Perk Update Feedback

dance Member Posts: 75

We've made changes to three Perks in Update 7.7.0: Decisive Strike, Adrenaline and Ultimate Weapon. Please leave your feedback on these Perks in the comments below.

For Ultimate Weapon, we are planning to make the changes in a future update.

Post edited by Mandy on


  • HolyDarky
    HolyDarky Member Posts: 999

    Ultimate Weapon:

    To be fair, old Ultimate Weapon was not healty for the metagame because it was too much free info for just opening a locker - kinda stupid -, so to rework this perk was good. It was also so stupid that survivors ran Calm Spirit due to this - an awful perk. However, the new-new Ultimate Weapon will be a really niche perk because not many killer can get value from it and/or there are better perks. It would be better if the Perk would work like in the PTB with the aurareading even though it would be stronger on high mobility killer but let's be honest; every information perk (No Where To Hide, Tinkerer, Darkness Reveal) will be somewhat stronger on high mobility killer because they have the mobility to get more value from it. In addition, if Ultimate Weapon becomes useless, many killer will rather replace the perkslot with another slowdown/regression perk and not with a new infoperk and I guess the result will be not good. The PTB-UW has also a fair trade off 15seconds active and 60seconds cooldown. I really hope you, the developers, will think about it or do another (better) change to Ultimate Weapon to make it healthy but still usefull.


    The 5seconds stun is fine for the moment. However, from a statement from one of the developers (an answer in a topic in this forum) I know they will add more anti-tunnel-things and they should do this because the hole anti-tunnel-solution should not be one perk that is behind a paywall. In addition, I'm afraid that the new DS will only help for a short term of time and in the long term it will only hurt the metagame (for example: weaker killers suffer more from the 5second stun than the stronger ones due to their power and/or mobility which could result in seeing only the stronger ones more; slugging could also become more common). I also see the issue @Coffeecrashing mentioned in their post that some players will use DS aggressivly and not as an anti-tunnel perk to find a safe place (some survivors do this already with OTR and it feels from the killer POV just awful) but time will tell how this goes.


    Fair and fine now. It is still a strong perk and many players will use it but against killers without high moblity it feels a lot fairer due to the shorter speedboost. In addition, the full health unhook felt so unfair and I am happy it is gone. No longer wake up against Freedy is - of cause - a good thing. Overall, a good and fair nerf to make this perk balanced.

  • JustAShadow
    JustAShadow Member Posts: 179

    Ultimate Weapon currently is good, I hope the change into a scream perk that reveals survivors within 32 meters of a locker is not going to happen because it would kill the perk completely.

    Decisive Strike is okay but it turned out as expected: very punishing against killers with no catchup, and not really impressive(although not bad) against S tiers.

    Adrenaline change is decent, can't really say much about it.

  • VomitMommy
    VomitMommy Member Posts: 2,257

    Just don't make it scream within 32 meters of a locker for ultimate weapon. That's going to be so bad.

    Literally use current system → 15 seconds and first survivor, but make it scream. That's it. Boom, fixed.

  • UndeddJester
    UndeddJester Member Posts: 3,941
    edited April 2024

    Question: Will the Ultimate Weapon locker change have a 15s area of effect tied to the locker?

    Can I basically use a locker to set a trap to make anyone who comes in 32m of it scream?

    If so, that might actually be a pretty awesome concept as a trap perk if the timer is longer to patrol the gates at end game... might be a problem for camping a hook though.

  • Doodlebug
    Doodlebug Member Posts: 1


    I'm new to the forum and relatively new to DBD in general (I decided to play after maxing everything on TCM).

    A lot of the changes I can't make comment on as I'm only 3 months into the game BUT the one that I feel strongly about is Ultimate Weapon. This perk was a big factor in deciding to buy the Alien and a perk I think is fun to use, very easily countered and can make a game interesting when all that is happening is victims looping all the time. I'm still a Trapper noob but using it informs where I place traps and helps me decide wether I hunt into the darkness or trap up an area. The changes make it a useless perk now I think, I can't say I'll use it again and if I'm totally honest, I feel a bit ripped off. The Alien is fun to use but the UW perk really gets the match going and balances it out (for me anyway) and without it I would rather have my money back and buy a different character.

    Guess I'm going back to being teabagged at the exit all the time. Really unfair decision.

  • felipesegatto1
    felipesegatto1 Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 95

    Adrenaline shouldn’t be changed. That was uncalled for and unnecessary.

    DS is whatever because i dont care for perks that are disabled in endgame or because of conspiscuous actions

  • redglyph
    redglyph Member Posts: 56

    I'm using Google Translate, so please excuse me if there are any mistakes.

