Drift Billy's Grave

Hi there !

I was someone who really enjoyed play Drift Billy, a playstyle of Billy where you equipped both turning Add-ons, and by doing so, the turning rate was so high (56°/s) that you could circle around the map, trying to down a Survivor this way. This was really fun, because Survivors had to be careful but it wasn't preventing them to do Generators.

This was allowed with Overheat, because even when the Overheat meter was full, the Overheat would only proke when you let the Chainsaw, so as you were holding the Chainsaw Sprint until you down someone, the Overheat wasn't a problem, dispersing during the Hooking time.

However, with the new Overdrive update, I feel that it's not possible anymore. When you enter Overdrive, you're so fast that it's really hard to Drift. It's not impossible, especially on some specific maps, but you won't be able to reach every Generator. Keep in mind that Drift Billy was already really difficult with 10.12 m/s, and that you had to have quick reaction time, to understand where to go. Now with 13 m/s, this is almost impossible, because in the one hand, you must have quicker reaction time, and in the other hand, you have a restrinct turning rate with faster speed, not that Overdrive reduces your turning rate but for the same distance, as you go faster, you have less time to turn.

Moreover, Overdrive happens after only 9 seconds of Chainsaw Sprint (0.5 second of Rev Buffer Time, 2 seconds of Reving = 4 Charges, 8 seconds of Chainsaw Sprint = 16 Charges, 1 second of Transition Time) and will last for 20 seconds, so even if you try you would only Drift for 9 seconds before waiting twice this time to start again. That's not what Drift Billy tasted like. This is really useful for mobility, but this is not the fun playstyle that I was used to.

So instead of Dad's Boots, one of the Add-ons required for Hillbilly, I would sugger that :

4-Stroke Engine :

Switching the old 2-stroke engine for this new model greatly reduces the heat produced and allows a more uniform use, at the cost of a slower regime.

  • You no longer gain Overdrive ;
  • Increases the Turn speed during the Chainsaw Sprint by +30%.

You have to know that I have spent hours learning Chainsaw's functionning to suggest something coherent. I think that removing Overdrive wouldn't be too hard to code, and as it is an Add-on, those who like Overdrive could still not run this Add-on and continue with it.

What would you think about that ?


  • UndeddJester
    UndeddJester Member Posts: 2,977

    I've often lobbied for a meme add-on to disabled Overdrive to allow poeple to play classic OG Billy as a cool easter egg nod to his original and much loved release.

    Curve Billy's are also awesome, so fully support this too.

    I'd like both, but I'd take either.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 8,247

    personally, i think overdrive is failed mechanic for billy. it is better to just remove it and give billy -0.5 second charge time on the chainsaw.

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    Maybe instead of the 2nd meme addon he has? Would be a shame to have 2 meme addons 4-6 useless heat addons and 5-7 that are usable...

  • supersonic853
    supersonic853 Member Posts: 5,502

    Yeah I like the idea of a addon removing overdrive. And cracked primer bulb giving perma overdrive. So you can enjoy different versions of billy.

  • ReMixeurOfficiel
    ReMixeurOfficiel Member Posts: 12

    I'm not sure about that. This is pretty strong, but disabling it with an add-on should be an option though. See Overdrive as a mix Engraving / Low Kickback Chains / Tuning Guide for a while. This is quite nice, and basekit. However the speed is actually a bit too much for my poor Drift Billy (at least for me). If its Add-ons got nerfed, it's because of Cracked Billy, turbo fast Revving Speed. This is not really fun for both side, especially because Revving Speed don't do much when you curve. It's just for Back Revving, which is not really engaging neither. So I don't think this is good. If you really want to, one of its Ultra Rare Add-on is doing that, but at a cost of moving at 110% (not affecting Revving Movement Speed neither Chainsaw Sprint Speed).

