Feedback and Suggestions

Feedback and Suggestions

Behavior, please add a Give Up penalty in the game..

There's a massive problem with people giving up in the game recently. I don't know why,, nobody knows why.

But every other game, there's a survivor killing themselves on hook… after the first hook… at 5 gens. And the entire game goes to Hell for the rest of the 3 survivors (and the killer as well, nobody likes unfair games). All because of 1 baby who couldn't swallow the fact that they've got hooked once.

This is absolutely unacceptable. That's not a game mechanic. That's ruining the game..

There is a DC penalty in the game, but no Give Up penalty.

Here's the irony: Survivor soloq-wise, it's way worse if someone gives up, than someone DC'ing. Survivor soloq-wise, it should be the other way around. Because if someone DC's you get a bot. Bots do gens. Bots heal. Bots loop. Bots unhook. Bots sometimes play better than some players. If they kill themselves on hook however, it's a guaranteed 3v1, a waste of a game, and a waste of time for everyone.

And that's the whole problem. Losers don't DC on hook, even though it's better for the team. Losers kill themselves. So they can go… straight to the next game… and repeat. Because the penalty… is for DC's.

As a soloq survivor player, I'm on the edge of quitting the game. And I know I'm not the only one. This has to change.

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  • Member Posts: 768
    edited May 2024
    There's a massive problem with people giving up in the game recently. I don't know why,, nobody knows why.

    You have a lot of topics about that. I'm convinced you know the reasons (as unjustified or stupid as they are…).
    Remember, DC penalties were initially introduced to reduce the DC during match. As you still can see, you still have (a lot of) DC during matches.
    So now, instead to DC, survivors simply give up on the hook. And you want to apply another sanction against that, hoping it will reduce the amount of Give Up during your matches ?
    You really don't know how resilient & stubborn can the DbD's players be…
    IMO the penalties wasn't & will never be the solution…

  • Member Posts: 18

    So what's a good solution in your eyes? Because this is absolutely ruining the entire experience of the game, and cannot be just ignored. There are alternative solutions:

    1. Remaining survivors get a boost if their teammate gives up in the first hook (so they can have a chance to do something at least).
    2. Survivors get the option to give up without DC'ing but a separate give up option, and that survivor is immediately replaced by a bot. That way, the person who wants to give up will be taken out of the game immediately, but their teammates don't have to suffer because of it.
    3. Add a report for survivors who give up, so they get placed in lobbies with other losers who give up, so losers will play with their likes and don't ruin the experience for other players.

    But pretending this ain't an issue and doesn't require addressing is ludacris. Nobody wants to load 5 mins to get into a match, and be forced to play 15 minutes of a game that was already over in the first minute.

    "But muh it's not that deep, just play it out, you don't have to win every game." Yeah… I'll play it out once. Twice. But it's every other goddamn game. At this point I'm already preparing for a 3v1 loss before the game even loads. It's not about IF someone will give up, but WHO will give up. For Christ' sake…

  • Member Posts: 813

    Survivors get the option to give up without DC'ing but a separate give up option, and that survivor is immediately replaced by a bot. That way, the person who wants to give up will be taken out of the game immediately, but their teammates don't have to suffer because of it.

    How is this different from the current DC?

  • Member Posts: 768
    edited May 2024
    So what's a good solution in your eyes? Because this is absolutely ruining the entire experience of the game

    I agree, it could be a pain for others and often it means 'match already lost' for survivors and a boring task to end up quickly for the killer.
    I don't have a solution and it is probably not up to me to found a good one. BVHR has never asked my opinion about the DCs.
    But I'm just saying & convinced (since 2019) the DC penalties isn't the solution. Apparently it's still the most smooth & progressive actually. And playing with a bot often rhymes with a fast end of the match…

    With all the recent server crashes, this solution has reached his own limits and this penalty system penalizes more often unfairly than it solves whatever else.

    I just have understand this 'alternative':

    Add a report for survivors who give up, so they get placed in lobbies with other losers who give up

    and it is very funny: at the end, you can have a huge waiting crowd in these lobbies. And do you think as killer to be match up against these 'loosers' after that ? who will wish that ?

  • Member Posts: 2,071

    You're focusing on a band aid fix that targets a symptom and not the core problem. That's why this idea won't work, among other reasons.

    Why are people DCing? From my perspective, the game has had the fun drained out of it steadily for the past couple years almost every patch. Literally any time survivors are getting anything other than 'stare at gens forever' as gameplay it gets complained about and nerfed or just plain deleted.

