What do you think about killer slugging for hatch?

First 2 survivors dead. 3rd is dead on hook and was just downed but instead of hooking the survivor, the killer goes for the 4th survivor, denying any possibility of hatch.
I'm curious what others think of this?
Personally I find this to be one of the sweatiest things someone could do. You already clearly stomped the survivors. 3 dead on hook and you still have a 50/50 chance of getting the last survivor. I get if the survivor is near or if they just take 5-10 seconds to check the area but often times the killer will just leave the survivor on the ground for minutes.
I had a match last night where there was 2 of us left; the Ghostface killed me but left me on the ground to go looking for the 4th survivor. After about 2 minutes, the last survivor was actually able to pick me up but the Ghostface found me again shortly after, killed me and left me on the ground again. I just immediately DC'd. This was only my 2nd match for the night but I just completely logged off after that.
Oh no, a killer trying to secure a fourth kill.
What a disaster.
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Annoying and IMO outside of a challenge not really worth it. Especially if not all Gens got done, the Killer clearly won with a 3K. And even if the Killer does not slug, they have the higher chance to find the Hatch anyway, the Survivor at this point can only escape when they become lucky.
So yeah, wasting the time of everyone around just for a small ego boost is annoying.
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The hatch should just open as soon as there are 2 survivors left and one of them is in the dying state. The killer has won anyway, so it would just save everyone's time. Too bad the devs are against any general nerfs to killers whatsoever.
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It sucks. Makes me wish I was fortunate enough to die second. I dump all my clean clothes in the theatre room to be folded when this happens, so at least I get some housework done.
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I did this a few hours ago for an old rift challenge. I have only done it for challenges that require every Survivor die. For those challenges, I just want to knock them out and move on.
I usually look forward to the race for Hatch at the end. I get a different thrill when it's 1 Survivor and the Hatch left, especially if you find the Survivor first and get into one final chase.
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There’s nothing wrong with it. You aren’t entitled to hatch. I almost never do it unless survivors are being toxic because trying to find the last survivor is usually boring. Not to mention its lore Accurate because no killer would let a survivor escape.
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I think it’s fine.
Killer performed well and is entitled at a chance for a 4k. If people want to be mad at someone, be mad at the last Survivor who is dragging the game out by hiding- or is it okay for a Survivor to drag the game out in order to secure a personal win when their team failed?14 -
understandable if they have a challenge or an adept
Very cringe otherwise
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Oh no, a survivor might get hatch after I already WON the game.
What a disaster.
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Dont be mad at the Killer who tries to 4K, be mad at the Survivor who tries to survive.
Let the Killer have a chance for a 4K, they are entitled for this.
What a logic.
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If they know where the last survivor is, fair enough.
If they have an adept or a challenge, I get it but personally I'd much rather bring a hatch offering and "risk" "having to play" another game (I say that sarcastically because if I didn't enjoy the game I wouldn't play it and if I did enjoy the game I wouldn't mind playing another round)
If neither of those things are true I just find it extremely distasteful and embarassingly thirsty. Again, I play because I love the mechanics of the game, not hecause I need to see a 4k to feel happy
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I personally don’t do it but I also don’t see an issue with it or mind them doing it. If the hatch is what the last survivors going for then at that point the killer already won and earned his 4K anyway. The hatch is just a freebie rng escape. Until the hatch mechanic is changed it’s what he has to do.
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It is logical since the killer performed well and has a right to try for a 4k. The description is in their title.
Let me ask you this, if the gates are powered, someone is on hook and the rest of the team is at full health, are Survivors wrong for going in to rescue the hooked person? Why can’t they just leave? A 3-escape is still a win for them. There’s no need to waste more time, they can just go next. Or is it okay for the Survivors to get a 4 escape while Killers need to be nice and considerate so Survivors have a good time?
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Similar when survivors complete 2-3 Gens after the first chase. Total disaster.
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My opinion is always that people cannot expect to 4K every match but cannot expect that everyone gets out every match either. So yeah, I would not try to save someone in Endgame, I would rather take 3 people out.
But, you are saying that the Killer is entitled to their 4K, which they are just not. It is just dumb logic to say that the Killer who is refusing to hook someone despite having won the game is not at fault but the person who wants to survive.
(btw… Survivors want to survive… But I guess that this is not "The description is in their title".)
