Ultimate Weapon is totally useless

raben84 Member Posts: 6

Ultimate Weapon was the best ability to locate survivors and now it is useless,
In addition, there is another ability that detects survivors near the lockers at 8 meters.

I have been playing as an assassin for a while and without Ultimate Weapon it is almost impossible to locate those survivors who are hiding throughout the game, this way it is very difficult to play as an assassin and I personally no longer feel like playing....

I please ask the DBD team to restore Ultimate Weapon as it was at the beginning, for once think about the assassin players and the increasingly difficult role this role has.

Thank you so much


  • Chaogod
    Chaogod Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 92
    edited May 7

    It doesn't align with their vision that killer should be as miserable as possible to play as possible unfortunately.

  • goodfriday
    goodfriday Member Posts: 209

    Sure they can restore it back but restore back made for this and adrenaline.

  • raben84
    raben84 Member Posts: 6

    I want to tell this great DBD community, whether you are a killer or a survivor, that both roles are difficult but Ultimate Weapon was the best survivor detection skill and they have completely destroyed it, that it only works around the locker is totally useless and I emphasize that There is already another ability that detects survivors 8 meters from lockers.

    Ultimate Weapon must be activated by the assassin's terror range to be able to detect survivors in motion, I agree with shortening the time of use but currently it has hardly any use and I emphasize that it was the best assassin's ability to detect auras and I think they must do that with such good skill.

    I beg the DBD developers to restore Ultimate Weapon to equalize the roles of killer and survivor.
    Thank you so much for the comments.

  • _Onyx_
    _Onyx_ Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 342

    Ultimate Weapon is now best used when camping a hook. Can't locate the ultra stealthy Survivor sneaking in? Make them scream and turn that safe unhook into a trade or scare them away. Or use it on Wesker or Calm-stacked Doctor. Get full use out of that Blindness status.

    It's sad really, the old Ultimate Weapon was such a good perk. It allowed Killers to be constantly active in the match. Down time is what loses Killers matches, Ultimate Weapon was perfect for maintaining pressure. All they had to do to it was nerf the cooldown.

    I also find it so cringe that the majority of people who wanted Ultimate Weapon nerfed are also the people who wanted DS buffed. Talk about hypocrisy: "Killers are not allowed strong momentum perks like this! But Devs, give me back the stronger version of the best anti-momentum perk in the game. Please and thank you."

  • HexHuntressThighs
    HexHuntressThighs Member Posts: 602

    I’ll take that deal if they also give Huntress her Yew Seed Brew concoction back. Survivors wouldn’t stop complaining about how OP 3% hindrance was but 3% haste is fine? Double standards.

  • goodfriday
    goodfriday Member Posts: 209
    edited May 7

    killers cept nurse is faster than survivors anyways so nice attempt there. 103 is still lower than 110 115ms

  • HexHuntressThighs
    HexHuntressThighs Member Posts: 602
    edited May 7

    Killers are SUPPOSED to be faster. It’s not like she’s 115. So a 3% hinder from her makes her 113 technically. So it’s still a double standard, survivors shouldn’t be faster at all except for a few exhaustion perks or other perks with heavy requirements. Besides going 100-103 when compared to 110 is a 30% increase and added 15 seconds to every chase. 6 chases per survivor times 4 survivors is a free 6 minutes added to killer chases. Actually insane tbh. And Adrenaline is still OP anyways.

    Post edited by HexHuntressThighs on
  • UndeddJester
    UndeddJester Member Posts: 2,278

    It's lost its power on Pig headtraps, which was definitely needed...

    It functions a little bit like Nowhere to Hide now, but a little more flexible on when you can use it, and has a larger range. It also counters WoO for the chase on anyone you reveal, so its not completely garbage... but it is probably a little overnerfed.

    Some small QoL like a small haste boost after opening a locker for a short time to offset the having to stop for a locker might be nice.

  • raben84
    raben84 Member Posts: 6

    Thank you all for the comments.

    Every month I reach an iridescent level in both roles, killer and survivor, I say this because I know what it's like to play both roles.

    Ultimate Weapon was a paid skill with the alien and for me the best and it is very sad that they destroyed it, the problem is that with all the benefits that survivors currently have you cannot play as an assassin without fear of a group of survivors. ..

    It is very difficult to fight against 16 skills of the survivors and Ultimate Weapon was a skill that helped you balance the game, currently it has no use....

    I just hope that the DBD developers read this and leave Ultimate Weapon as it was at the beginning or almost as it was, because when the alien went on sale it came with Ultimate Weapon and as its name indicates it is the ultimate weapon not what is now an ability without any value.

  • VomitMommy
    VomitMommy Member Posts: 1,094

    It was never best information perk for most killers except like Oni.
    Ultimate weapon was bad for any killer who can't deal with just hold W and of course stealth killers.

