Is a report of inappropriate behavior not carried out by animations taken into account?

I was in a match where after being downed, the Killer started moving back and forth in a way that looks inappropriate and made me feel uncomfortable. I didn’t take a picture or video, but since it's something that we see from time to time, I would like to know if it's reportable.
Not really reportable. It is basically like teabagging, childish and immature, but getting upset about it does not help or is even worth it.
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Teabagging, hitting on hook, nodding, moving back and forth, etc. are not bannable offenses.
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I really would like to hear what support is saying to this. Like, it is obviously a try to perform sexual harassment and if support would say its not, they would get such a big shitstorm.
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I won't go into specifics, but regardless of how silly it may seem, it can be considered sexual harassment. I enjoy humor, but there are boundaries that should be respected.
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Let's not demean serious topics by comparing them to emoting in a video game.
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This is not something reportable in game. It falls within the same definition that t-bagging does, whilst not great sportsmanship it's not against the rules either.
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Why is your team fine with having a player do this to another player for 4 minutes straight while the survivor player bleeds out?
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I genuinely don't get why people try to make it a real life problem when it's not anywhere near being one, it's a bunch of pixels lol
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T-bagging and the like have been the basis of trolling in game since HALO. It ain't going away. You're literally telling the teacher to take the class bully and put them in the corner for remainder of the class. They'll just go back to class and keep doing it the next class.
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Low empathy? It's pixels on a screen for crying out loud, I would hate to hear your opinion about any other multiplayer game most are far worse than this game and if moving back and forth is what bothers you so much you need some tougher skin and I'm not trying to be rude I'm just being real with you
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So its fine to express sexual actions through game movement used as harassment?
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So because some immature person said that's what it meant you're going to allow it to dictate your fun? It reminds me of children saying that holding their ring finger up is flipping you off in a different language its ridiculous, I guess those kids are all grown up now though huh?
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You're right I should, what's sad is I think they truly believe it and they're not trying to troll
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I dont care whatveer person it says. They think thats the deal and everybody can see the resemblence of this action. Its trying to harassment, there is nothing to discuss. If you think you can excuse such behaviour, its up to you. But we live in 2024.
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Should unsportsmanlike behaviour - and I mean clearly unsportsmanlike, such as the humping, not teabagging at a loop to divert a killer's attention - have some sort of reportable consequence? Or is it not noted because of the general consensus that it's difficult to discern?
Because I'd say that if you understand unsportsmanlike behaviour has taken place, even a warning message sent regarding this behaviour would be better than nothing, especially if the aim is to encourage a more enjoyable experience.
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It's a slap in the face to anyone who's experienced it in real life for you to compare it to that, in 2024 you think that's acceptable? Equating a child's made up action in a video game to real life assault? It's disgusting
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But we live in 2024.
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Its not getting hooked, its a video game.
Now back to the point of OP: Moving back and forth is _____, but its just a game. Please fill it in.
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Well the resemblance is just really not there… It is really far fetched to make anything else out of it than some silly immature bm gesture… Yes we do live in 2024, where we apparently get offended over everything now… The year is not an argument to reason that something with no resemblance whatsoever to a real life gesture is supposed to be a banable offense.
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The year is 2025 Gamers in mass groups are getting sent to prison for SA cause they Teabagged in a video game. Know how ridiculous that sounds?
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Listen. It sucks. I know. Them not doing anything about it. No form of punishment. Then I think to myself, I might as well join in and do the same as well. Now I won't advise you to be a bad sport on this forum. Never! But I'm just saying after many times of being treated like that, I might as well do it too for funsies! Toxicity surely does breed more toxicity. And if left uncheck it continues to spread until this community is really left in a bad state. But we survived worse than this tho right?
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Sorry to interrupt but it's so weird seeing this be said from a Freddy PFP. I agree with you for sure, but I just thought about that. Anyway that's all from me good bye
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Resemblance of the action? It's just walking on someone, as simple as that. To be honest, I even had no idea some people may take it as what you describe until I've read it on the forums. I guess it just depends on your own perception.