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current hatch is fine
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It's only really understandable if the killer is doing a challenge, if not it's a bit much.
I wouldn't say it's something behavior should "fix", but I do think it's pretty boring when killers choose to do this.
I only really do it in 2 situations, either I have a challenge - or the survivor team went crazy with their trolling. 😅2 -
It's annoying but there are plenty of challenges in the compendium that necessitate it so usually I just assume the killer is doing one of them, bite the bullet, and give myself up because getting hatch or the 4k to me is not what differentiates a win from a loss to me. 3ks are still pretty good and a pity win where I need to be a little lucky doesn't feel like a win unless I was carrying the other suvs, then it feels earned.
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As a killer main, i find it utterly boring
If i know for sure where the last survivor is and he is near, sure i'll go and down him
If i have no clue or if he is far, fck it i'll take the 50/50 and even then, chances are that i let the last one leave anyway
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Rotten killers trying to maximize their bloodpoint and emblem gains and/or kill everyone for whatever reason!
shakes fist at sky
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Removing hatch would lead more kill count, resulting survivors' buffs.
Most killer mains just want more kills but never think about Devs looks at the stats and adjust to make 60% killrate, not 80%.So I do want to have hatch removed. Since 1 survivor still requires 5 Gens done to escape, the game will be balance around 5 Gens done.every.single.match.
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a 3 person escape is NOT a win for the 4th survivor. It's just "not a win" for the killer. Stop looking at it from an entitled player perspective. Playing well does not entitle you to the 4th kill. You are bypassing a core mechanic by not allowing the 4th survivor to race you for the hatch.
It's the same argument killers made when 4 survivors would hatch escape with key after doing all of the gens. Survivors were bypassing the door mechanic.
Slugging for the 4K is a dev oversight and it should fix. Once there is only one survivor STANDING, hatch should open. That's an easy fix.
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I feel like Merciless should be changed to a 3K and it would solve so many issues honestly regarding the perspective of slugging for a 4k if they arent going to add a change to the gameplay flow
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Its maybe a bit unfun but it's not exactly a bad strategy at times. If the survivors were playing less optimally than the killer probably though they could achieve the 4k through this method.
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Then slugging for the 4K is fine as well.
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If someone truly feels like it's a waste of time/they really want to go 'next', they can always run up to the killer to expedite the end of the match.
I don't see that happening a lot, though.
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The survivors risk dying and potentially snowballing the 3K iinto a 1K, 2K or 0K, wheras theres no risk in slugging for hatch for killer.
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Sorry, I need to be more specific. I don’t think Killers are entitled to 4ks, I think that they’re entitled for the chance to 4K. As long as they use the means that the Devs have provided to them, I don’t think they should be disparaged for trying for it. I don’t think it’s any different from Survivors using whatever means the game provides to prevent the killer from killing them or their teammates.
Sure, it’s not fun getting slugged, but that’s not a reason to get mad at the Killer, who is playing within the rules. Complaints should be directed at the Devs so they can perhaps shorten the bleed out timer or come up with a new solution.I have no problem with Survivors trying to survive. I have no problem with them hiding as the last Survivor while someone else is slugged. I have a problem when someone rages at me or talks down to me because I played in a way they didn’t like when it’s sanctioned by the Devs.
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The Killer played well, was winning and as a result has the upper hand so their risk is minimized. There’s still the risk of the slug bleeding out, getting picked up or using a perk like Unbreakable.
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What is so bad about hatch that it needs to be changed? It doesn’t lower or improve mmr. It’s just a latch ditch effort to escape for the last survivor like in a horror movie. And to end the game
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all they care about is winning 100% of their games. That why you see awful takes such as gates regressing
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all that does is extend the game. The killer still wins in the end
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Exactly lol
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What’s wrong with the killer wanting to kill all the survivors? That’s their objective.
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oh no, killer wants a 4k… how dare they…
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Perhaps you didnt think through that those who complain about slugging for 4K are the 3rd survivors being slugged, not the 4th one wants to escape.
Killers also complain when survivors give up when a teammate dies at 4-5 Gens, but want survivors to give up hatch for 4K.
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What risk is there of any of these? Either the hatch spawns or you just down them again.
