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level the playing field!

sadbutrad Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 1

some killers are WAY too hard against and it makes the game not fun to play as a survivor. not to mention every killer player choose the hardest ones to play as so even if you play all day long, you'll only play against 3 different killers all day cause they're the hardest to survive against, so everyone uses them. So, if you're gonna give the killers guns and throwable objects while making them faster than the survivors give the survivors more and better add Ons, powers and or abilities. we should be able to fight back a little. this would also persuade me and other players to buy more and different survivors if they'll be coming with powers and abilities.


  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590

    Guns and throwable objects?

  • Rulebreaker
    Rulebreaker Member Posts: 1,858

    You do know this is the "slasher horror movie" esque game right?

  • deifi
    deifi Member Posts: 50

    You do know, horror movies have more happy endings than not, right?

  • Rulebreaker
    Rulebreaker Member Posts: 1,858

    We must have different parameters for horror movie then. Halloween: A slaughter of most the main cast. Friday the 13th: A slaughter of the main cast. Evil Dead: Rule of 3. We don't know many "Slasher horror movies" that have extremely happy endings.

  • deifi
    deifi Member Posts: 50

    You are now arguing semantics by throwing in words like "extremely" to happy endings". It's also quite obvious you are biased with "The Artist" as your avatar.

    I never argued how many people died, the core ending of nearly every slash horror movie is that there are survivors that escape or survive. I merely stated survivor slasher horror movies end with the "good guy" winning in 90% of the movies. Then the sequels are just to perpetuate the IP for $$$.

    I agree that going back to 50/50 is the accurate thing to do.

  • YuffieGreatestWaifu
    YuffieGreatestWaifu Member Posts: 197

    DBD I believe has made it very clear Killers should enjoy a over 50% kill rate BUT not more than 60%
    Its a tightwalk. Killers should have an advantage but not to the point its a serious advantage leading to unplayable games.

    Many of their changes or nerfs reflect this nerfing key perks on both sides to make the game balanced for killer advantage but not to the point where its a serious edge.

  • Rulebreaker
    Rulebreaker Member Posts: 1,858

    We are biased for liking how bird lady looks? Shocking. Not that you care but we do play survivor (more than killer atm as the last achievements we need are survivor). Wording is key. Otherwise people like us will play loophole abuse.

    If most if not all our friends were killed by a boogieman we definitely wouldn't call that a happy end. Even removing "extremely". Taking a look back to Halloween, the (recent) sequels show a realistic view of what happens to that "good guy". Laurie becomes a paranoid wreck, her family goes through more trauma, and the "happy end" comes at the cost of a LOT of lives (Mikey has a pretty high body count for a normal guy without a gun)

    {Apologies if he sounds a little ticked, but you did just immediately assume biased based on a profile pic...}

  • KatsuhxP
    KatsuhxP Member Posts: 675

    Counterargument: I like killers that are harder to play against, I love to play against blight, nurse and spirit as excampel. It feels like I truely have to survive and it's not just chilling behind a loop basically not able to die like playing against a pig xD

    It's possible to play against any killer, you just have to learn it and prey that your teammates are at least okay and don't give up on everything that doesn't go their way like little kids ^^

    You already have reasons to buy other survivors: perks and design. I play sable most of the time because I find her pretty, but her perks are pretty good aswell. So I had my reason to buy her even tho I have a jill on prestige 29 xD

    We really don't need more basekit things in need to be balanced, it's already only working okayish like it is. Besides that you would have your situation of everyone plays the same 3 killers, but this time with survivors.

  • deifi
    deifi Member Posts: 50

    The original argument is whether or not it is agreeable to level the playing field by nerfing killers.

    People choose avatar/profile pics based on a reflection of their interests and likes, 1400+ posts and you have artist as your avatar pic. I would bet my bank account you play killer more and are biased towards that role - which as I alluded to based on your profile/avatar.

    Back to the core of the argument - The original poster said that SOME killers are overpowered, I agree - there's clearly statistics that Nurse, Skull Merchant and Chuckie have over 70%+ kill rates. This doesn't even account for DC's and the handful of killers that allow survivors to leave.