    Ultimate Weapon has the best effect in ver7.7.0.

    Most players dislike survivors with the meta perk Calm Spirit.
    Because it's just hidden and doesn't move.
    In ver7.7.0, Calm Spirit decreases which is very healthy.
    Until now, people who liked Doctor and Infectious Fright must have felt very stressed.

    There is no problem in creating an effect based on TerrorRadius.
    In this game, the smaller the TerrorRadius, the stronger it is, so you need a perk to rescue killers with a large TerrorRadius.
    That's why Unforeseen is so popular right now.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 9,513

    this version of ultimate weapon is better. the only issue with it is that it does not counter distortion. I am equipping this perk on every killer now so i can dodge that silly decisive strike perk.

    if they nerf it, then i am going to be tunneling people off-hook more.

  • fussy
    fussy Member Posts: 1,815

    Adren isn't nerfed enough. 4 Adrens + 4 Resi (now +4 DS and +4 DH) in a good SWF is the most braindead gameplay in the game after 4 aura perks on Nurse on Midwich. It's absolutely easy win against every non S-tier killer, especially those one who don't tunnel.
    To be fair, Adren is not a problem, problem is SWF can bring same strongest perks, what make already strongest players even stronger. Unless it won't be changed, Adren shouldn't heal you from injured state. Give it some small value during the match maybe, but this perk unleashes SWF hands too much, allowing too much. There is a reason why it's second most popular perk, and it still will be. Love how people crying about S tier perk nerfed to S tier perk because it will be less useful once in 30 matches.

    UW could be a not completely bad perk with lower cooldown.

    Nothing done with weaponizing DS, but i know we will back to this question again soon, looking on everyone's games after update.

  • Rumble
    Rumble Member Posts: 121

    I guarantee everybody saying UW is more "fair" will never run it in their load out now. This perk is another case of BHVR making decent perks obsolete.

    Also, DS didn't need a buff. They're appeasing the bad players and buffing the already strong survivors. This is just the community just weaponizing yet another anti tunnel perk.

  • Jacknalls_Paw
    Jacknalls_Paw Member Posts: 239
    edited April 2024

    Revert Adrenaline, look at my thread

  • slipttees
    slipttees Member Posts: 846

    Adrenaline is a Joke now!

  • VomitMommy
    VomitMommy Member Posts: 2,257

    this version of ultimate weapon is better

    How so? It is easily outclassed as an aura reading perk.
    Single survivor, 3 seconds and you don't really know when. Kinda annoying doing 360 for 15 seconds at least for me. I would never use it over Nowhere to hide, BBQ etc.

    It is unique as screaming perk, if I want to simply find next chase and don't care about suprising that survivor, it would be good. It won't be best perk for information, but most reliable at getting you next chase. That would be unique to this perk.

  • BritneyMitch
    BritneyMitch Member Posts: 226

    The were all good changes, I think ultimate weapons future update will get it into an even better state.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 9,513

    i am saying that this pre-nerfed aura version is still usable. The upcoming version where it does not follow killer radius and only stays at locker within 32 meters for 15 seconds is dead perk.

    The only thing i wish they changed about this version is make a screaming perk so that it does properly counter distortion instead of get countered by distortion.

  • TripleStryke
    TripleStryke Member Posts: 109

    Ultimate Weapon is getting changed again so not going to comment. Adrenaline is still good so I guess the change is fine, but DS is extremely problematic. I rarely tunnel, however survivors feel they are invincible and run at you, force locker, or plot twist to force perk value. They force you to down them or pick them up so they can use their get out of jail free card through no skill of their own. This is extremely out of touch, and plenty of people warned that we would see a rise of offensive DS after this update, very disappointing.

  • Shaddoll_Serpent
    Shaddoll_Serpent Member Posts: 178

    I like that Ultimate Weapon 3.0 addresses the issue it had of providing too much value on killers with mobility, but the upcoming version's gonna be a little lacking. Please consider lowering its cooldown back to 30, or no more than 40 seconds at the highest.

    Adrenaline changes are…fine, I guess. Removal of waking up from Freddy's dream world is definitely a W, lower speed duration is fine, but the no more healing off hook I think was rather unnecessary. No reason survivors should be denied their perk when they survived long enough to make it to the end game. I would reinstate that part of the perk personally.

