Controversial Opinions



  • BritneyMitch
    BritneyMitch Member Posts: 151

    lol thats one hell of a hot take, I think it was such a bad buff idea. I actually take it the other way and think they should add a maximum duration she can hold her hatchets. Holding hatchet just defeats the point of the whole gameplay loop that is enjoyable about huntress on both sides.

  • Spare_Them_Mori_Me
    Spare_Them_Mori_Me Member Posts: 1,448

    Gotta be the hottest take yet lol.

    My hot take: Old Blight was Top B tier and is now Bottom B tier.

  • HexHuntressThighs
    HexHuntressThighs Member Posts: 1,243

    THATS the hottest take I’ve heard imo lol. Anybody who suggests she should have a holding limit fundamentally doesn’t understand her or her power. She moves 23% slower than survivors when holding allowing for massive distance gain by survivors so every time you ready up you are taking a chance at a huge waste of time. Not to mention she is 110% so catching up takes even longer if you accidentally hold too long which is a huge punishment. Not only that but she is one of two killers that have to reload so she has to make every shot count. On TOP of that she is a HUNTRESS, Hunters are patient and the key to being a good Hunter is such. If survivors knew you had to throw at a certain time it would be abysmally easy to dodge what’s already an easy to dodge ability at long range. There is a reason why she is in the bottom 3 for kill rates at ALL levels. Imma have to make a video about this lol, thanks for the idea.

  • CrypticGirl
    CrypticGirl Member Posts: 620

    The game was better without the DC bots.

    The DC penalty needs a cap.

  • Huge_Bush
    Huge_Bush Member Posts: 5,303

    Camping and Tunneling are fine. Killer gives up generator pressure to eliminate one player and even then it’s not guaranteed. Only thing that needs to be done is make it so Bubbi Boi can’t down someone after going through their Borrowed Time.

    Undying and Circle of Healing nerfs (along with Self Care Nerf) should be reverted. It’s so boring to wait on teammates to heal and not everyone can equip Inner Strength and get value. As for Undying, it’ll broaden the killer meta a little and I also like to munch on sparkly bones.

    I like playing against Nurse and Tombstone Myers. Nurse is in a good spot and is like the final Boss of a video game that you need to gain skill and experience to beat. Tombstone is actually one of the few ways that makes the game thrilling and gives me a hint of the feeling of fear I had when I first started playing.

    *Disclamer: I’m not looking to argue, these are just my opinions.

    NODD3RS Member Posts: 150
    • they need to removed background player and bring back old timing for flashlights

    • - old macmillan and coldwin were the best visually designed maps and fit the horror theme of dbd. Newer maps feel manufactured and too “perfect” also there’s way too much clutter.

    • Comp dbd needs to be sponsored by bhvr themselves with REAL money(not shards). If they did this, a lot of the best comp teams would be dethroned because newer players would have an incentive to improve.

    • If u get mad at dbd for any reason and still decide to queue, please just log off and play a different game

  • Error_Social
    Error_Social Member Posts: 63

    -Survivor is a skilless role

    -Map filters, automatic DS, BT and Unbreakable timers and equalizers should be built into the game

    -Preserving balance is an idea ingrained in this community by various streamers and it should be removed

    -The 6-12 meta month cycle that shall not be named is actually great

    -PTB Twins should have been added as is (I honestly don't know why this is controversial, but apparently it is)

  • ImWinston
    ImWinston Member Posts: 223
    • with the current killer meta-perk, just being a killer with decent skill is enough to win 80% of games.
    • Noed and Ruin should be stronger and more oppressive. the "hundying" mechanic should base-kit in all hex totems
    • The atmosphere of the "old DBD maps" was truly horror... the current maps are absolutely not scary
    • Twins have always been a strong killer, even before the latest buff

  • JoeyDonuts
    JoeyDonuts Member Posts: 106

    Lethal Persuer causes more people to give up in early game and is a detriment to normal gameplay.

    Old blood web was more rewarding.

    Characters need more voice lines.

  • Starrseed
    Starrseed Member Posts: 1,774

    Yep twins where always good they are just not a good experience be it for the killer or the survivor

  • GentlemanFridge
    GentlemanFridge Member Posts: 5,574

    Oh i got another one actually.

    ”Bad design” is a meaningless buzzword that gamers like because it makes them sound like they know what they’re talking about.

  • kosaba11
    kosaba11 Member Posts: 119

    I have a few new ones -

    Tryhards ruin the game. It's fine to try and win, but actively refusing to let the other side do anything, either with your perks or add-ons, ruins the experience for everyone involved, and frankly, I doubt even the tryhard is having fun.

    Pig isn't fun to play against.

    If you're a streamer, stop putting TTV at the end of your name. The only person who might go watch your stream is the killer.

    Wiggling should be buffed.

    Maps should be bigger, and have more playability than just the odd pallet or window. There should be new mechanics, on both sides, that actually work, to keep the gameplay fresh.

    If you're the last one, and you haven't been on hook yet, you should be allowed to attempt to get off the hook. It's not fair that you just die.