    Those killers need a 10-15% nerf. SURVIVORS have a very fine line to win. One mistake and they lose a health state, Killers are afforded time. Just because killers get frustrated that they're losing a loop doesn't mean they cannot close the gap as more more and pallets become unavailable and there's less generators to defend.

    It is 1v4, but let's look at it this way, survivors cannot FIGHT BACK. It's like giving someone supernatural powers and a weapon versus 4 normal humans with a medkit and flashlight. When people say "Oh it's 1v4" no - it's 4 un-armed people against a supernatural being with a weapon.

    Killers go into this game expecting auto-wins. It's like murdering on average 2-3 people a game isn't enough to satisfy their bloodlust, while a survivor has to on-average participate in NUMEROUS games before they can escape a game in the current patch state.

    Behavior Interactive as a whole has stated the kill-rate should be closer to 60%. That's fine, but buff the killers who are below that average and nerf the over-powered ones to that percentile.

  • Rulebreaker
    Rulebreaker Member Posts: 1,858

    The original argument is to have ways for survivors to fight back and bonuses of having them while simultaneously saying that killers are making the game unfun for survivors and since killers have "guns and throwable objects while making them faster than the survivors" that survivors SHOULD have these methods to fight back. Nowhere do the 3 of us see anything like "The original argument is whether or not it is agreeable to level the playing field by nerfing killers." Please show us.

    OUR original post was snark asking if they know what kind of game this is. Then you make a counter argument. Then we responded on how many slasher movies have "happy endings" with some examples. You proceed to call us biased and then go for "the good guy winning" route. The one responding got ticked and proceeded to throw more examples.

    Now we are here.

    First: trying to measure 3 people off 1 pic is going to end in disaster. Second: Currently we have been playing survivors much more than killer as those achievements and rift quests are what we need. While we do favor playing the killer, we are unbiased as we're well aware as to the BS on both sides. Reason we're bird-lady? We like spooky and pretty things. She fits both. Since your at best only half right does this mean we get your bank account or only half?

    The stats also don't take into account the survivors who give up by running into the killer, swing on hook to die, and leaving the rest of the team as easy prey for the killer who gets their kill rate increased~ Honestly, merchant is

    You realize that killers ALSO have a fine line as one mistake cost them as much. As that survivor is being chased the 3 other survivors are (ideally) working on the gens coming closer and closer to powering the gate and opening the doors. Both sides can come back from a bad start, it's only harder on the survivor end cause they rely on a team.

    It is 1v4, but let's look at it this way, survivors cannot FIGHT BACK. It's like giving someone supernatural powers and a weapon versus 4 normal humans with a medkit and flashlight. When people say "Oh it's 1v4" no - it's 4 un-armed people against a supernatural being with a weapon.

    Man, almost like the movie Alien or something...also that's still technically a 4 v 1 as it's a singular being (exception of the Twins). Yes survivors can't explicitly fight back, they need to AVOID the big bad killer who will usually kill them if given half a chance or outsmart/play them and lose chase. Now we admit this is going to be rude to ask but: You do know this is the "slasher horror movie" esque game right?

    No not all killers expect auto wins as that's factually incorrect. Only the unreasonable from either end expect auto wins. Now we need you to remember that the devs are trying for a 60% kill rate. With how many survivors are playing at a given moment, its very VERY likely that yes its going to take numerous games to escape as a individual survivor.

    Lastly we feel your going to need to reword that last one. Nurse is below the 60% last we checked.

  • Gigaxi
    Gigaxi Member Posts: 3
    edited May 17

    I agree, the balance is way off. Specially for people that may not have the same gaming skill level as others. What about having handicap in the ranking system when your putting players with higher ranking against a team with a lower average. Maybe the map is bigger? Maybe there are bonus items to help either side? Maybe the killers abilities cool downs are longer? There are lots of possibilities without affecting the game play snd adds an extra layer of challenge against players that arent to the same calibre.

    as killer I either always dominate or get rail roaded by good looping survivors. I don't mind a good run in the game. When I go against a team I'm just smashing, I feel bad as I know what that feels like and I wish there was something that increased my challenge. Having it to easy is no fun either.

