Victor should be prevented from standing on the tunnel

syuan0319 Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 3

My opponent left Victor standing in the tunnel, preventing me from ending the game for 5 minutes.
The video only records the last period of time and then close the game directly.
I translated this with a translation software. Please forgive me.


  • hermitkermit
    hermitkermit Member Posts: 364

    Yeah body blocking hatch isn’t against the rules or anything, but If it lasts a very long time it can be considered taking the game hostage, and it is reportable. Maybe try making a report and attaching the video to it. Hopefully it doesn’t happen again, good luck in your next.

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    Just go do gens then or open the gate? If he moves take hatch... I don't see the issue?

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 8,387
    edited May 7

    he can't open the gates because the gate are not powered. 2 gens are remaining. he has to do 2 generators to open the gates in which twin player will just kill them as soon as they pop the gen. the player is just being toxic by increasing the match duration on purpose.

    to fix this problem, dev made so that victor has 30 second until he loses collision. this was a change they did awhile back to prevent the hostage hatch gameplay. Seems like U5 update broke that.

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    Like I said go do gens or open the gate... I thought the collision loss was only for Charlotte? And only when she is not currently active... It is kind of stupid though that Victor cannot close the hatch...

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 8,387

    the player isn't trying to close hatch. he is on purpose stalling the match by sitting there with victor. I am not sure how it is suppose to work but whatever the lose collision is suppose to be doing to prevent this hatch stalling gameplay, it is not working.

  • _Onyx_
    _Onyx_ Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 348

    Victor cannot be left idle within a certain distance of the Hatch. What was stopping you from doing the last 2 gens and putting the pressure on the Twins player to locate you?

    Coz once the gates are powered, the Twins will have to either close the Hatch as Charlotte to minimise your options; or go to the gate they think you'll go to first. If they do the first one you have time to open it before they send Victor after you. Or the second option leaves the Hatch available for you for you to try for as well. And like I said, Victor cannot be left on the Hatch, meaning if they tried blocking it again, you could sneak away and try for a gate.

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    But even if he wanted to close it, he could not because Victor can't do that... But the survivor can just go for gens... Cuts it short.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 8,387
    edited May 7

    this is sort of my rant/problem with DBD end game.

    The player themselves can purposely torture killer or torture the survivor by extending the game in unnecessary way. In this particular case, the killer player is doing an action that forces survivor to play an extra 3 minutes in which they are just going to die anyway. Killers can also slug you for like an extra 3 minutes. your wasting 6 minutes of your life/game-time when the player clearly want to go next match and play another dbd match instead being stuck that match.

    Survivor can do same thing by having two hide during end game and extending the game to even larger degree, sometimes even 10 minutes just to find 1 of the two survivors just so you can go to end game, close the hatch and moving to the next match.

    while I have a lot of patient with this, it is not good game design to have weird stall mechanics. there is reason why hatch stand-off were removed. they should be looking to find solutions related to killer stalling the game & survivor stalling the game without putting too much game intrusion in the early-mid stage of the game.

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    Fair... I personally dislike hatch as a mechanic, because it enables annoying gameplay and makes it necessary for certain achievements or tome Quests...