    Maybe it's because tunneling is still far too strong, and getting found first means you just don't get to play that match. Here's your 5k bp, go Wait in queue for ten more minutes and maybe someone else will get tunneled next. The only nerf to tunneling in two years was the DS change to 5s, and that was immediately nerfed again for literally no reason.

    How about making the core gameplay actually fun, and people will want to play? Instead of making the gameplay a coin toss between tunneling and camping or gen repair jockey. People are burning out and just don't realize it yet.

  • Member Posts: 1,153

    People giving up on absolutely everything: sometimes because I load in as twins, sometimes because I down them quickly because I won the mindgame, sometimes because they hate franklins, there's no sense in it. If you hate the game so much that you have to give up on absolutely everything, then just don't play for a while, you just ruin it for other people for no reason xD

    At least for me the core gameplay is fun, I don't even run ds or otr and I'm very rarely tunneled, but the fun part requires that no one gives up like a little kid on everything.

    It's not even only a problem regarded to survivors: yesterday I made a legion dc because he didn't hit the frenzy, another game I made a billy dc because he didn't hit the worst tries to curve I've ever seen xD

  • Member Posts: 1,390

    "So what's the solution in your eyes?"

    Well, first of all, look at the causes. Address all the valid ones, like noping out when by the time you're on hook not a single gen has been touched and you - quite correctly - assume it's a losing match, even if you're just two minutes in. Or noping out when you can tell within a few minutes that it's some forever-strategy of e.g. Skully or Knight (though there are other who can make the match draw out unreasonmably long). I don't wanna play tap-the-generator for 30 minutes+. - Making it worth a surv's while to stick around even during a losing match would definitely not make things worse either.

    Once the valid causes have been addressed the last resort would be to force players to stick around for the match or eat the DC penalty. But that's the last resort - not your go-to-fix.

  • Member Posts: 18

    You are delusional if you honestly argue that give ups happen only because of a 3 gen skull merchant. I have teammates giving up in almost every other game nowadays, and it's not because the killer has done anything wrong in particular. People will give up because they've been found by lethal 10 seconds into the match and downed, amongst other petty reasons. Who is to blame there really?

  • Member Posts: 18

    Trust me when I say, most give-ups have absolutely nothing to do with tunneling. Most give ups when I play survivor, happen from the very first hook, not even on the second stage. How can you give up because of tunneling, when the killer hasn't even had the chance to tunnel you yet? There's no such thing as a first hook tunneling.

    Or do you mean that people "assume" they're gonna get tunneled they give up? In which case, I don't see how that's a valid excuse. Moreover, you're acting like tunneling is less counterable than it actually is. The game is full of second chance perks. I wouldn't mind if I'm being tunneled and my teammates are sticking on gens, because I'll be more than glad to take the chase for a long time while gens are being finished, whilst looping the killer, an arguably more fun experience than staring at a gen all the time.

    Which is why, your argument is kind of contradictory. First you complain about the survivor experience being looking at a gen and hitting skillchecks for the whole game, but then you argue that tunneling (aka being in chase) is a bad experience. So what exactly do you want to do? Do you wanna look at gens all game and never interact with the killer or do you wanna be in chase all game? What's the alternative? Because from your argument, it seems you hate both, which is just about the entire game as a survivor. Or do you want the game to go specifically as you desire, with the killer giving you just as much time as you want in doing gens and just as much time as you want in chase? Sorry, but you ain't that special.

    In which case, since you have problems with every single scenario, I'd advise you to give up on playing this game entirely, instead of ruining my and other people's matches. If you don't wanna look at a gen all game, don't play survivor. If you don't wanna get tunneled, run distortion and hide all game like a rat, if that's a more pleasant gaming experience for you. The options are plenty.

    The solution however, is not to ruin the entire match for 4 other people, because you're an entitled little baby.

  • Member Posts: 1,390

    I think it was plenty clear but I was giving examples there, not giving an exhaustive list. Of those examples Skully three genning was one.

    And if you read to the end you also know that I'm absolutely not saying all reasons are valid reasons. I'm talking about the sequence: Before introducing penalties or forcing players to stay in a match all the actually valid reasons for noping out of a match need to be addressed. (On both sides, btw.)

    I also don't care if it's lobby dodging, 4%ing or DCing, btw. All of them are symptoms of valid issues. There are also some petty people throwing a tantrum, sure. You can't do something about the latter - but if you don't actually address the former then you're shooting yourself in the foot.

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