We have temporarily disabled Firecrackers and the Flashbang Perk due to a bug which could cause the Killer's game to crash. These will be re-enabled in an upcoming patch when the issue is resolved.

What general perks do you think should be added to the game?

jmwjmw27 Member Posts: 282
edited April 30 in Feedback and Suggestions

It's been a while since BHVR has introduced a new general perk (one available in the bloodweb not tied to a specific character) with the introduction of Shattered Hope. Now that the Stranger Things DLC perks are gone for players who are just starting out or newer, what tools if any would you give them on both sides to help them out? Do you think they need new tools? Should something be done that isn't a general perk but rather basekit?

I would personally suggest the following:

For killer:

  • A perk that gives killer instinct reveal for a few seconds when you start chase with a survivor. Helps newer killers not lose track of survivors and removes the bad-feeling "who am I starting a chase with?". I'm aware this breaks the general theme of perks not providing killer instinct but I think this could also potentially be a basekit feature (perhaps with the option to toggle it off as it could get annoying).
  • A perk that blocks all gens for 15 seconds whenever no one is on hook or on the ground and you have not been in chase for 60 seconds, then resets the count after the gens unblock. A rough concept, but I think the fact that killers don't have even one weak gen defense perk in the general pool is sad. Obviously also needs some tinkering to stop abuse in AFK killers, but helps new killers who are lost and checking the wrong side of the map.

For survivor:

  • A perk to "trade in" any item at any opened chest to receive a brown medkit one time per game. Survivors have a much better variety of general perks but do not have good access to self-sustained healing other than self care. This has synergy with Plunderer's and encourages side objectives while also helping negate instances where you get screwed by RNG and get a brown toolbox or green key, also allowing you to get healing from scavenging an item from a dead teammate.
  • A perk that muffles grunts of pain (not fully) for some period of time after escaping a chase. Survivors have good perks for finding objectives and teammates, but the stealth perks they have revolve more around avoiding chase entirely than escaping it, and I think this one would do okay. It's somewhat a worse Iron Will that needs some tuning, but doesn't have the exhaustion restriction.
  • I would suggest some perk for finding teammates, but bond exists and I can't think of one that wouldn't be outclassed. Maybe just showing the closest teammate to you at all times.

I think more general perks that are somewhat useful need to be added to the pool, or existing bad general perks reworked to be better (This is Not Happening comes to mind). Let me know what you think of general perks and if the game is fine as is or you'd like to see something introduced.

Post edited by Rizzo on


  • Emeal
    Emeal Member Posts: 4,996
    edited April 30

    An exhaustion Perk and another regression perk for people who don't have the money would be very nice.

    But for what reason really? Chapters and their Perks are very affordable and unlockable, it seems this suggestion would only work to give Otzdarva peace of mind as hes the only one I can recall who has really pushed for general perks in this way. I have a feeling bHVR is pretty happy with their system and how perks are unlocked tho.

    What I would like most in regards to to perks, is for bHVR to put an unlock discount on perks they have designed to or turned out to be very good for new players. Your Windows of Opportunity, Fogwise and others. That would make me sleep better at night.

  • jmwjmw27
    jmwjmw27 Member Posts: 282

    Mostly for the time investment required to start up. When inviting friends to play they are very much starved for choice, and although I have more shards now than I'd know what to do with it does take a good while to unlock your first one.

    I like the unlock discount idea on perks that are good for new players. I think the ones you mentioned on survivor as well as some of Feng's would be nice. Corrupt for new killer players I think would be nice too.

  • Emeal
    Emeal Member Posts: 4,996
    edited April 30

    Mostly for the time investment required to start up. When inviting friends to play they are very much starved for choice, and although I have more shards now than I'd know what to do with it does take a good while to unlock your first one.

    I agree with you on principle, but there is a persuasive argument that you dont learn to play well enough or rise in mmr equal to your skill level if you use strong perks, when you get the ones to "get you started." It really is a messy argument without a clear answer.

  • Dream_Whisper
    Dream_Whisper Member Posts: 749

    Definitely would love to see more general perks to be Buff to be more useful, but if I would love to throw in extra perk... maybe a free exhaustion perk for survivors and a free regression perk for killer.