  • ReMixeurOfficiel
    ReMixeurOfficiel Member Posts: 12

    If you ask me, I would rework a lot of Billy’s Add-on, they are really repetitive and for the most part useless (especially Overheat Add-ons). Moreover, by learning Chainsaw’s IRL functionning, it seems to me that a lot of the Add-ons are not really coherent… I think its meme Add-on should be reworked aswell. But I feel that having 3 different Turning Add-ons would be too much, and as you only use Dad’s Boots for Drift Billy, everyone would use 4-Stroke Engine and Dad’s Boots would become useless. And also I don’t know if we could say that it would a meme Add-on. Turning Add-ons are already memes in a way, or at least mostly useless. If you really want to, I have a list of all Add-ons I would like to see modified :)

  • ReMixeurOfficiel
    ReMixeurOfficiel Member Posts: 12

    I have to agree with that. Revving Time is no big deal for Curving nor Drifting, only for Back Revving, a really annoying playstyle (even though necessary sometimes). I also agree that Drift Billy isn’t dead, but he just doesn’t taste the same to me. This is way harder, and so a lot of Generators can’t be reached this way. It’s way less fun than when he used to go through all the Map and Survivors would never know from where he would come. It’s still possible on Yamaoka, Haddonfield, Coldwin or Ormond, but for some Maps, even not indoor, it is hard. And i feel robbed sometimes when I could get the Survivor hiding behind the Generator but I couldn’t Turn enough sot hey are free to go. I think an Add-on could really be the perfect option, just like Parade Gloves for Clown that a lot of players would love to see basekit, but that is lowering the skill ceiling of Clown by reoving some crazy Bottles on the top of certain walls, making the gaz cover the whole loop.

  • ReMixeurOfficiel
    ReMixeurOfficiel Member Posts: 12

    Yeah this si an amazing idea. Currently, the upside of this Add-on is just so weak (getting Overdrive 15% faster). This would be really fun to pair with Tuned Carburettor to bring back Cracked Billy, but it wouldn't be OP at all, cause he only deals a single health state. The problem with Cracked Billy is that he would sometimes down you without you reaching any safety because of the really fast Revving Time. Now with the Injuring Burst, you culd reach safety for your second Health State, fixing this issue, but letting the fun of Cracked Billy ! I would like to see that too :)

  • SoGo
    SoGo Member Posts: 898

    I think replacing Counterweight with this would be better than giving him a third "meme" add-on. Not even mentioning all his heat add-ons that are useless.

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    Sure list them ^^ Worst thing I can say is that I disagree :D But honestly every idea is better than the overheat addons we have currently ^^

  • ReMixeurOfficiel
    ReMixeurOfficiel Member Posts: 12

    Stop calling them meme add-ons, every add-on or almost is meme on Billy. Maybe not to that point, but I mean, will you really play Dad's Boots for any other reason than Drift Billy ? I'm not sure, so as the purpose of this Add-on is to bring back Drift Billy, this is no big deal in my opinion. Just look at the next comment, I'll change every (ok not every) Billy's Add-ons, maybe it would be better ?

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 8,247

    drift billy is stronger because you have so little time to react to his chainsaw on generators. the way they intended billy to work with this overdrive is to drive around the map then as you overdrive meter fills, you rush to a generator and begin a chase in overdrive. if you fail to down surivivor, just keep driving around the map for next overdrive, repeat until you down someone.

    I also find it funny that you can often miss chainsaw then m1 the survivor because cooldown is short enough.

  • ReMixeurOfficiel
    ReMixeurOfficiel Member Posts: 12

    So here they are !

    Common :

    4-Stroke Engine (Instead of Dad's Boots to bring back Drift Billy) : Switching the old 2-stroke engine for this new model greatly reduces the heat produced and allows a more uniform use, at the cost of a slower regime.