  • LapisInfernalis
    LapisInfernalis Member Posts: 4,179
    edited May 17

    Huntress, Deathslinger, Trickster, Unknown, Artist, Plague.

  • deifi
    deifi Member Posts: 50

    First off, here's the stats

    You're right, Nurse as a whole is not above 60% kill threshold, but SM, Sadako, Cenobite, and Freddy are. You can argue the 1,2,3% differences but there is missing kill data from disconnects.

    The poster made 3 recommendations to "fight back". I agree that you can't essentially give survivors a "gun" or "weapon". However, they mention

    "So, if you're gonna give the killers guns and throwable objects while making them faster than the survivors give the survivors more and better add Ons, powers and or abilities."

    add-ons and better "abilities" or perks are in the spirit of the game. But, behavior did also, for example, add fire turrets for xenomorph.

    Now to say that Killers suffer from the same "mistakes" as survivors is significantly different. You die if you make a mistake as a survivor. A killer, makes a mistake can adjust, or pivot to another survivor or generator. The survivors runs out of resources e.g. no more pallets, whereas the killer can mess up for 4 gens and close the game within the last 1 gen or powered gate. Matter of fact, most killer close the gap by simply camping or zoning a survivor out for 3 hook phases.

    Statistically, 60% kill rate means that on average 1.8 survivors escape per game. Now, I disagree with the 60% kill threshold, it should be 50-55%. It should on average, 2 survivors that escape. Which is why these threads exist.

    You do know "Slasher Horror-movie esque games", no it's a genre of horror. There are slasher killers and fear/thriller killers e.g. Sadako. It also does not mean you unbalance what is at the end of the day… a GAME. Outlast Trials for example is one where it is balanced and rewards skill. They can easily pivot DBD to apply more horror aspects than make it miserable to play for survivors.

    Also, you don't have to blitz through survivors lives, I find much joy when I run Scratched Mirror Meyer build where I probably average 2 kills per game but the thrill of seeing survivors panic when I pop out of no where is hilarious.

    Alien is also a terrible example, the survivors and Ripley were given weapons - ironically the fire turrets they gave survivors, to the original posters request of a "weapon" (what a fresh concept for survivors) can also be explored to further balance the game.

  • Rulebreaker
    Rulebreaker Member Posts: 1,858

    We forgot that those were posted there, thx.

    Now ask why is Merchant, Spooky Girl, and Freddy so high while commonly agreed power houses (there are unreasonables out there) such as nurse is below them. We partially mentioned it with "The stats also don't take into account the survivors who give up by running into the killer, swing on hook to die, and leaving the rest of the team as easy prey for the killer who gets their kill rate increased~ Honestly, merchant is" [the idiot forgot to finish his sentence] but basically their kill rate is more than likely inflated due to many simply giving up. We've yet to have 3 matches against SM since the 3 gen system came out where atleast 1 person didn't quit in some form (DC, swing on hook, sat and did nothing, etc) and if 1 quits at the start, as stated before the rest are very likely going to follow unless the killer decides to let them go. Also the main point of: "Lastly we feel your going to need to reword that last one." was so you dont include nurse for buffs. Your words here: "That's fine, but buff the killers who are below that average and nerf the over-powered ones to that percentile."

    The poster made 3 recommendations to "fight back". I agree that you can't essentially give survivors a "gun" or "weapon". However, they mention

    "So, if you're gonna give the killers guns and throwable objects while making them faster than the survivors give the survivors more and better add Ons, powers and or abilities."

    add-ons and better "abilities" or perks are in the spirit of the game. But, behavior did also, for example, add fire turrets for xenomorph.

    Cool. Absolutely not related to the topic we're having. Doesn't fit this either: "The original argument is whether or not it is agreeable to level the playing field by nerfing killers." as they're saying they should have some of those things because killers have the things they said.

    Now to say that Killers suffer from the same "mistakes" as survivors is significantly different. You die if you make a mistake as a survivor. A killer, makes a mistake can adjust, or pivot to another survivor or generator. The survivors runs out of resources e.g. no more pallets, whereas the killer can mess up for 4 gens and close the game within the last 1 gen or powered gate. Matter of fact, most killer close the gap by simply camping or zoning a survivor out for 3 hook phases.

