The End game Collapse is great but needs a slight rework.

Chappers14 Member Posts: 18
edited May 20 in Feedback and Suggestions

I think the end game collapse was an amazing addition to the game. As limited the trolling towards killers. And was definitely need into the game. But I think they have to do some slight changes. For instance certain perks should stop the time till the perk is deactivated (blood warden). Just had a game where the killer had terminus Noed and blood warden. They slugged a person on the ground. We managed to take out the totem shortly after exit gate was open. Trying to get to them taking hits. But he just kept slugging her. They then put them on the hook with 30 seconds left on the time. But blood warden kicked in giving us zero chance of surviving.
Was just a cheap death me and other survivors laughed about it. As it was only the killers second hook all game. And it was the skull merchant as well 😂.

Also I don’t think a game should enter the end game collapse due to the closure of the hatch. One vs One the killer is at an amazing advantage as it is. But if the game enters end game collapses your escape chance are practically zero. Especially with perks like No way out. If you do escape it would be mainly down to luck not skill.

I do not want this complete nerfed into the ground. As I said killers have it hard enough. And I believe the end game collapse was a wonderful idea. It just needs a few tweaks


  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    Bloodwarden is already a trash perk, and this guy put all his effort into making that meme work… I don't think it is cheap, because it basically takes more luck and what not than many other things you can pull off, just for this meme. I don't think we need to nerf a perk because of a meme strategy that maybe works every 10-20 games…

    So if the game does not enter end game collapse after hatch is closed… The killer is just supposed to patrol the gates for an hour until the server shuts down? Nah dude that's the last thing the EGC needs…

    Technically the survivor is not supposed to realistically get out… Everything is against him, his team, rightfully, didn't make it so why would he? And at some point it has to be over… They did not get the gens done, they didn't get hatch and now they are supposed to have a higher chance of getting the gate? Come on… That guy had 2 chances before and now you want to increase the odds for him?

  • _Onyx_
    _Onyx_ Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 348

    You either leave when you suspect they have Blood Warden, or you do everything possible to stop that Survivor being hooked. Blood Warden was pretty much garbage before the EGC, coz only a few Killers could get value from it. Now the EGC exists, it's a perk that allows any Killer to get more kills in the dying moments of a match.

    The argument shouldn't be to pause the EGC, it should be to prevent exit gates from having their progress paused. Leaving an exit gate with progress on it, but not open, should trigger a regression countdown. If a Survivor doesn't interact with the exit gate lever within that timer, then the lever sparks out and resets to 0%. It would essentially be a type of 'dead man's switch'. The lever needs to be held for it to open the exit gate. But once it's open, the Entity latches around the exit gate frame and holds it open until the Trial ends.

  • Chappers14
    Chappers14 Member Posts: 18
    edited May 20

    I love how all the replies are just run out of the gate. Leave your team mates and treat the game like it’s solo 😂. The most toxic game community out there. I also love when I make suggesting who’s ever game Is going to be slightly tricker they get so defensive. Actually put a post up saying how to make the game easier for killer and the meltdown survivors had was hilarious. But both sides are squinny’s and never open at the possibility of change. It’s why every game mode out or coming out is practically the same mode.

    Only faults this community can find is when it affect their side. I wasn’t even asking for a massive buff. Just slight buff to make it a tiny bit fairer.

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    "Run out of the gate when a potential bloodwarden would otherwise kill you for sure, because EGC will run out before bloodwarden"… Yeah man, that is indeed very toxic …

  • Chappers14
    Chappers14 Member Posts: 18

    what is the point in playing a team game if your going to treat it like solo ? The idea is working together not using team mates as pawns. If your more then happy to run out the gate when a team mate is down. It does show how toxic this community is. As they only consider helping themselves.

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    You comletely misunderstand the point… At the point where that teammate is not dead on hook (because otherwise there is no reason at all to stay) but still has their 60 seconds on hook, the egc timer is already 3/4 done… Besides the very obvious elephant in the room where the killer did not hook someone before that point… It will be fairly obvious what is going on. Leaving at that point is the only reasonable play because otherwise everyone will die, this has nothing to do with being selfish, everything else would just be overly risky for no reason.

  • Chappers14
    Chappers14 Member Posts: 18

    It’s never obvious with this game. Like I said they had one hook all game before hand. And now’s on and was slugging the body. It’s logical to accept the idea she was just baiting survivors. But could have also been thought they had lost hope with the hook and just wanted them to bleed out. If you willing just to accept the survivor is gone and leave is pointless. Like an early comment said try and prevent the hook attempt (which I did the other 2 hid for the hook rescue). But by your logic we should always leave as soon as exit game is open no matter about the other survivors. As there could always be a perk to completely change the game.

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    It is fairly obvious… And you should always think that your opponent has better cards than it seems…

    By my logic you leave when it points towards blood warden, and when you get more experienced in the game you will see the signs… When someone is just slugging the survivor AND not going for others then it is fairly obvious what they are doing, they don't want to hook yet because of bloodwarden, UNLESS other factors like no hooks, flashlights or what not… But usually you will at least have an educated guess when bloodwarden is in play.

    Also no, by my logic you don't leave immediatly… But you should leave when the timer is done 3/4 of the way… Because at that point you cannot resuce anyway… The time it takes you after the unhook to go back to the gate is longer than the time you have… So even if it is not bloodwarden, you will still die…

  • Ohyakno
    Ohyakno Member Posts: 1,019

    There's nothing toxic about cutting losses. If there's a billy or bubba with someone on hook in end game: just leave. If there's two survivors left and someone else is on hook: just leave. You're not getting a a 3 or 4 out in these circumstances.

    Such a bizzare mentality. When I'm on hook in those circumstances I'll kill myself so the other survivors leave instead of feeding the killer additional kills. There's times to be altruistic and there's times not to be. When the killer obviously has blood warden in play it's time to just leave. If your teammate doesn't understand that's on them.