    DS is……very mixed….. On one hand, it's really nice that it's a more effective counter to tunneling as the 3 second stun was rather lacking, but I'm sorry, I think this new version is too much. Speaking from the times I've used it as survivor, I just feel so safe and practically invincible while this perk is active, so much that it makes me want to run into the killer's face to force its activation, since the 5 second stun alone is very strong no matter what you do afterwards. Buys me time to pick up slugs, blind the killer with CoL, or even lose them entirely. Pretty disappointing that the devs had over 5 months to come up with something to avoid aggressive, body blocking plays with it, and they failed to address this issue. I know this is probably a controversial take, but I think its stun should go down to 4 seconds as I'd feel that'd be the sweet middle ground between a good counter for tunneling while not being so terrible for the killer to have to deal with.

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,670

    Ultimate Weapon:

    Current Live-Version is not good. But the changes from the Dev-Update are decent, this is what I always said - keep the Perk the same but remove the lingering effect. It will be a good Perk, but not too good as before.


    Still a joke. I am testing it currently, but I dont think I will keep it for long. Pointless Perk and disappointing that this is one of the solutions to tunneling, especially because it is only the revert of a Nerf which should not have happened in the first place.


    Feels underwhelming to use. I think at least one of the Nerfs should be reverted, but in all honesty, the only thing which needed changing was waking up against Freddy.

  • SolidRazo
    SolidRazo Member Posts: 123

    adrenaline: I believe the nerf was very unnecessary. The perk affecting Freddy should’ve been removed that’s perfectly okay. The fact adrenaline not working when you are hooked on top of a lessened duration makes the perk underwhelming when as a perk that activates only once should be strong and the fact that getting hooked before the last generator is finished is a common thing it makes the perk feel like it doesn’t do anything for you.

    Ultimate weapon: I’m fine with the change I think the range could use a slight buff but it’s in a more balanced spot now compared to its earliest iteration.

    DS: this is technically a revert but I would like to see the skill check get either removed or have it be so big it’s very difficult to mess up. It’s perk is designed to help with tunneling something that may or may not happen to you in a game why does it need a skill check that you are pressured to land or else you completely lose it and the perk you equipped for that specific situation does nothing.

  • VomitMommy
    VomitMommy Member Posts: 2,257

    i am saying that this pre-nerfed aura version is still usable. The upcoming version where it does not follow killer radius and only stays at locker within 32 meters for 15 seconds is dead perk.

    Upcoming version is definetly useless, but even current version is just bad. It's not good as aura reading perk, there are simply better alternatives for almost every situation.

    That's why I would use current system, just make it scream. Exactly as I wrote before…

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 9,513

    I want this version of the perk with scream. Unfortunately, BVHR already has plans to kill the perk if they add scream back by making the perk stationary. Between making perk stationary and this version with aura, I'd rather take aura.

  • VomitMommy
    VomitMommy Member Posts: 2,257

    I consider both useless and won't either of those version, so I will rather give suggestion how to make that perk valid. They won't listen to it as to any idea, but worth the try.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 9,513

    they already have plan to change the perk. my feedback is to keep change 1 but not change 2. your probably right on not listening to any ideas. probably wasted effort.

  • VomitMommy
    VomitMommy Member Posts: 2,257

    So we basically want same thing. Exactly as it is now, but screaming.

    Coding wise it should be easier than what they are trying to do and definetly better…

  • slipttees
    slipttees Member Posts: 846
    edited April 2024

    Ultimate Weapon: Fair now
    DS: Fair Now
    Adrenaline: Feels underwhelming to use, but in all honesty, the only things that needed to be changed were waking up to Freddy and slowing down by 3 seconds.

  • ChainsLogic
    ChainsLogic Member Posts: 151

    No, it's fair now. The effect being 5 seconds didn't bother me really, but full heal off the hook and Freddy who is more on the weak side being the only killer directly affected by it needed to go.

  • felipesegatto1
    felipesegatto1 Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 95

    adrenaline shouldnt be touched. it’s absurd how killers have everything their ways and survivors cant have decent stuff or fair gameplay. since 2022 it isn’t even funny to watch survivor content creators because they cant do the funny stuff they used to do. also watching killer content creators isn’t funny because you know they’re winning 95% of the time

  • Alionis
    Alionis Member Posts: 1,031
    edited April 2024

    There are currently screenshots from the game surfacing that show a description for Ultimate Weapon that is different to both what was on the PTB (and is in the game now) and what you propose at the top of this thread.

    The description says that the range around the locker will be 15 meters, cause them to scream, and apply Blindness for 3 seconds, then go on cooldown for 30 seconds.

    I sincerely hope that that version is not the planned one and you will stick, if you must, to the version with 32 meters.

    Personally, I think both suggestions are knee-jerk overnerfs. Ultimate Weapon in its original would have been fine if it had a higher cooldown.

