Haddonfield is unplayable as a survivor

0 good windows
All pallets are bad
The map is toooooo small (to easy to get tri gens)
Deadzone city
There is nothing good on this map, this is probably the wort rework they've ever done
Agreed. One of the worst map reworks we've seen so far.
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Yep. They were told how bad it was on the PTB and ignored the feedback.
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bro I player against an Artist yesterday on Haddonfield, and I couldn't do anything, same as my teammates, everywhere you go, you die basically
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Garden of pain is still unplayable as killer.
The worst rework they've ever done.
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I love they didn't even tried to rework garden of joy but they killed haddonfield with taste
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I definitely don't think it's unplayable, I've won there many times on survivor in solo queue.
I think it skews towards killer as much as many, many of the maps do towards survivor currently.
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They made the houses fair to play but the street is still death. Them adding terribly weak edge map pallets that easy to zone u at didn't help the street problem. The map being tiny allow survivors to shift W into the houses more easier but it also make 3 genning impossible to avoid. It still not enough pallets in the middle of the street. I'm guessing they afraid of survivors chaining everything together in the middle. There no line of sight blockage in the street which is the biggest issue of this map in my opinion. U can't even stealth the gens! A mobility killer with no cool down on miss attack like Billy pull up and u just die. No time to do anything. Same with blight he pull up and u getting hit every time.
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There just aren't enough safe pallets to ration for the match in my experience. I still prefer it's current version to the old one, but man.
That said, it isn't unwinnable, and there are still a few maps I dislike a lot more.
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unplayable? No….horrible map for survivors yes….it was also horrible for killers not too long ago. Doesn’t make it right though. They need to balance it out.
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I don't think it's unplayable, you have to know what windows open when others are closed. They should make those edge map fillers a little bit safer though and add a way to leave the houses next to the inside pallets so you're not insta zoned.
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I agree that the map is a bit too killer sided, but saying that all pallets are bad is just a lie. The map actually spawns a fair amount of decent pallets that survivors can work with.
It just doesn't spawn enough pallets and windows for it's small size. But it certainly is playable, and survivors can win on that map.
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I would argue there really aren't that many maps that are survivor sided nowadays. I think BHVR has done a great job when it comes to maps.
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I do think many have started to get better but there are still many bad ones. Garden, Ormond, Eyrie, Game, Springwood ect.
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If you play against a halfway decent killer you wont win on haddonfield a single game.
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That's not true. Of course the survivors have to be decent themselves. But if the survivor team is good, they do have a chance of winning. It's just stacked against them.
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I agree with Garden of Joy, Game and Springwood.
Eyrie is stil a bit survivor sided but not that bad anymore, and Ormod in my opinion is rather balanced.
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I mean the top 2 most used map offerings against me by 4 mans are Eyrie and Ormond. I think that says something.
Ormond especially to me is very unbalanced still. Large map, lots of jungle gyms, and ultra safe main building. Balanced to me would be something like Coal Tower and those two are no where close to the same experience in terms of balance.
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it is very easy to zone survivors at ormond. The midmap in front and behind main are a joke pallet-/ or gymwise, so survivors catched there have to rotate into one of the corners and that's it, then you are trapped there. Ormond is one of my absolute favorite maps because unlike the other "map reworks" they basically did not replace the whole map with deadzones from the start but it is very easy to create them as killer if you play correctly. Still, survivors with amazing looping skills could do a 3 or 4 or even 5 gen chase there and that's why i like this map so much. Both sides can win if they use some strategy. When i play in an SWF we tend to throw McMillan, Azarov or Ormond offerings because those maps are okay-ish balanace wise.
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I was able to win on this map as Trapper, against survivors of my level, while not using traps for half the game.
I don't need more evidence.