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 8,917

    It's weird that UW gets called the best tracking perk when it didn't nearly have the usage to back it up. It was a single time ping if your current location so it wasn't like you couldn't hide or sneak away.

  • VomitMommy
    VomitMommy Member Posts: 1,094

    It was most reliable, but not best. Except few killers.
    Nothing was better for Oni and maybe Blight/Wesker, that was basically only situation that was supposed to get nerfed.

    They handled this perk very poorly, but not really suprising at this point.

    I have tried it on Deathslinger once, that was one of worst games I had in while. It is just bad when every survivor can prerun so much without even paying attention. Scream is simply double edged sword and most killers can't use it.

  • raben84
    raben84 Member Posts: 6
    edited May 8

    I think that for an average mid-level assassin player, Ultimate Weapon was a skill that made the difference and matched the skills of the survivors and I want to highlight that the skills of the survivors have had great improvements that many assassins cannot match. On the contrary, the skills of assassins and especially Ultimate Weapon have become useless skills that no one uses, like having a balanced game like that...

    I don't understand how survivors can make 4 or 5 generators in less than 6 minutes. With the old Ultimate Weapon you could play against those survivors, now it's impossible for many killers...

    At least they could leave the aura detection with the terror radius, at least you could detect some straggling survivor who is impossible to see.

    I hope the DBD team considers these requests.

    Thank you all for the comments.

    Post edited by raben84 on
  • Xernoton
    Xernoton Member Posts: 5,248

    Oh, you mean Nowhere To Hide? Yeah, because nobody used that before. Let's be honest, this change reduces perk variety. UW is effectively a dead perk with only 1 very disgusting niche.

    This means that people will fall back on Lethal Pursuer, BBQ and Nowhere To Hide. Which were pretty popular picks anyway.

    The problem with most information perks is that they require input in the form of getting a hook / down. But if you can't find the survivors, then that won't happen and these perks don't activate either. Meaning, they don't counter stealth and only help when you have little trouble finding survivors anyway. UW doesn't have that problem but a stationary source of information is only good for territorial play styles. So you might see it on Hag and lockdown Trapper but pretty much no one else.

  • BlackRose89
    BlackRose89 Member Posts: 200

    Yet another dead perk for the killer. I agree with others who said old UW was problematic but instead of trying to balance it, the dev decided to just kill the perk so no one would run it and no one would complain about it anymore. UW now is useless and is outshined by most of the other info perks. As much as I hate distortion, I still rather run aura reading perks over a perk that has a long cooldown and only works around a locker you open. RIP UW you never see a place in my builds ever again.

  • Jocelynbee
    Jocelynbee Member, Administrator, Mod, Co-ordinator Posts: 1,211

    Hello! I am cleaning up the thread; please be mindful of the forum rules and to engage respectfully and civilly even if you disagree. Thank you!

  • raben84
    raben84 Member Posts: 6
    edited May 8

    I totally agree with you, they have totally destroyed UW and let's remember that it is a skill that is not free.

    They should also change the name of the skill because it is no longer the UW, now it would be the useless UW or IUW.

    I think the problem is that without the old UW many assassins go back 5 years in time and cannot fight against the new abilities of the survivors, that is the main problem and I personally have many games where I can no longer do anything as an assassin, The 4 survivors escape because I can't locate them like before, at least previously I could kill one or two survivors, now the survivors in many games make fun of my killer and I am iridescent level, this did not happen to me with the old UW.

    The sad thing is that with this change from UW I play a lot less of an assassin, it's a shame because I love that role, also the survival role and that's why I like it to be a balanced game and lately playing as a survivor I have also felt sorry for many murderers who cannot do anything and in a short time the survivors leave through the exit doors.

    DBD developers should at least consider restoring UW even as aura detection with terror radius.

    Thank you all for the comments.

  • alpha5
    alpha5 Member Posts: 184

    What do you even mean when you say you play assassin? I have no idea what that is supposed to mean in DBD context.

  • Skillfulstone
    Skillfulstone Member Posts: 489

    Going by a lot of his posts (which tends to call Killers "assassins" or other similar term), I assume he's either using a translation app or is simply trying to avoid repetition when writing.

  • alpha5
    alpha5 Member Posts: 184

    The OP gave me a different impression but you are likely correct it's just a synonym for killer. I doubt it's for repetition's sake though.

  • raben84
    raben84 Member Posts: 6
    edited May 9

    Excuse me, I actually use a translator, my English is very bad, I'm sorry.

    I wanted to say that I play as an assassin and also as a survivor and that I think that with the old UW it was a more balanced game.

    Also they have completely destroyed UW when it was a skill that cost money, if DBD does this with all paid skills I don't feel motivated to buy more, apart from the fact that the old UW was the only skill as an assassin that really helped you fight against the survivors and locate them.