  • 100PercentBPMain
    100PercentBPMain Member Posts: 829

    PPlenty Of times I watch a twitch vod and the survivors will come in and talk about the match I was just in. As the killer I'm the one that feels left out of the discussion </3

    The real problem is that a lot of people with ttv just do not stream, like they're just making a joke by having you waste your time looking them up.

  • BritneyMitch
    BritneyMitch Member Posts: 151

    I mean it should be a reasonably long amount of time, but you surely cant disagree that holding hatchet so the survivor cannot leave the loop and chase until you get a guaranteed hit is poor gameplay.

  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,546

    Mine would be:

    Gens…… There Spawns are trash, Progression Vs. regression is laughable (basekit BTW)… them taking 90 seconds is not good for the game as a whole I would say that 80 is better but to do that they would need to look at progression Vs. regression

    Maps…. they have lost touch a long time ago… Pallet spawns are weird… Loop spawns are confusing… deadzones are way to big

    Killers…. either having Mobility or not can decide the match…

    Survivors…. having 4 of you should mean something but it doesn't (SoloQ)

    Perks…. having a "meta" is stupid…. having so many perks in the game but seeing players using 4-8 of them is wrong

    Addons…. too many of them aren't as good as they may seem (look at Pig)

    Items… more so there usage…. why would Survivor waste their Items at the beginning of the match they have the advantage

    MMR…. doesn't work and shouldn't be a thing… if you want to bet better then put in the work if you don't are then don't

  • wicked1one11
    wicked1one11 Member Posts: 6
    edited May 2

    People who force themself out of the game by unhooking off of first hook, should be hit with the DC penalty, and if they actually DC its a much shorter penalty. Why introduce bots to replace people who DC, only to punish them anyways and incentivize them to unhook to death instead?

    Having characters in game voice swearing, but the chat filter be so strong that it filters out some of the most inane stuff, is silly and inconsistent.

    Built in Unbreakable, and a forced Mori in an end game 1v1, were the most interesting ideas they had in a long while, only to scrap them.

    Old Freddy was really bad, and its copium if you say you want him back.

  • SoGo
    SoGo Member Posts: 894

    I don't like the look of old Coldwind, but I do think that the new one is too bright.

    Artist is not boring if you know how to play her.

    Invocations and Boons are good concepts that still have hope.

  • Yatol
    Yatol Member Posts: 1,957


  • duygu
    duygu Member Posts: 333

    i miss the 4.5.0 ptb animations, it felt very smooth, realistic, and modern

  • Tatariu
    Tatariu Member Posts: 3,068

    Legion needs a buff (yes apparently this idea is completely absurd)

  • niceboy555
    niceboy555 Member Posts: 7

    I think Oni is slightly overrated and is at the very top of b tier

    I want a stricter MMR so games aren't as inconsistent

    Hag at worst is C tier against swf and not as low as d tier like some people say. She also needs a buff for her traps since its to easy to pressure the edge of her webs without being punished.

    I think tunneling is ok and people need to accept that it will always be a part of the game unless its changed fundamentally which is very unlikely to happen 

  • HexHuntressThighs
    HexHuntressThighs Member Posts: 1,243

    If she is holding a hatchet at a loop, just stay at the loop lol. You move over 20% faster so they will never hit you and you’ll never have to drop the pallet either. It may be boring but at least you’re guaranteed to get your team mates a win.

  • Starrseed
    Starrseed Member Posts: 1,774

    when it comes to gen times i dont think they can ever do it right. doing a gen for 90 sec is not fun most people would probably say chases are fun but chases are not the way the survs win they need the gens getting done. if we make gens faster chases have to be shorter that way survs would loose what they find fun to also loose what is lame.

    and we are just talking basekit here. i think gens should not be affected by any perks for either side cause that makes balancing the times of gens and chases even more stupid especially since perks are not something everyone just has

  • 100PercentBPMain
    100PercentBPMain Member Posts: 829

    Out of curiosity, what is it that you think they need? A

  • Tatariu
    Tatariu Member Posts: 3,068

    What they need vs what I'd like them to have are very different!

    What I want:

    What they need:

    • Score Event for Frenzy downs
    • Survivor pools of blood shown in Frenzy (reverted from patch 2.7.0)
    • The power gauge pauses when performing actions in Frenzy (Frank's Mix Tape base-kit)
    • Oblivious Survivors can be seen on Killer Instinct when within range (works for Doctor so it should work for Legion)
    • Increased speed during cool-down to 2.3m/s (was 2.07m/s)
    • Decreased darken effects during cool-down

    Other than that, fix their bugs and tweak some of their add-ons.

  • 100PercentBPMain
    100PercentBPMain Member Posts: 829

    Some of those are great ideas, honestly I would be so happy with seeing blood trails. Do they really not get a score event for Frenzy downs? That's really odd

  • Deathstroke
    Deathstroke Member Posts: 3,494

    Im curious why endgame is unhealthy?

    Well majority of ppl don't enjoy tunneling and camping but they just accept it happens sometimes. So I disagree with that one. Other playstyles are more fun.

  • Deathstroke
    Deathstroke Member Posts: 3,494

    "Oni is weak killer. You can easily deny his power by predropping pallets. So I think he should have his power at the start of match and more easily available."