  • Zeidoktor
    Zeidoktor Member Posts: 2,065
    edited April 2024

    I've seen those pics. Honestly it feels like someone mixed up the text of the aura read with the Blindness effect. I'd wait for confirmation of it acting like that in-game before kicking up a fuss

  • Alionis
    Alionis Member Posts: 1,031

    Not my point. It currently doesn't act like that, it acts like the PTB version. My concern would be if that description highlights an intended future change.

  • Zeidoktor
    Zeidoktor Member Posts: 2,065

    And my point is it might not and might just highlight a bad copy paste job. No telling which until it's in game or BHVR comments on it.

  • CaseTrain3322
    CaseTrain3322 Member Posts: 30
    edited April 2024

    UW is unusable if his only power is to make the people scream around 32 mt of a locker, it only needed a bit more of cooldown in the opinion of all players if you want to make it a locker perk it's fine it could be feasible for more killer but at least make its range 64 mt (add more cooldown if needed). As you are planning to rework it you will completely remove it from the top 20 and will be one of the less used perks,

    as for the ds buff I feel it's fair, a bit too punishing for m1 killers but some I'm confident that Freddy and some others wiil receive a buff soon and new perks to make them a good option even at high mmr

    adrenaline nerf it's fair and it was very needed ( if you want to get adrenaline's health state, go for the unhook before popping the last gen)

  • MrRetsej
    MrRetsej Member Posts: 67

    Uuuuuh. Is this a bug? This was in my loadout screen as of 04/30/2024.

    15 meters around the locker you just opened is worthless.

  • Skillfulstone
    Skillfulstone Member Posts: 869

    Damn, I knew they wanted to kill Ultimate Weapon but it's beyond that.

    Like, I genuinely believe this perk serves absolutely no reliable purpose as it is now,15 meters is nothing, hopefully it's a bug or whatnot because while I get wanting to stop people from complaining the previous version was still a tad more useful than this.

  • VomitMommy
    VomitMommy Member Posts: 2,257

    I considered it trash perk as 32 meters around locker, but 15 meters, really? Also what the hell is 3 sec blindness?

    This is beyond useless. Playing without any perk is more effective than this, that won't waste my time looking for locker at least. This is Darkness Revealed from Wish.

  • HolyDarky
    HolyDarky Member Posts: 999

    I really hope the description of Ultimate Weapon is a mistake, bug, or anything else because this is just a huge and pathetic joke. This makes the perk completly useless

  • BadToad
    BadToad Member Posts: 39

    Concerning Ultimate Weapon...

    The screaming aspect of the perk made it more interesting. I truly don't believe we need more aura reading abilities, and frankly if it just made the scream and be blind I'd be absolutely fine. The lack of screaming removes the synergy of disturbing a hex cleanse, which is one of the very few ways you can actually counter a cleanse besides hitting them or pulling them off. Additionally it was actually funny and enjoyable to hear the individual survivor screams, as it was both surprising and sometimes funny.

    I also feel as though Ultimate Weapon really makes Third Seal useless as a hex, as it's far more viable to just check a locker with UW or to use Mindbreaker for blindness than to waste a perk slot on a disposable hex.

    I doubt anything will be changed or reverted, but it's still worth noting.

  • slipttees
    slipttees Member Posts: 846
    edited May 2024

    The ability is disabled throughout the match and if you reach the end of the 5 generators you gain a health status. Do you think this is strong? The killer should be punished for allowing the 5 gen to be done and not the survivor.

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 8,322

    I'm going to reserve judgement on Ultimate Weapon until I can test the final version of it, considering there are some big question marks that would heavily affect how I feel about the perk.

    For the other two, having sat with the changes for a little while, I'm favour of them.

    Adrenaline is still a very, very strong perk, still top three strongest survivor perks in the game without a doubt. The changes just removed the most obnoxious free-escape edge cases, and made the speed boost more in line with other tools. No issues with these changes, great stuff.

    Decisive Strike, from what I've seen, definitely seems more usable. I personally never really encountered that much tunnelling, but I have seen a few killers hit by DS since the changes, and it seemed to do a fair bit more to lengthen that chase. It's also still basically impossible to weaponise, so there's no real concerns.

    Good changes. I'm a fan.

  • ChainsLogic
    ChainsLogic Member Posts: 151

    I mean, sure, but if you are hooked before Adrenaline procs, you too shouldn't be rewarded with a full heal. The perk is still strong, just without of an annoyance of a survivor getting of the hook fully healed.

    Like you said you should be "punished", in this case for failing to not get hooked before the last generator pops.

  • blackoutawolf
    blackoutawolf Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 2

    so imma put this out here the whole "scream" thing is actively worthless, considering it pings there location a half second ago, which is fine…if there standing still if there moving there long gone before that information is remotely useful