picture. 2 short sides and it's right near the edge of the map so it's not even useful to activate Lithe.
The houses do not make up for this absolute lack of resources. There are 4 pallets in this picture (which means we got lucky) but 2 of them are completely unsafe, to the point where the killer will hit you with nothing you can do to avoid it other than hoping you get the stun. This is not fun for either side.
Then we have this house with next to nothing to work with as well. The windows aren't going to help much.
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I just had a look at the map in custom matches, haven't actually played it yet, but it really seems like the map doesn't have enough pallets that survivors can properly work with. Some unsafe pallets are completely fine as long as there are enough stronger pallets as well. And especially with how small the map has become, it definitely needs more pallets, especially the middle of the map.
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There are 0 pallets on the street, it's is actually so bad, put more pallets on this map like you did with borgo
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So, I see that unlike almost everything in this update, this map has not been reverted/fixed despite all the feedback.
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am I missing something or is main just… a two-story deadzone with one okay-ish window?
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Another killer side map. Lot of dead zones. The outside loops were added to compensate the houses nerf, but there's a few unsafe pallets. This map is awful now
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If the new gaps in the house walls were replaced with breakable walls, making them more similar to the houses on Badham, it might be a fair trade off.
Oh and make pallets in the road more consistent. Someone has said there's no pallets in the road, I just played and got three in a row going down the road that could be easily chained.
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Revert all the map changes, it looks terrible for survivors to play, should just nerfed one of the house loops, not the map size and safe pallets
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Lol they listened to feedback on everything from the PTB except the worst map rework of all time. Dead zones everywhere, useless house windows, pallets that are free hits for the killer, and I can reach out and touch the opposite walls.
What. A. Joke.
Me when I see a Midwich offering after Haddonfield rework release:18 -
I looked at a gameplay footage from old Haddonfield and oh. god. It looked so much better than it does now. It looked like an actual suburban neighborhood.
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This Haddonfield is massively worse than the original map. Tweaking this tiny map with 3 houses is pointless, when you had a decent map and just butchered it.
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Oh no, OLD Haddonfield was awful.
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I meant aesthetic wise, not gameplay wise. The point was that it looked like an actual street, unlike the new Haddonfield.
I also noticed the ridiculous fences too, don't worry.
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The Haddonfiled rework is HORRIBLE. Mid map is now a larger dead zone with one pallet. Every loop on the map was nerfed to hell. The buildings are unsafe. The edge map hedge is unsafe. I can't find any safe area on the map. How did this go live?
14 -
I know it's been only one day, but the Haddonfield rework feels impossible to play on as Survivor. There is almost nothing to work with at all!
Every match I've played on Haddonfield, I've died because there are just absolutely no resources that I can reach anywhere on the map - not because I got outplayed by the Killer. Most of the resources are in the street, and these are easily demolished in 3 to 5 minutes. Once these are gone, there is nothing to play with except the house window loops, which have been nerfed so far into oblivion that chasing through the houses cannot sustain a chase. So basically, there's nowhere to play around once a few pallets have been thrown.
The house loops were rightly nerfed, but the map was made way too small and it's incredibly cramped, and too many pallets have been removed to be able use the map as a reasonably playable space. Anything left remaining is astonishingly unsafe to play around.
The window vault loops can't be nerfed this badly with no comparable pallet loops to fill the void of resources. Vaulting most window vaults leaves you with nowhere to go, and you're basically guaranteed to get hit for taking these.
The entire map is one giant dead zone once four or five pallets are thrown - which happens very fast because these pallets are very unsafe with very little to chain into - and every structure has been nerfed in a way that every window vault is practically unchainable into anything else and anything else is unchainable into it. These polar opposites don't balance out: with both of these changes, the changed structures in combination with the new pallets are not useful at all.
Many upstairs windows in the houses remain, but additional holes added to the upstairs of houses make them even more unsafe than they previously were: upstairs windows were always very unsafe to take because they had a massive stagger. Now they're even more unsafe.
In addition, the hole in the side of main was a welcome addition should the map have been shaped like it was on its previous iteration, but now that main is completely isolated and there are no connecting tiles near main, it's exacerbated the feeling of no structure is playable or loopable.
There aren't enough pallets on the map to leave it to whittling away the resources like The Game.
Additionally, many near-useless emergency edge tile pallets have been created. Their addition is greatly welcome and should stay, but they are not a REPLACEMENT for regular tiles.
Because of the addition of the hole in the side of main and the removal of the house next to main, certain variations of main with its new vault configurations make main absolutely useless to loop - this turns that ENTIRE side of the street into a giant dead zone!
I think we can re-add the house next to main if we're keeping severely nerfed structures like this.
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The PTB thread's feedback wasn't enough? This map is terrible
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I usually don't care much about map balance but I have to say this Haddonfield change is atrocious. It's like a slap in the face to survivor players.
You got rid of all the windows just to replace some of them with goofy ass pallets. Not even a loop. It's like a joke.