    But I also like to throw in a random new perk Idea or two for either side.

    For new survivor perk:

    Pack Mule: It allows the survivor to be able to carry two items at the same time, but with a debuff that you permanent hit with exhaustion debuff until you drop your one item.

    *when the perk is equipped, you can the ability of a "pocket" slot, for the 2nd item in your inventory. However, you cannot use both items at the same item. Press the action button while standing still to swap items.

    *You can carry a item, as well as a 2nd item before and during into the match. As well as leaving the match will allow you to keep two items at once. If you die, with one item in your pocket, you keep that item while the item in hand is lost forever.

    *Killer's running Franklin's cannot remove the item in your pocket, while the item in your hand is drop and loses charges. You can run a exhaustion perk while only running one item at a time.

    *There is a new animation of the pocket item hanging on the survivor’s belt, which can be visible for both parties. Just the same as they can see the item in their hand.

    For New killer perk:

    Private Property: In the realm of the Entity, the perk will trigger everytime a Survivor touch anything or does anything for the first time. If they hide in a locker, totem, meat hook (sabotaging), going into the basement, Generator, exit gate switch, chest. It would trigger killer instinct for a killer instinct for a second or two, and 10 seconds of exposed. It would have the exact cooldown for 10 seconds, before it resets. It can be trigger as many time as long as any Survivor does any thing for th3 first time. It can be be apply to all Generators, all totems, or literally any object that is interactive for any player to use. It does not trigger if the same Survivor touch the same object again. Example: like if they used the same locker twice, it will not work.

  • Dustin
    Dustin Member Posts: 2,299
    edited May 2

    Personally I admit my bias is I started very early on and that feeling that we occasionally would be given freebies felt great. My personal favorite example is when Huntress and David was added - while to me I don't care for either that update has left the biggest impression on me for this game. I just feel occasionally giving EVERYONE access to something immediately helps shake up the game a little bit. Shattered Hope was the last universal perk we received that I can recall and prior to that I cannot even remember. I just feel like outside of it shaking the game up a bit free universal perks are a great way to introduce mechanics to players immediately. NOED was changed to a hex when HEX's were introduced and Monstrous Shrine was turned into a Scourge Hook perk eventually.

    I feel an exhaustion perk, maybe a boon perk and a regression perk for killer would be great things for BHVR to eventually add for universal perks as it helps introduce players to mechanics and just in general more players have access to more stuff immediately. Hell possibly even an Invocation perk but I'm on the fence about that personally.

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    For survivor an anti tunnel / camp perk would be great..

    • Self Sacrifice: when unhooking someone they get an additional 10 % movements peed and endurance for 20 seconds after the unhook, the aura of the unhook er gets shown to the killer for x seconds (Thinking something between 10 and 20 seconds).
    • Shared Suffering: When someone is on the hook and within 16 m of you you can sacrifice a health state when healthy to become injured or when injured to go into deep wounds and extend the hook timer by x seconds (something between 15 and 30 seconds I think)

    For killer as some said regression would be nice:

    - when you hook someone both the highest and the lowest progressed gens lose 10% of their progress (could be limited in uses or be a score hook, otherwise might be a bit strong.)

    • Strong legs: kicking a Gen doubles the base regression to 10%

  • LapisInfernalis
    LapisInfernalis Member Posts: 4,209

    For Survivors:

    • Exhaustion, although this is covered by free survivors (Meg, David, Nea and Feng on consoles); maybe something like getting a boost every time you completed a gen
    • Boon (Alan Wake's boon would have been perfect)
    • Good Anti tunnel
    • Flashbang/Blind, if you are not good with a flashlight, there is no way to blind a killer unless you own RE.

    For Killers:

    • Gen defense
    • Obsession
    • Early game (something like corrupt/lethal)

  • UndeddJester
    UndeddJester Member Posts: 3,117
    edited May 2

    As an addition to that.


    • A decent Anti Camp perk.
    • A perk that reveals nearby locker auras would be nice, obviously not as a solo effect, but part of another perk.


    • An anti Protection Hit perk for the end game and vs. Body blocking.
    • A Toolbox detection/regression anti gen rush perk.