Killers complaining about survivors quitting

Shuma Member Posts: 55
edited May 3 in General Discussions

Doesn’t anyone else think it’s really interesting that, for the most part, it’s killer-mains complaining about survivors quitting instead of survivor mains complaining about it.

I think this is very telling. Survivor mains seem to be way more understanding about survivors quitting even though it affects survivors way more than killers.



  • shalo
    shalo Member Posts: 1,522

    Great news everybody, your teammates don't mind if you quit mid game.

  • WolfyWood
    WolfyWood Member Posts: 452

    You're not wrong but this thread definitely won't (and isn't) going to go down well given the current crowd.

    Feels more and more like an off-shoot of the Reddit tbh.

  • The_Krapper
    The_Krapper Member Posts: 3,259

    I don't see anything wrong here what do you mean? No insults and nobody seems to be angry, how is the thread not going down well?

  • tippy2k2
    tippy2k2 Member Posts: 5,178
  • Junylar
    Junylar Member Posts: 2,005

    Because DbD is not "just any online game". You can't even compare it to anything else. There is not a single game out there where the general state of "ridiculously unfair" became the norm to be tolerated. Most of the games where DCing is frowned upon by the community are not even asymmetrical, let alone not so imbalanced or frustrating.

  • Nazzzak
    Nazzzak Member Posts: 5,455

    If this is true, it's simply because survivor mains are all too aware of the issues plaguing the role. So we get it. As for me, I don't complain because I don't see it very often at all. I've played quite a bit over the past few days, since the update, and had one team mate give up on hook but it was on Haddonfield, we were at 5 gens, and everyone was dropping like flies. It was their second hook and they just didn't hit the skill checks. I understood, and just let them go. Game was over. I'm always suspect of killers who claim to see it every game. Big chance it might be that they play in a way that makes others not want to play with them.

  • HexHuntressThighs
    HexHuntressThighs Member Posts: 1,243

    I honestly don’t care at all if survivors DC tbh. Sometimes they DC and I laugh because it’s sad why they left but sometimes I’d dc if I was them too. I just feel bad for the other survivors in the lobby who aren’t throwing a temper tantrum because things aren’t going there way. They just want to play DBD and can’t because there team mates are throwing a fit. That’s why I main killer, survivors are way too wishy washy; dc’ing at the slightest inconvenience.

  • devoutartist
    devoutartist Member Posts: 113

    he's not wrong when you play as a survivor and some one on your team dc/kill themself on hook it does affect them too if they wonna play the game witch is vicious downward spiral the core fundamental of the game need to change verry few ppl are enjoying it anymore unless it's under certain conditions the power creep has made the game too volatile

  • Junylar
    Junylar Member Posts: 2,005

    In SoloQ, there is no such thing as "team". Your "teammates" are more often than not more dangerous for you than the killer, sometimes even cooperating with the killer to lead him to you and kill you, taking hatch as a payment from the killer. I never had to hide from the killer as much as I regularly have to hide from a teammate who is trying to lead the killer to me. Even MMR does not count survivors as a team, for MMR it's literally 1v1v1v1v1, everyone for themselves, it's not even a joke. So why should soloQ players care about their opponents when they play free-for-all? Until this situation is fixed, there is no point even talking about "team" in soloQ.

  • NarkoTri1er
    NarkoTri1er Member Posts: 251

    this is not about the game, but about the mindset of players lol. You can actually play with some quite decent team that literally play as mid level SWFs.

  • Junylar
    Junylar Member Posts: 2,005

    Well, it is partially about the game. The hatch mechanic, and the fact that MMR only counts your personal escape, separately for every survivor instead of giving the win or lose to the "team" as a whole, as it's done in team games, proves that the devs incentivize such mindset. One might say that altruistic players who are ready to risk themselves in order to help teammates are playing in opposition to how the game was intended, since they risk losing their MMR by helping the team.

  • SuzieMalay
    SuzieMalay Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 15

    What a complete joke, I've never heard a killer complain, I always hear them mock survivors for quitting though. People are complaining left, right and centre that survivors are either dcing or suiciding on hook. You don't hear it as often anymore because a large portion of solo survivors have quit the game, now it's mainly swf playing.

