How to Nerf Huntresses' Ability to Camp Hooked Survivors

Huntress is really good at defending hooked survivors, and the haft add-ons enable this even more. The reduced cool down on hatchet throws can make unhooking against a huntress near impossible if they run both hafts. They'll hit you with the hatchet and then follow up with an m1 which will likely deny any attempt to hook trade. Before they got rid of grabbing survivors out of the unhook animation I remember intentionally whiffing hatchets with oak haft to bait survivors into attempting unhooks and then grabbing them. With infantry belt being made base kit you can now more freely equip double haft (or even just the oak haft). lowering the effectiveness of these add-ons would make camping with them much less rewarding although still a good choice. Oak haft could be reduced to 12% and bandaged to 6%. This would fit the rarity of these add-ons much better as they are arguably some of her best.
In a perfect world I'd much rather have her hatchet cool down be greatly increased if she is within 16m of a hooked survivor. This would be in line with newer killers who have their powers hindered, but not disabled, near hooked survivors (xenomorph, singularity, etc). This is something that I think should be on many other killers too, but I single out huntress as she just happens to be one of the better hook campers. Before anyone mentions that the huntress would wait 17m away with a hatchet to avoid the cool down I just want to say that hook trading would be possible now that she has to throw her hatchet before walking back into the 16m range which makes the follow up m1 less effective at denying a hook trade.
That sounds reasonable.
And tbh the cooldown addons are insane for their low rarity anyways, I would not mind them being slightly less effective in general.
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weakening huntress ability to camp hook is taking away her identity. her win condition.
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For one of the few killers that has aim as part of skill expression, standing still at 12m with a hatchet knocked at a stationary target is neither her identity, nor is it a win condition.
This is literally a killer that can use no slowdown and all information perks to dominate the match, when played well/correctly.
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bhvr is sometimes strange when it comes to rarity and strenght of addons.
look at meme addons they are all brown beccause they are for meme builds and then you have nurse with matchbox wich is for some reason an iri
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This is not serious right? How is that her identity?
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Huntress has no map presence. While a high skilled huntress is deadly in the chase. Her ability to apply spread pressure on the map is very limited in isolation. So of course, I disagree that huntress can win with no slowdown or information perks off pure skill alone.
Spread out to do gens and pre-running can beat a chasing huntress(She is very slow 4.4 m/s killer with a 40 meter lullaby).
it is kinda long explanation.
The way huntress build map presence on the map is by hook camping and in particular, slug camping. The objective of huntress is to down two survivors, hook 1 survivor than pick up survivor 2 and then drop survivor 2 near hook. Some huntress even use Agitation as @edgarpoop would explain in comp.
When two survivor on the floor, you can't pick up slugged survivor because huntress holding hatchet can just knock slugged survivor immediately back on the floor and saving a hooked survivor at best case scenario results in a trade. When huntress successful does this correctly, you are in spiral of unable to recover.
If this happens at early stages of the game like 5 gen, 4 gen or 3 gen, the 2 survivors are unable to finish generators before survivor dies on hook so they're forced to help the teammate on the floor and hooked survivor but it will often result in 3k/4k for huntress even against best teams.
Luckily, survivor do have perks to counter this nasty strategy. There is 3 perks in particular that counter this strategy. I'll go from least effective to most effective. The first perk is Tenacity. This perk is good because when a survivor is dropped, you can recover and crawl very quickly away from the hook. This allows teammates to safely pick up the 3rd survivor, heal up and potencial body block rescue a teammate that will likely be on death hook. The second is set of perks is called Soulguard and Unbreakable. Soulguard is a perk that any time you are picked up from the dying state, you gain endurance and unbreakable is a perk that allows you to recover a single time from dying state on your own. When you pick yourself up, a huntress holding hatchet will attempt to knock you down however Soulguard will save you and tank the hit. This can allow you escape from hook or even rescue your teammate that is dying on the hook. The 3rd final perk is Buckle up. This perk allows you to gain endurance effect any time you heal a survivor from dying state. When the huntress shoots a hatchet to knock you down from your recovery, you can tank a hit and hopefully escape. Buckle up will be changing next patch to not be able to tank a hit, so it will diminish in effectiveness at saving the survivor in certain situations if huntress shoots the hatchet before your sprint burst takes off.
Nerfing huntress camping would be highly detrimental for huntress. It is like nerfing leatherfaces ability to hit endurance and instant down or making trickster unable to use main event near the hook. It is part of their identity and it is important for their viability vs extreme gen-rush/second chance teams.
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By the very first paragraph I was beyond confused, like, just go watch CoconutRTS or Hens, those guys lands insane shots on the regular and have no need to build an elaborate camping trap to dominate. Hens even made a video where people called him a cheater despite being perkless.
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She has her identity as a ranged killer who can hit survivors from afar. Making her weaker at camping does not take that away.
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it takes away one of her strengths. she has no mobility options to apply pressure otherwise.
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The ability to camp hooks isn't Huntress's identity at all. It's BUBBA'S identity. Get it right.
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i'd say it is all 3 of them. bubba, trickster and huntress are all same. just different flavors.
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Her ability to apply spread pressure on the map is very limited in isolation. So of course, I disagree that huntress can win with no slowdown or information perks off pure skill alone.
This shows an incredible lack of creativity or wanting to look around on your part. There are several streamers who main huntress and play this way with astounding success.
Also I never said no slowdown or information, you seem to have misread. For a very good huntress, 4 info perks is a god tier build that keeps the chase rolling the entire match. The amount of pressure, without camping or even tunneling, is insane.
Are you going to set a speed record on lery's? No. But great huntress players can also cross map down survivors on a ton of maps based on a simple aura read.
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camptress is so broken it feels like a crime whenever I do it, its ridiculous. I think the haft addons themselves are balanced but I wouldnt mind their effect being negated within a certain range of a hook, maybe capping it to a 10% reduction at best within 16m.
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It takes away a strength that is unhealthy for the game and that she does not need in order to be successful.
She may not have mobility but she is one of the very few killers who can injure survivors from very far away. She will be fine without being effective at camping hooks.