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does anyone else think 110 killers should be retired?

Akeeno Member Posts: 91
edited May 22 in Feedback and Suggestions

imo 110 killers are a thing of the past and dont really make much sense, blight is fast and 115, vecna too who

can fly fast, unknown is also 115, so why have them, i understand nurse, shes one of kind, but the rest arent.

Post edited by Rizzo on


  • Akeeno
    Akeeno Member Posts: 91

    we wont know till we test it, in a ptb, and if its too strong then yea, but huntress struggles in tall loops like the farm maps and giant boulders from Ormond,

  • sizzlingmario4
    sizzlingmario4 Member Posts: 6,707

    I think 110% speed should generally only be given to a killer when necessary to compensate for the strength of their power/prevent that power from being too strong with 115% speed, but it’s not something that should be retired. The current list of 110 killers is fine imo.

    Chucky is a unique case because I think it’s less because of his power and more to compensate for his small size and being able to loop more efficiently. If he was 115 it would feel like he was 120 for example.

  • Inosennatoki
    Inosennatoki Member Posts: 43
    edited May 22

    Chucky should be 4.6 m/s, after devs removed his anti-loop.

    Reducing the cooldown to 12 seconds wasn't enough to compensate for the huge nerf he received.

  • Tatariu
    Tatariu Member Posts: 3,068

    4.4m/s is a draw-back for a very good reason. I don't even like Trickster being 4.6m/s, imagining Huntress and Spirit being full speed makes me want to scream in anger.

  • Marioneo
    Marioneo Member Posts: 808

    With that being said i believe Blight should be 110 and Chucky should be 115

  • UndeddJester
    UndeddJester Member Posts: 2,966
    edited May 22

    Is there a bad 4.4m/s killer right now?

    • Huntress
    • Spirit
    • Chucky
    • Hag
    • Deathslinger (EDIT)
    • Matchbox Nurse
    • Tuned Carburator Hillbilly

    The worst in that list is probably Hag... and she's not exactly a slouch of a killer...

    People keep saying Chucky is ruined without his scamper... but I've seen some skilled Chuckys who look absolutely terrifying with the 12s cooldown... so not convinced 😨

    Post edited by UndeddJester on
  • UndeddJester
    UndeddJester Member Posts: 2,966
    edited May 22

    You're right!
    I seemed to be under the impression he was changed to be 4.6m/s at some point… I think I mixed that up with when he had his TR bumped from 24m to 32m in 5.3.0.

    Cheers for the catch! 😁🤘

  • Rick1998
    Rick1998 Member Posts: 215

    blight is 115% to make him aprocheable for new players. If he was 110% good blight wouldn't even notice but new pleople trying blight would not have a good time.

  • Onyx_0110
    Onyx_0110 Member Posts: 48
    edited May 22

    Yeah… I didn't actually know Spirit was 110 but it explained some of my games with her over time. You have to be absolutely sound in your power use or it's rough, unlike other killers where you can always fall back on M1. As for Hag, why was she ever 110?

    Otoh killers like Slinger and Huntress are fine.

  • tony42545
    tony42545 Member Posts: 89

    So if survivors have a small hitbox that give them the ability to run around objects quicker it's not an issue?

    But if Chucky moves just as quick that is an issue?

    How come when killers and survivors have a common playing field we automatically give survivors the advantage? This is a going trend that continues to plague the game and for me to see that other people are repeating this I feel is trouble some.

    Things like the gen regression prevention, hook grabs denials, and body blocking nerf. The longer this game goes on the harder it is to maintain a fun game for the killers.

    These are the reasons I had stopped playing but I heard that they are going to release a 2v8 "mode" which is something I've been looking forward to. But then I learned more about it.

  • Akeeno
    Akeeno Member Posts: 91

    i think thats a weak argument, you could say the same of other killers such as huntress and slinger respectfully

  • Skillfulstone
    Skillfulstone Member Posts: 696

    Ok I'm gonna stop that misconception and assumptions right there, I'm not on the Killer's nor the Survivors's "side" (and the us vs them mindset is partly responsible for many of the game's problems), I'm on the "side" of the game's health. Both "sides" need to be enjoyable to play and, even if it's assymetrical nature prevents it from ever being truly balanced, the game needs to be somewhat fair.

    I despise nearly every changes that happened since 7.5.0. The "Anti-3-gen" killed perk variety and made weaker/M1 Killers stressful to play and increased tunnelling, then Sloppy/STBFL were nerfed the wrong way and further reduced perk variety while making weaker/M1 Killers even more stressful to play, then Ultimate Weapon was nuked into uselessness which further reduced perk variety.

    The upcoming updates (which kills off the last few good slowdown perks, buffs Sabo and makes Wesker's infection a non-factor against decent Survivors because people complained enough) is continuing in the same trend (it's obvious Vecna is going to be seriously buffed at release and his perks will likely receive a makeover) with how much tunnelling has increased (and I understand even if I hate it) the game is in a pretty bad state currently.

    The Chaos Shuffle, as refreshing as it was, highlighted how horrible playing M1 Killers without decent slowdown is (and why tunnelling is one of the few ways to compensate).

    I was literally just answering him on why Chucky is 4.4 and think about it, if all Killers had as much freedom of movement as Survivors then dodging or looping would be nigh-impossible and nobody would play Survivor outside of SWF teams. And unfortunately for both "sides", they need people to play the other "side" in order to play the game.

  • Rick1998
    Rick1998 Member Posts: 215

    those are ranged killers ( they move slower to compensate for that . Slinger could be 115% when his speargun is empty .

  • xoreyna
    xoreyna Member Posts: 11

    It made more sense for Hag to be 110 back when she was first introduced. Her traps were much stronger and more oppressive because essentially her only counter was crouching. Unless you happened to have a flashlight to burn her traps, there was little you could do. You couldn't get rid of her traps before chase because the only way to get rid of them was to set them off, so if she had traps at any loops, they were unsafe to loop at. So it made sense she had to be slower.

    Things are obviously different now. This is why I say I understand the argument that she shouldn't be 110 anymore. Since the Lightburn mechanic was removed and she now has a built-in counter (wiping the traps), her traps aren't as oppressive because half her web can be gone pretty quickly if the survivors know how to play against her. That's also why the average player struggles with playing her against decent survivors. With the Hag, you can't afford to fall back on your M1.

  • xoreyna
    xoreyna Member Posts: 11

    Not sure the point you're trying to make.

    The problem with Trickster isn't that he's 115. He was too weak as a 110 killer because it takes too many ranged hits to deal damage and was too slow to rely on his M1 during chase, on top of the fact that he was very map-dependent, and had no map pressure. Even as one of the weakest killers with a low pick-rate and low kill-rate, people still hated going against him. So being 115 clearly isn't the problem. The problem is that the average player simply finds his kit annoying to play against. Nothing is going to solve that.