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Unless there's a decent reason (adept, challenge, you have a reasonable idea of where the last is and go check), we think it's stupid as there no thrill anymore. Smart survivors will leave the slugged to bleed out and since most who slug for the 4k stay extra close to the slug, you've effectively wasted 4 minutes staring at a slug.
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The Killer loses a hook if the Survivor bleeds out. Also, if the Survivors are good loopers and there’s only one or two gens left, they can still complete them and escape. It doesn’t happen often because most Survivors are bad at looping and because they’d rather just wait for their teammate to die rather than try.
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whats wrong with wanting 4k? i always aim for 4k if the survivors were genrushing/using flashlights/annoying perks
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Very rude of that 4th non-slugged survivor to waste everybody's time.
Poor etiquette, indeed!
Getting slugged is a possibility every single time you queue up.
If the 4th person wants to try and escape/wait for you to bleed out, that is also a possibility every time.
If you don't like normal parts of the gameplay loop, that is truly unfortunate.
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Slugging for the 4k is the best way to use the new base kit mori. BHVR is literally giving killers a new reason to slug for the 4k.
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Well, if its okay to slug for the 4k, its okay to hide to deny. Literally tit for tat.
Are both boring? Yes.
Are both sweaty? Yes.
Are both gonna happen regardless? Hell yes.11 -
I don't mean to offend you as I really do appreciate all the answers in this thread but reading that first sentence unironically is absolutely wild. What does it matter at that point? Its still a kill. But yeah I guess if the killer is the type to think that way then it's not surprising that they would slug for the 4K.
But my original point was your comparison of Killers slugging for 4K = Survivors going for save in endgame isn't equal because the risks involved in one far outweighs the other. In BHVR's most recent statistics report, they showed that most hook saves in endgame don't result in a clean save, with either 1 survivor being traded or more survivors dying in the process. Whereas you yourself seem to admit that it's rare to see 2 survivors (Where one was slugged) into a victory.
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Also this, I think. If they move forward with this mori decision, I just don't know. They keep finding strange ways to get players to question playing. I've never seen a company use this tactic. Very strange.
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I don't mind it too much, there's always perks to stop killers slugging and they are effective.
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You ask whats wrong? Nothing actually lol.
Then you put a bunch of reasons, as if they were needed.
You dont need a reason to want a 4k. 4k is pretty awesome! But do you want the 4k, or are you wanting it to scorn the survivors for all those reasons you listed? I try to figure these things out for myself.8 -
It’s not wild. It’s not a kill, it’s a bleed out and the killer loses out on points. It’s just pure entitlement to expect the Killer to play as you want them and have them make things easier on their opponent.
And my comparison is equal. Killer takes a risk with slugging and Survivors take a risk with hook swaps and rescuing. Either way, they risk not getting their 4k/4escape. If the Survivor crawls away and bleeds out while the killer can’t find their teammate, the killer loses the opportunity for having a third hook and by extension a 4k because now the hatch is open and the last Survivor can escape. Also, the roles are inherently different. The Killer is the power role, they’re supposed to have more of an advantage when there are less Survivors left while Survivor advantages are increased when more of them remain.
Actually, it can be argued that Survivors have the advantage when gates are powered and at full health since they can body block for each other and use exhaustion perks for easy get away. Only time they don’t is if it’s someone like Bubba.
In the end, there is nothing inherently wrong or toxic with Killers slugging for the 4K. They’re just playing the game using means that BHVR has sanctioned. No one should be trying to shame or disparage them for it just like no one should do to Survivors when they do things Killers may not like.
If you or anyone else have an issue with a mechanic that someone may use, you should take it up with the Devs with a constructive discussion.4 -
Slugging for the 4k is not an oversight. Slugging has been sanctioned by the Devs for a long time. It’s an actual core mechanic of the game that buys the killer time to apply pressure on the Survivors. If it was an oversight, there would be no perks of killer powers (Like Twins) that promote it.
I’m not looking at it with an entitled player perspective. I did use poor wording though, I’ll admit that. I’ll correct myself once again -“Killers are entitled to a chance at a 4K”.
And no, hatch should not open to give the last standing Survivor an easy escape. Their team failed at completing their objectives and wasting the killers time which the game provides ample opportunity to do, they don’t need more hand holding to win.
Just because you don’t like a mechanic doesn’t make it a “Dev oversight”.
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This has to be the most healthy look on the game I've seen in a long time. Making me reflect a little myself lol.