    • You no longer gain Overdrive
    • Increases the Turn speed during the Chainsaw Sprint by +30%

    Counterweight (This one helps beginners so I think it is good, just need to be tuned up) : Adds weight to the base, for stability

    • Reduces initial Turn rate of the Chainsaw during a Chainsaw Sprint by -70%
    • Extends the duration of the initial Turn rate of the Chainsaw during a Chainsaw Sprint by +100%

    (This one is supersonic853's idea)

    Cracked Primer Bulb : A button that clears air from the fuel lines. This machine needs to be fed.

    • You are in Overdrive at all times
    • Survivors hit with the Chainsaw are only damaged for a single Health State

    Discarded Air FIlter (I have kept ONE of all this trash Add-ons, being a buff old Ragged Engine one, and decreased rarity to Common,) : A cracked and dusty filter. It still manages to work better than the stock model.

    • Reduces the Dissipation speed of the Overdrive Meter when not using the Chainsaw by -35%

    Uncommon :

    Clogged Intake (switched with Off-Brand Motor Oil for logic reasons : airflow clogged = more heat) : Modifying the airflow is key to modifying the Chainsaw's power.

    • Increases the Charge rate of the Overdrive Meter by +15%

    Low Kickback Chains (I reworked this one because it was repetitive and I so decreased rarity) : A specialised chain that reduces the likelyhood of kickback.

    • Reduces the Obstruction Zone Scale factor by -20%

    Spiked Boots (unchanged) : Boots with strapped-on pieces of metal which burrow into mud for more stability and control with each step.

    • Increases the Turn speed during the Chainsaw Sprint by +45%

    Steel Toe Boots (as there is only one Add-on now, I've buffed it a little and increased rarity) : Boots with a reinforced toe that offer protection from impact.

    • Reduces the Cool-down time after hitting an obstacle during a CHainsaw Sprint by +10%

    Thermal Casing (switched with Clogged Intake for logical reasons : conserves energy = longer heat) : A thicker case that allows the user to control the conservation of energy.

    • Extends the duration fo Overdrive by +15%

    Rare :

    Begrimed Chains (some slowdown, it's ok, not great not bad) : A foul yet oddly familiar chain, coated with something unpleasant.

    • Survivors hit with the Chainsaw suffer from the Haemorrhage and Mangled Status Effect for 70 seconds

    Medicamental Cocktail (I really liked old Billy's Add-ons meds and grease, but they were really niche, so I tried to make them a bit less situational. This is replacing Greased Throttle that I find useless) : Different Evelyn's meds that you shouldn't take all at once.

    • Each time you get stunned by any way, this Add-on get 1 token
    • Each time you get blinded by any way, this Add-on get 1 token
    • For each token, increases the Chaisaw charge speed by +8%
    • This Add-on can get a maximal of 5 tokens at a time
    • The number of token is resetted 40 seconds after the first token is earned

    Off-Brand Motor Oil (nice original idea but too weak to be useful, so I've buffed it to -60%, giving a 24m noise radius, allowing to catch Survivors offguard, and so I've updated rarity. Also, I'm sorry but in the dscription you say that it's for NOISY chains, why does it increases Overdrive charge rate ?) : Affordable oil that can be used to lubricate noisy chains.

    • Reduces the Chainsaw Noise range by -60%

    Ragged Engine (switched with old leaves because they were so fun. I miss them. Also some would say it needs a tune-up because it stops making noise but actually it is because it's tuned-up you see) : Some would say it needs a tune-up. Max would say it is tuned-up.

    • After hitting a Survivor with the Chainsaw, grants Undetectable for 20 seconds

    The Thompsons' Mix (unchanged. This is really not good but I can understand why it is there, so I let it for now ʘ.ʘ I will still remove the Overdrive condition) : A special oily substance used in the lubrication of all machinery concocted by the Thompsons themselves.

    • Reduces the Cool-down time after using the Chainsaw by -10%

    Very Rare :

    Apex Muffler (really fun. Unchanged) : A masterfully crafted chainsaw muffler that outperforms all others.

    • Silences the Chainsaw for all Survivors outside of the Terror Radius.