    "I hate slugging for 4K in 2vs1 it wastes incredible amount of time and I see it as unsportmanlike."

  • EmpireCity830
    EmpireCity830 Member Posts: 118
    edited May 3

    Make corrupt intervention in its current state basekit or make it so 4 survivors can't work on 4 different gens at the same time.

    The game is too fast paced and that's unhealthy for this game. I can see new players quitting this game easily b/c they have no time to play a match. Game is boring since all survivors do is gens and they complete them at a ridiculous rate even if you end up getting 3-4k at the end.

  • alaenyia
    alaenyia Member Posts: 650
    edited May 3

    I agree with most of your opinions. I don't know how long you have played but know most of your issues used to be better and have been made worse over time.

    I like to Myers, but you are right tombstone and infinite tier 3 are pretty rough. I do like to play Myers, but don't bring anything too bad, in it for the jump scares.

    I like the plant hag outfit, that is about it. But I don't play her much.

    Killer is easier. I go play killer to chill after I am at my wits end playing survivor. Generally Trapper, Dr or Myers.

    Camp, tunnel, & slug, the trifecta of lazy, is not a strategy, it is an indicator of a low-skill killer, for sure.

    My only add to this controversial opinion thread is that they need to reduce the massive built-in kits new killers have instead of buff the old killers. This game used to be the survivors were basically skins and the killers each had ONE or TWO special abilities. Now killers have 5,6,7 built in abilities. It is way too much, that is what perks are for. And in that same time survivors have gotten nada. Still skins with only 4 perk slots.

    Here's hoping it gets better someday.

    (Secretly hoping for an OG player mode, or maybe ebony old map offerings)

  • SoGo
    SoGo Member Posts: 894

    I dislike how the old Coldwind looked.

    I don't like it now of course, it's too damn bright, but the old one was so ugly.

  • alpha5
    alpha5 Member Posts: 309

    Hillbilly is a stupid design - on-demand massive mobility and instadown for no effort with no downside, and with addons anti-loop, too.

  • JoeyDonuts
    JoeyDonuts Member Posts: 106

    Bringing back old hatch spawn determined by generator completion / survivors alive would discourage tunnelling.

  • Dustin
    Dustin Member Posts: 2,291

    Killers shouldn't be able to see survivor profiles or names while in the pre-game lobby. Same rule as survivors shouldn't be able to see killer loadouts until everyone is out - Took BHVR years to get to that change and this is the same concept. Anonymous mode should hide survivor cosmetics and prestige in pre-game lobby to killers.

    I hate lobby shopping.

  • caligraph
    caligraph Member Posts: 359

    Its not guaranteed, the survivor gains crazy distance around the loop and can crouch nearly instantly to dodge a (very telegraphed) hatchet. The longer she holds out the more time she wastes.

  • NotAnotherDoctor
    NotAnotherDoctor Member Posts: 291

    Pc should be removed from crossplay against console.

    Windows/Steam/Epic all play together

    Xbox/PS/Switch play together

  • solarjin1
    solarjin1 Member Posts: 2,014

    dropping your item in hopes that the killer will let u go is the ultimate shame😞.

  • Neaxolotl
    Neaxolotl Member Posts: 1,477

    Whether other styles are fun or not, it's rather obvious that BHVR WANT to keep both camping and tunneling at this point, and keep it the best strategy, so if people disliking it there would be better game for those

    Endgame is unhealthy because it's extremely RNG heavy, with hatches and even killer choice, it shouldn't be a thing and game will be better if it's balanced around just gens

  • Fuzzycube
    Fuzzycube Member Posts: 252

    Windows is the strongest perk in the game by far and if it’s not going to be nerfed killer should get a perk that passively causes Blindness in chase.

  • Dwight_Fairfield
    Dwight_Fairfield Member Posts: 6,897

    Given the general quality of solo queue team mates, I agree with that.

  • Yharwick
    Yharwick Member Posts: 521

    Old Undying was fine and totems being relevant made the game more interesting.

    Basement isn't that dangerous.

    Opening chests isn't that bad and can be situationally worth it.

    Killer is strong enough that gens can go back to 80 seconds.

  • H2H
    H2H Member Posts: 708
    edited May 4

    Solo queue is way easier than people make it out to be.

    DS having a 5 second stun is fine.

    Distortion is fine.

    Buckle Up + For The People is fine.

    Myers should always be able to stalk survivors and should never run out of stalk. Just make it very slow once a survivor is maxed out, but it feels terrible to be able to run out of a power as killer.

    Speaking of Myers (as a Myers main), I’d rather leave him as he is, one of the weakest killers, than see BHVR rework him to make him stronger while also likely removing the most thematic and fun parts of his kit.

    Post edited by H2H on
  • Starrseed
    Starrseed Member Posts: 1,774

    Does your last statement apply to every killer? And do you have them in mind with full meta build or without

  • D0NN1ED4RK0
    D0NN1ED4RK0 Member Posts: 803

    I somewhat agree with you he’s still quiet strong as having instadown in your power still makes a killer quiet strong in comparison to other killers with little mobility