Most of the map is a deadzone with nothing going on with meaningless pallets around the very corner of the map.
The map itself is so small that you can see both ends at the same time. You gave up on immersion for the sake of "balance".
I'm glad that one busted house was taken care of and I'm all for making the map more managable for killers but that shouldn't mean giving up on survivors' enjoyment of the game.
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I dont even think the map was so terrible before the rework, there are certainly worse ones, but this nerf is way too much.
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There is literally nothing on this map to work with, can you please explain what your intentions were with this rework?
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It is way better from a killer perspective but we need more hooks along the street, there are barely any.
I haven’t played on it as survivor yet but sounds like it’s not fun. 😂
I will say the order version was NOT fine and definitely did need a nerf because all those houses were way too strong but now it has maybe gone the other way. This does not mean you should revert it back completely though! Just fix this version.0 -
I feel like the previous version of the map was more balanced. Sure it had strong houses for survivors but it was also easy as killer to create deadzones to exploit and catch survivors out of position.
This rework feels like the houses are weaker but it is still easy to create deadzones, and the map is even smaller. The map size reduction makes it very easy to defend exit gates now since all the times I've been on it I can just stand in the center and see both gates. Large maps can be balanced by having resources like pallets more spaced out, which the old version of this map did fairly well. This new version feels like it is just too small compared to the resource density and less safe houses.
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Gotta be honest, there is not really a place on this map that feels playable from the survivor side. It is probably the strongest map for the killer side in the game right now.
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Well, whoever worked on this map actually managed to make it even worse than Midwich. Congratulations.
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Agreed. Aside from the fact that the map is god awful for survivors now gameplay wise. Visually speaking i'm surprised the license holders let them gut the map like this. It doesn't give Halloween at all anymore.
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You succeeded in making the map less frustrating and annoying for killer, great job, but this new version suffers from the OG Borgo rework in the sense that it's just way too dead, and I'm sorry, but those edge pallets are absolutely terrible. Please not only up the pallet count on this map, but rework some of the tiles to be playable for both sides, and not just either absolutely terrible, or too strong. The car loops on Badham for example that are around the preschool, or those vans in the middle of the street I think are perfect tiles that are reasonable strength.
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Borgo and reworked Haddonfield are both way too small. You shouldn't be able to wave to the killer from opposite sides of the map.
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It's not the worst thing I've ever seen, but its a visual downgrade from the original.
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I do not like the new map. All it does is give the killers better ability to find survivors and win the game. I've loaded into quite a few games since the update and all the improvements seemed to help The Killers. And what I don't understand is why are we always giving extra blood points for playing the killer and then survivors have to play with bots. I love this game but I'm about done with it. In all truth, most of the updates always favor The Killers and they always get rid of good survivor perks. It's a shame to have to leave I hope truthfully that the creators of the game take notice of this tiny little comment.
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I can only repeat what others have said. The map is horrible and I predict that we see Killers using Haddonfield-Offerings in the future because it might be the most killer-sided map now.
Thing is, there are a few things you can do to make maps less survivor-sided:
- Remove strong Windows/put openings next to them
- reduce the number of pallets
- make pallet loops less safe
- reduce the size
For Haddonfield, someone took everything and dialed it up to 11 on a scale of 1-10.
And I think the Map did not even need all of that. It was somewhat balanced, but in a bad way, because it had bad areas for Killers and bad areas for Survivors.
It is totally fine to nerf the Windows, but they were made pretty unuseable because they all have an opening next to it. The Pallets are way too unsafe. And there was no need to shrink the map to the size of a shoebox.
IMO it would have been enough to reduce the strength of windows (without butchering them as was done with the recent Patch) and add a few Pallets to the Street as compensation. I dont think the Map was too big at all. I also dont think that the map outside of the houses was too strong for Survivors.
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Borgo is 144 sqT, which is pretty balanced in my opinion. That map is generally very fair for both sides.
Haddonfield is now only 132 sqT, yet it still spawns quite a few deadzones, and has few usable windows now. I would argue even 132 sqT could be fair though if survivors had enough to work with, but they definitely do not on the current Haddonfield map.
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Yeah the map could have been fine if they reduced the size OR weakened the strength of the houses. Doing both just makes it an incredibly killer sided map.
This map rework needs so serious work to be balanced now. I'd personally restore the previous version of the map and it's larger size, but keep some of the new outer tiles while also keeping the houses weak. I think that would result in a much more balanced map overall.
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I do agree that just making the houses a little weaker would have probably be sufficient. I do still believe the current Haddonfield can be balanced if the devs just add a bunch more of pallets to the map, and maybe add back 1 or 2 windows as well.
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I really like that the road got a little shortened and contains more cars and stuff to play around. The sea of concrete remains hideous, but at least offer better gameplay. I also quite like that there are hedges on the edges (pun intended). They are meant to delay hits and fulfill that purpose. Lockers spawning there is also a nice quality of life change. There is also the removal of a double tile next to the main building. It was surely problematic, but if feels empty now. I kind of wish that another park would be put there, but it is what it is.