    As survivor you have rechargeable health states, then you have hook states, and then ways to prevent the loss of the later. You die as a survivor when you make enough mistakes to exhaust all of your hook states. A mistake will first cost you a health state. If you escape the killer or the killer leaves this health state is healed. A second will cost another health state putting you on the dirt and again if the killer leaves or by some miracle escape on the ground, your health states can be reset. Once your hooked then you've lost something you can not reset in a hook state but you also have another one in you before you die once you get hooked a third time (assuming they save you). Flashlights, flashbangs, sabos, and sometimes enough body blocking can also prevent the loss of a hook state when you have decent teammates effectively giving back a health state.

    As killer mistakes cost time which is usually progress on gens (the rough killer equivalent of health states. Think of the total gen and gate progress as 2 health states if you would) and when their finished you can not reset them (hook states). Then comes the gates which can go either in the killers favor or detriment depending on RNG. The killer "dies" once all the survivors escape the trial in anyway (yes the killer "dies" when he kills the survivors but they die "victorious" more or less).

    It goes both ways. A survivor making a mistake can learn from it and attempt to prevent a repeat just like the killer can adjust. The survivors have pallets and windows but the killer is on a constant timer that they have to fight control over with 4 survivors. We don't deny tunneling has gotten out of hand but thats time for survivors to burn on gens (and if they are camping even more emphasis on gens)

    Statistically, 60% kill rate means that on average 1.8 survivors escape per game. Now, I disagree with the 60% kill threshold, it should be 50-55%. It should on average, 2 survivors that escape. Which is why these threads exist.

    Your opinion is your own, but others have different ones and the devs have said somewhere (don't know if its changed recently) that they wanted to aim for a 60% kill rate and since they develop the game…

    You do know "Slasher Horror-movie esque games", no it's a genre of horror. There are slasher killers and fear/thriller killers e.g. Sadako. It also does not mean you unbalance what is at the end of the day… a GAME. Outlast Trials for example is one where it is balanced and rewards skill. They can easily pivot DBD to apply more horror aspects than make it miserable to play for survivors.

    Also, you don't have to blitz through survivors lives, I find much joy when I run Scratched Mirror Meyer build where I probably average 2 kills per game but the thrill of seeing survivors panic when I pop out of no where is hilarious.

    Now we'll admit we're abit lost as to where this paragraph came from so apologies if were missing the point. The GAME is in the vein of trying to emulate the feeling of a slasher horror movie but its its own beast. Sure it would be nice for more horror elements but we don't think weapons or powers for the prey are the way to go (ironic enough Vecna is effectively bringing tools for the survivors so ppl are getting their wish anyway). Your can list things you find unfun but its subjective just like how in our opinion the unfun aspects are how everyone's being predictable (meta slaves, tunneling, meta slaves who tunnel, wanabe bullies) and Object (our personal berserk button).

    We're also starting to believe your projecting your hate of killer players on to us (subconsciously or not)…flattered personally but if its true we'll kindly ask you to stop.

    Alien is also a terrible example, the survivors and Ripley were given weapons - ironically the fire turrets they gave survivors, to the original posters request of a "weapon" (what a fresh concept for survivors) can also be explored to further balance the game.

    Admittedly we haven't seen the original Alien in years so we're abit hazy.

  • LapisInfernalis
    LapisInfernalis Member Posts: 4,179

    I can tell you what:

    I play a lot more survivor than killer even though my Avatar is Wesker.

    Avatars don't mean anything.

  • LapisInfernalis
    LapisInfernalis Member Posts: 4,179

    You are talking about Deathslinger (guy with a gun), Huntress (throws hatchets), Trickster (throws knives), Artist (Bird lady) and maybe Unknown (spits pink exploding balls) and Plague (vomits all over you)?

    The main reason why they are highly effective against new players is because you don't look behind during a chase so you don't know when to dodge. For the killer (even a beginner) it is kinda simple to hit you with their power.

    Learn how to look behind you in chase (YT helps) and the problem will solve itself.