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Could we see an unranked mode?

SelectDevotee68 Member Posts: 120
edited May 4 in Ask the Community

Currently we have sbmm, which encourages a sweaty and meta driven environment. Many content creators have voiced their concerns about this, such as CoconutRTS. Is there a possibility we'll see a second gamemode that removes the sbmm?

Remember that you said DBD is supposed to be a party game, yet it has skill based match making, which doesn't fit what a party game is.


  • SelectDevotee68
    SelectDevotee68 Member Posts: 120

    Here's CoconutRTS's video:

  • SleepyH
    SleepyH Member Posts: 27

    If there was a mode without sbmm then beginners would be getting destroyed and experienced players would have barely any challenge. There should be atleast something that prevents people of vastly different skill from going against one another.

    A competitive mode along the normal mode could maybe work if enough people will play it. It would still probably not stop sweating in the normal mode completely.

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,709

    the sbmm in this game does not encourage sweaty/meta driven environment.

    It’s a hidden rank that people are supposed to not pay too much attention to. Players don’t know which mmr they actually have and there is literally no incentive (like BP rewards, achievements, bragging badges) to pursue higher mmr.

    It’s supposed to match players with somewhat equal skill together so that players don’t get stomped without any chance or that high skilled players don’t get to face noobs. People that always sweat and try to get the best outcome at any cost… may just feel like it’s too sweaty because they are playing too sweaty??

  • SelectDevotee68
    SelectDevotee68 Member Posts: 120

    Not necessarily. With no sbmm, players would be matched with others from all types of skill levels. Plus, it's an extra gamemode for those who don't want to sweat. Also, My Little Oni didn't have sbmm.

  • SelectDevotee68
    SelectDevotee68 Member Posts: 120
    edited May 4

    That's not how it works.

    Dataminers found these points equal to the sbmm brackets:

    Testing Bracket(650)

    Low Skill Bracket(900-1200)

    Medium Skill Bracket(1200-1600)

    High Skill Bracket(1600+)

    You can't drop from your previous skill bracket back to your previous one.

    Imagine DBD like Rainbow Six Siege but without an unranked mode. People are constantly running meta builds and maps that are more favorable to their side. In Rainbow, people in the unranked mode don't feel forced to run the best operators, and instead, run ones they have fun playing. In ranked, people feel it necessary to run A-S tier ops and their best gear because they're being matched with people who are in it to win it. Dbd is also like that except without an unranked mode to encourage a more relaxed experience for all players.

  • SleepyH
    SleepyH Member Posts: 27

    A no sbmm mode could actually make people want to run meta builds even more, since you dont know if youre going to go against a beginner or a pro. A comp could probably work with taking the meta builds away from the normal mode if it rewards good play. There will still be meta builds in the normal mode though since some people enjoy playing that way. Just removing sbmm from one mode and making a comp mode would be a bad idea since youll either go into a match where everyone sweats constantly or a mode where the difficulty of your match is completely random.

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,352

    Dbd only has a casual mode already.

  • SelectDevotee68
    SelectDevotee68 Member Posts: 120

    It doesn't. It is a competitive game that was once a party game.

  • SelectDevotee68
    SelectDevotee68 Member Posts: 120
    edited May 4

    Sbmm already guarantees you're going against people who are better than you or are ona similar skill level than you. Thus making players prioritize tunneling/proxy camping or playing in 4 man swfs.

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,352

    There's no leaderboards and there's no way to see your "rank". It's an unranked/casual mode.

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,709

    and dataminers can’t be wrong or outdated?

    Also, a partygame can still have skill based matchmaking to ensure that players with different skill levels don’t get matched against eachother.

    also, trapper got buffs, blight got nerfs, and killers are not meant to be on the same strength level anyway - that was never the devs intention.. (because it’s not a highly competitive game)

    My little Oni was a fun little game but wouldn’t stand a chance as a standalone game mode as it doesn’t have much depth to it.

    those same content creators would sweat in unranked mode, let’s be a bit honest.

  • SelectDevotee68
    SelectDevotee68 Member Posts: 120
    edited May 17

    How would dataminers be wrong when they literally dig through the game's files. Also, they wouldn't have outdated information because that's what has been in the files for months. Also I can tell you're biased by your argument being content creators being sweaty is based on "trust me bro" evidence. Also a party game with DBD's sbmm, is COD, a complete sweatfest where people are constantly fixated on using guns that are meta.

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,709

    of course I am biased?? I would argue everyone one these forums is biased.. but plenty of content creators are sweating and them being biased was pretty much my point..

    And your argument boils down to ‚trust me bro‘ as well.

    I still don’t believe those ‚datamines‘ - plenty of people including dataminers have talked against mmr and elo hell and smurfing and the devs themselves talked about lowering mmr etc. so excuse me for not just taking your word for it (I would ask for a source but sharing datamine/leak sources is against forum rules)

    The meta would be used in any casual/unranked mode as well btw there would still be no reason for people to play ‚nice‘