  • tjt85
    tjt85 Member Posts: 844
    edited May 4

    I don't judge anyone on either side too harshly for noping out of a match if they're not having much fun. I play both sides (60% Survivor / 40% Killer, though I do play more Survivor these days) and I've had bad enough experiences that made me want to walk away from the game for the rest of the day.

    I'm not proud, but I've been "that guy" more times than I'd like to admit. Usually, it comes after a string of horrible games, so I assume that's also what's going on if a teammate or Killer decides to call it quits early and I don't begrudge them too much for it. I've been there.

  • Marioneo
    Marioneo Member Posts: 808
  • Bafugaboo
    Bafugaboo Member Posts: 406

    For context if I play survivor I get downed literally 18 of 20 games first. So also I’m not good at looping. That’s why some get frustrated. Adjust and that’s how

  • goodfriday
    goodfriday Member Posts: 209

    Have you read where I say when a killer is being outplayed by a survivor whos good at looping or mind gaming they dc? Have you seen the part where kill dc just like survivor if they do not get map they wont like? Let me add this one let me and my 4 swf(load in with distortion) killer have lethal see no one and dc(blight/huntress being the common lovers of the perk) its so funny when I say blight or huntress its literally them and my chat gets a big laugh out of it all the time on stream cause they dc expecting they was going to get some fast early down.. Sure other killers may run it but those two is 90% more likely to be the ones who have it.

    I do not dc on nurse, I find other killers way more annoying like brain dead skull merchant/spirit. If i get whoop by a good nurse I understand because she is 50/50, either a god one or a baby one.

    Also I swf only in this game now so umm yeah that solo que dcing=dont affect me good try there. Some killers I am sure love when a survivor dc because they pick the most sweatiest builds/add on and killers and its not because of no swf. I seen some people (wont mention names) who literally make youtubes and admitting like oh hey today am here to play x killer with this perk/add on build and make survivors really angry specially if they are streamers to get reactions from them. Like how low can one go to do things like that?

    Killers do not care about survivors so the whole 3 v 1 excuse do not work. If killers care about survivors they would not make one million topics a day asking for survivor perks to nerf that makes the game a challenge for them. Killers are the one literally killing the game. Killers will dc for things like(constant being blind save/head on/cant catch a looper/breaking their devour hope early, body blocks/sabo. You cant tell me that does not happen now.

  • goodfriday
    goodfriday Member Posts: 209
    edited May 5

    It does not matter its still annoying and wastes people time who wants to play @Marioneo

  • Hex_Llama
    Hex_Llama Member Posts: 1,820

    I play both sides but mostly Survivor, and I really wish people would stop letting go on hook. Especially when they do it so quickly. I guess it's possible that some of them have lag and I just don't know about it, but it seems like a lot of them give up because the first two minutes of the match didn't go the way they wanted it to.

    And, if you immediately quit as soon as the match isn't going the way you want it to, you miss the opportunity to learn how often you can actually recover from a bad start. You just go the rest of your life believing you can perfectly predict what would have happened if you stayed, when actually you can't.

    This weekend has been especially bad for quitters — maybe because some people are having lag issues, again — and I can report that in probably 85% of the matches where two of my teammates bailed right away, the killer just farmed with the rest of us. Most of the people I've been going against don't WANT to make everyone miserable. Just saying.

  • Nazzzak
    Nazzzak Member Posts: 5,455

    The game's sale description says you can play either as a lone wolf or a team.

    "Survive Together… Or Not
    Survivors can either cooperate with the others or be selfish. Your chance of survival will vary depending on whether you work together as a team or if you go at it alone. Will you be able to outwit the Killer and escape their Killing Ground?"

    Per MMR, it was changed not long ago that the result of team mates can influence your ranking. You get better MMR gains when team mates escape with you, and even if you die, you get better gains the more team mates that live. So there is a degree of variance. Hatch doesn't affect your MMR at all. It's neutral.

  • Junylar
    Junylar Member Posts: 2,005

    So, the game's description just proves what I said, the game is designed to be 1v1v1v1v1 in soloQ.

    Per MMR, it was changed not long ago that the result of team mates can
    influence your ranking. You get better MMR gains when team mates escape
    with you, and even if you die, you get better gains the more team mates
    that live.

    According to wiki, what you described only works if you queued as a SWF, not as soloQ.