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"Punish this player for pressing W and S repeatedly"
The state of online gaming LOL12 -
Its not a matter of perception. Its a matter of meaning.
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We don't punish ill intent, we punish an action… Otherwise you might as well report people for calling gg because the meaning was clearly meant as an insult for the other sides play…
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No it isn't.
This is literally the definition of looking for things to be offended by.
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Do you think the camps will have LAN parties? Asking for a friend…
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Not just punish but ban lol that's what they want
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That would be the exact opposite of what i said.
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I don't really see a point in humping being bannable because it'll just be replaced by something else and the moment they ban for that you'll have people calling for bans for tbagging, nodding, slugging, tunneling, etc; which people already do to a degree which is wild.
Lets say they do ban humping. What if the killer does it from the front then? What if they do it side to side? Up against a random wall? Walking in circles? Moonwalking on you?
Where exactly is the line of what motions are and aren't okay? Not only that but the moment you make that line then people will simply get as close as they can to it for maximum annoyance and it'll still have the same BM intent as humping so nothing will have changed.
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Respectfully, this is all a load of waffle.
Holding W and S in a videogame is not sexual harassment, and advocating for it to be taken as such demeans actual victims of harassment.
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Inmate: "what're you in for?"
Gamer: " I pressed W &S in dead by daylight too many times and got 4 years, then a extra 2 tacked on for crouching and standing too fast, they really threw the rulebook at me"
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Thats your interpretation. This is an adult game, and rated appropriately so. Please refer to the laws of your country on appropriate actions to take, if any. Stepping away might also be viable.
Good Luck in the Fog!
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Taking it into RL is so childish. But i guess no sense of right and wrong.
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Someone is throwing 💩 at a wall seeing what sticks.
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But isn't the whole argument of the pro side that it resembles a RL gesture…. And now it is childish?
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If something makes someone feel uncomfortable, it's a valid thing to point out. Not justifying it ignores the reality that people have different reactions to what it's supposed to mean. If a number of people see it as a joke, that doesn't mean it's okay or acceptable.
I got an answer here, you can move on.
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The point is though, we don't need to justify anything… You need to justify the restriction of making it a bannable offense, or reportable to begin with. Since we don't advocate for a change, why would we need to justify anything?
Many things can make people uncomfortable, but usually that is something that is up to those people to take care of themselves, of course that changes when it comes to behaviour from other people, but there will always be a limit of behaviour you will need to tolerate, despite it making you feel uncomfortable, and bm in video games is one of them.
Well it is certainly okay or acceptable for the people who think it is a joke, and that is just as valid as an opinion as your who states the opposite… After all it is just a game and the actions presented don't resemble anything bad… unlike all the horrid things that is done to the survivors in their moris and what not…
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We need to bring back down voting. Just sayin'.
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I got stabbed by legion, where can I report the person playing them for assault with a deadly weapon?
Like aside from the ironic comment, this debate is absurd, it is just a way of bming just like teabagging, it is not this horrible act that destroys your being.
Yes its mean and cringy but not anywhere different from a tbag, I really believe people are so bored they are trying to stir up some conflict, because this some olympic mental gymnastics that are used to equate such a petty action in a videogame to a real life assault.
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This is the internet. HR is down the hall.
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OP obviously hasn't seen what that crazy cat the clown been perpin'. All stepping on heads, lopping off fingers and sucking them! Who does that?! That jive ass turkey, that's who! No social grace!
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Not quit the same, pretending to ######### someone on the floor is a bit different imo.
It's not something I do but taunting another player (i.e. crouching or "tea bagging" at a pallet) isn't the same as humping a player incapable of getting away. Then again, survivors doing this crouch at the exit gate for the full timer to tick down makes me kinda sick too.
I guess there's levels of BM'ing which are acceptable - maybe a quick show boat crouch or a point, or a quick little WS on someone downed (to show dominance hah) can be overlooked, but when someone is doing a full slug and hump or a teabag at exit gate for the full timer, it's just a cringe experience to see :(