Unfortunately I really do not like what was done to the buildings, all of them. Mayer's house was fine as it was pre PTB and I wish it had remained that way. It was balanced and offered great gameplay for both sides, now it is just plain and uninteresting. And them we have the secondary buildings that are just a joke. Were bad before and are bad now - just in the opposite extremes. I have already suggested my dream way to fix them in one of the previous feedbacks, but i can paste it once more: It would be nice to solidify mindgames where killer counter ground floor windows by going upstairs and assassi-creed them from above. This playstyle was possible in the previous (survivor-sided) iteration but hard to do. More openings to drop from the second floors would make it way more common playstyle as shown in the following image
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Please make the map bigger again, bring back the removed houses, add in the interior (more looping potential) and overall adjust the strength of all pallets and windows slightly so they are usable.
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I like it. Map was way too big before. It's smaller now, that's all that matters to me.
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Someone is having a laugh, surely 😭
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You gotta instadodge midwich because of the literal automated billy bots that just offer it and insta kill everyone in the map
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in my experience the gen layout is one sided and terrible. I’ll have one gen on one side of the map in the house and the rest are all on another side. As killer I love it. But as survivor I hate it. I have yet to see a survivor win (2-3 escape) on the new haddonfield
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I legit won on this map as a Trapper, with me not using my traps for half of the game, against survivors of my skill level.
Also, I'll say it again: The new Haddonfield is a visual downgrade from the old one.
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It is not worth the time to play on. Killer gets free hits. Too small. Projectile Killer has it easy.
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The Haddonfield map is currently too small . It's not even funny. No map should be that small. Coal Tower has the perfect minimum size, in my opinion. No map should be (much) smaller than Coal Tower (excluding 2-storey maps).
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Edge map pallets are a joke. Remove.
Street needs CONSISTENT LOOPS - WITH A WINDOW. the middle of the map should not be a perma dead zone 2 minutes in.
Main building RNG is worthless or pretty good - The back window should not be treated the same as the front window,it's almost a non actor.
Inside and overall most pallets ARE TOO WEAK. They also need to be taller loops so anti loop powers dont just completely invalidate them.
The map also should be a tiny bit bigger,with less dropdowns.
The zone to the left of the house is still a deadzone,it needs a regular tile to spawn there,or something.0 -
Edge map pallets are a joke. Remove.
Edge map pallets are actually great for gameplay and NEED to be kept. They provide lockers for killers like dredge and give the edge of map deadzones at least some thing for survivors to work with. If BHVR makes the map larger again, which they 100% need to do, then these edge tiles are perfect for the role.
Street needs CONSISTENT LOOPS - WITH A WINDOW. the middle of the map should not be a perma dead zone 2 minutes in.
Street should 100% be stronger if they plan to keep the map size. Idk about a window but more pallets for sure. Then again, BHVR should just restore the map size.
Main building RNG is worthless or pretty good - The back window should not be treated the same as the front window,it's almost a non actor.
100% agree. The houses were nerf hard as they should have been but I don't think the back window should factor into the rng. Should just keep both windows always available or just perm block the back one.
Inside and overall most pallets ARE TOO WEAK. They also need to be taller loops so anti loop powers dont just completely invalidate them.
A lot of the pallet are weak which is fine generally when the map is big enough as it helps balance out map size. Small maps get stronger pallets and big maps get weaker ones that are more spread out. However, BHVR is bad at balancing maps it seems. For the size of this map and how weak the houses are now, the pallets should be a lot stronger. BHVR should really just increase the map size again though.
The map also should be a tiny bit bigger,with less dropdowns.
Map size should be fully restored to what it was before. Since the houses are a lot weaker not, and the pallets that exist are either weak or easy to make into deadzones, there is no need for the map to be so small. I feel like restoring the old map size while keeping everything else is the best way forward.
The zone to the left of the house is still a deadzone,it needs a regular tile to spawn there,or something.
Absolutely needs something there. Ideally it would have a house spawn option if they restore the map size. If they do not go down that route it needs a pallet or 2 for sure.
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No,no,remove edge map pallets. Add Z-walls and those lockers. Love the Dredge love.
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Just as a reminder: Haddonfield - Lampkin Lane is a map as big as The Game - Gideon Meat Plant. there is 20 and more pallets on The Game and less than half on Lampkin Lane.
And more, you still have some dead/trash pallet on houses of Haddonfield now, like these ones:A feast for your BloodLust, 100% confirmed hit.
… an extra one absolutely unreachable during a chase:Map designers have definitively no idea how works a loop or a 'mindgame', they have proved it again…
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It's actually more detrimental to even play these pallets. You better off taking a hit and running somewhere else.
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Be glad to play on this broken Haddonfield because this is what you got on the next map:
Map designers never lack of imagination for more variety during loops…
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Even more, when the survivor has dropped this unsafe pallet here, the killer can go along it and he can reach the survivor with a free hit ! Absolutely hilarious.