    Filthy Slippers (good with previous Add-on so unchanged) : Maw sometimes struggled to hear his mother's footfalls.

    • Gain the Undetectable Status Effect until you stop sprinting after maintaining a Chainsaw Sprint for at least 2 seconds

    High-Speed Idler Screw (come on. It brings more power to the Chainsaw. Do something with that instead of another Overdrive decay Add-on. So I've made it bringing more power to the Chainsaw, breaking Pallets and Breakable Walls faster, but as it can be a bit overpowered, I've given it a downside. I'm not sure if this state is balanced, I would really know your opinions on it) : A loosened screw will bring more power to the Chainsaw.

    • Reduces the Cool-down time after breaking a Breakable Wall or a Pallet with the Chainsaw by -25%
    • Increases the Cool-down time after hitting an obsatcle during a Chainsaw Sprint by +15%

    LoPro Chains (if I touch that, I'll be burnt alive by all Billy mains, and I would be the one cracking the match. U. N. C. H. A. N. G. E. D. Except for the downside description a bit strange, telling you that if you break a Pallet or a Breakable Wall and that you hit a Survivor again within 5 seconds it will still only deal a single Health State, so I've updated that) : Light chains that decreases the weight of the Chainsaw, allowing for greater manouvrability.

    • Allows you to continue the Chainsaw Sprint after breaking a Pallet or a Breakable Wall with the Chainsaw
    • Survivors hit with the Chainsaw within 5 seconds of breaking a Pallet or a Breakable Wall in the same Chainsaw Sprint are only damaged for a single Health State

    Ultra Rare :

    Iridescent Engravings (excellent for Curve Billy. Unchanged) : Engravings found on the Chainsaw body representing the dark beast that lives in The Fog. Fills the user with determination.

    • Increases your Movement Sprint during a Chainsaw Sprint by +20%
    • Increases the Charge time of the Chainsaw by +12%

    Tuned Carburettor (yeah I mean, good, not bringing back Cracked Billy without downside. I can see that. Unchanged) Despite being caked is dirt and oil, this carburettor has been well adjusted.

    • Increases the Charge Speed of the Chainsaw by +20%
    • Reduces your Movement speed to 4.4 metres per second

  • ReMixeurOfficiel
    ReMixeurOfficiel Member Posts: 12

    The Cool-down for missing is exactly the same as hitting an obstacle or a Survivor : 2.5 seconds, I don't see what you mean by that…

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    I would still change the heat addons, because I think they are quite useless. I don't know about the chainsaw sound addon, because 24m is quite small considering his immense movement speed.

    Other than that I think the changes are nice.

    Maybe lopro needs changing now.. Because Billy is good enough even without it now :D

  • LeFennecFox
    LeFennecFox Member Posts: 1,233

    He gets basekit tompsons' mix in overdrive you have to live inside a pallet vs the most hyper mobile killer in the game with instadown and 0 power resource meter or he gets a free m1 or worse.

  • ReMixeurOfficiel
    ReMixeurOfficiel Member Posts: 12

    Yeah ok, but this is the same for hitting survivors or obstacle : it's 10% for everything. And even with that it's still 2.25s, so it's not like you have 0 window

  • ReMixeurOfficiel
    ReMixeurOfficiel Member Posts: 12

    I just wanted a single overdrive Add-on, in case someone is really bothered with that.

    I agree a bit with the sound add-on, but there is still the Terror Radius to warn you. You would surprise the first survivor, but then they sould be more careful. Should it be 30m ? 50% ?

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    Even 30 m is quite little time to react, but better I think..

  • glitchboi
    glitchboi Member Posts: 6,015

    Drift King Billy was my favorite build for Billy and it's a shame that Overdrive basically killed that playstyle for him.

    Another idea is to make an add-on that replaces Overdrive's supersonic speed with a 75% turn rate. Maybe have it as compensation reduce the base chainsaw speed by 10% since that's the amount of base speed Billy was given upon his buff.