We need to solve the giveing up problem

DredgeyEdgey Member Posts: 1,373
edited May 28 in General Discussions

It's getting ridiculous can't play a game without someone giveing up.

My solution not attempting the struggle skillchecks Wil apply the DC penalty.

anyone got any ideas

Edit: typo.

Post edited by DredgeyEdgey on


  • DredgeyEdgey
    DredgeyEdgey Member Posts: 1,373

    And before anyone makes this a us vs them.

    The should be something done for afk killers

  • DredgeyEdgey
    DredgeyEdgey Member Posts: 1,373
    edited May 27

    MIssed isint the same as not trying

    And horrible experience I out play a person I time and the decide toquit

  • DredgeyEdgey
    DredgeyEdgey Member Posts: 1,373
  • solarjin1
    solarjin1 Member Posts: 2,016

    dbd is my goat game and that the only reason i stay. 1/3 of my survivor games are (people giving up, afk, early suicides) aka an auto L for the team. Any other game i would've been quit if nearly a third of my matches was unplayable. Every rank rest is the same for me.... play killer to Irl1 and switch to survivor hoping the mentality of players magically change. Nope! they still giving up

  • Readycent
    Readycent Member Posts: 7

    I don't really see DCing as a problem in this game since it's not all that competitive.

  • Marc_go_solo
    Marc_go_solo Member Posts: 5,181

    I have heard at least one other game do this (can't remember the name though), but I recall it was successful. This would be a great thing to put into this game.

  • NekoGamerX
    NekoGamerX Member Posts: 5,277

    people act and play this game like it's a competitive.

    they shouldn't

  • CountOfTheFog
    CountOfTheFog Member Posts: 2,171

    The luck mechanic has to go. Nobody actually attempts for 4% and everyone knows it is to die.

  • Junylar
    Junylar Member Posts: 2,005

    Yeah, it's not like survivors can intentionally play like potatoes and still die within 2 minutes, without even cobeing. Although, it would explain my usual soloQ teammates at the moment.

  • mizark3
    mizark3 Member Posts: 2,234

    I think a comeback mechanic is important for both sides, to keep things always 'winnable'. I always like the idea of basekit NOED (with 0 kills going into endgame) for Killer. Fairly simple, and pre-cleansing totems takes roughly 1 extra gen's worth of time.

    Survivor is significantly more complicated. At first maybe an action speed boost after (early) deaths might work, but that falls apart if there is enough pressure from the Killer such that 1 is on hook, 1 in chase, and 1 going for the rescue. Survivor ghosts might be a way to keep the 4 Survivor threat, but that would likely be too difficult to implement at this stage. Personally I liked the pre-Mikaela hatch (especially since we now know that Hatch is a tie, not a win for Survivor). Old hatch allowed for a tunneled early kill potentially be punished if someone brought a key. It was anticlimactic, but so is ending someone game so early, so fighting fire with fire.

    Some basic QoL for both sides (imo) should be bans. Survivor (maybe only soloq) can ban 1 per 5 Killers released, and Killer the same rate for maps (or realms, not sure, realms helps more against Badham, maps can help ban indoor maps for ranged and open maps for stealth). I personally hate Plague and Oni (both punished by bad teammates far more than normal), and I hate Autohaven (too open+short loops), so my biggest pain points are greatly exaggerated with those conditions. Imo if the bad parts occur less common, people are less likely to be burnt out and ever reach that 'fudge it go next' mindset.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775

    For something very simple and easy to implement, a gen/other action speed bonus for remaining Survivors in the trial.

    For something more…elaborate you could get pretty creative.

    If a Survivor is killed off before, for the sake of the argument, a single gen is more than 75% complete, the Trial spawns extra pallets.

    You could make Survivors share hook states.

    I'm sure other people have better ideas, those are just the two off the top of my head. I haven't given it too much critical thought.

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,356

    I mean, fair enough. I would love to see a comeback mechanic for survivors after one survivor is already dead. Would kind of nerf tunneling indirectly anyways. But yeah, to me, tunneling and camping are the number 1 issue for survivors at the moment.

  • C3Tooth
    C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,266

    I always think there should be comeback mechanic for both sides (when tunneling is totally removed). There is much be calculated between hook/death count and gen complete.

    Currently 4 hooks (1 on each survivor) at 3 Gen remaining is more fair than 3 hooks (on a survivor) at 2 Gen remaining. Eventhough the hook count is worse and survivors have more progress.

  • mizark3
    mizark3 Member Posts: 2,234

    The largest reason I've seen for soloq being so bad is the raw amount of 'throw-tomes', where someone is literally just going into the match to throw the match for everyone else to get their tome done at all costs. Looking at Tome 18, we have significantly reduced the number to 1-3 per tome tier, but that doesn't stop players finishing up older tomes.

  • BbQz
    BbQz Member Posts: 83

    Personally I feel the biggest issue is the prevalence of camping and tunneling in the meta (proxy) for the former. The system really rewards the killer for this strategy. This is emphasized by soloQ and the fact there always seems to be one survivor who's skill and playtime doesn't match up with the rest of the team and killing the weak man out seems really appealing.

    Some players have realized that a early hook isn't just that but a death sentence bad positioning and caught in a dead zone for a quickly ended chase alerts the killer that you will most likely be a easy kill and a 3v1 game is just way less stressful for the killer then a 4v1.

    This is the core of the problem this game has. Newer killers will come to realize that certain strategies pay off really well and win using them instead of building a good foundation and understanding of the game the killer and the maps. When those strategies boost them into mid to high MMR they are forced continuously use them as with our them the game is unplayable...

    I enjoy chatting with killers in a semi constructive way in end game chat and many of them have expressed there reasons for how they play is because it's how you win. And other ways just don't work..

    How to fix this problem ? I have no clue the game should be killer sided to some extent by nature of the game but stopping tunneling is a monumental task as you need to give a killer a reason that benefits them to spread hooks out maybe some debuff on the survivors for each first hook related to repair speed. Maybe some blood points multiplier for each new hook which will encourage newer players who really want blood points to spread hooks. But sadly it isn't only a killer problem as survivors can complete gens some times impossibly fast.

    Final thought maybe even repair times are set by a killer by killer basis for a killer like nurse needs way less time to find and start killing them a trapper or Freddy. Lower tier killers struggle in higher levels of play as their kits don't allow full map suppression as easily as others.

    All of theses issues are interconnected as a killer has true justification for slugging camping and tunneling to secure a win

  • The_Krapper
    The_Krapper Member Posts: 3,259

    This is good I wish they would totally remove the ability to unhook yourself without slippery meat on and then change the perk so you can attempt to unhook yourself twice without going into struggle.

    Either this or everyone on the forums need to come together with me and start reassuring these players to troll them back and make it miserable so they DC and you can unhook the bot to go back to normal play.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590

    Yeah I'm totally fine with the perks that exist still allowing self unhooking just not the base kit since it just gives a way to ruin matches for others.

  • DredgeyEdgey
    DredgeyEdgey Member Posts: 1,373

    I'm talking about the instance where someone gets down first hook attempts and then dosent try either of the skill checks to die.

    Attempting to escape shouldn't penalize you

    It's the not attempting to hit the skillchecks

  • The_Krapper
    The_Krapper Member Posts: 3,259

    I never mentioned banning but I think removal of the unhooks will help because the whiners will quit playing when they can't nope out of any match they dont like just because it's a certain killer or map, I'm going to continue to punish them until BHVR does something I'd be expecting threads in the future of these people complaining they're being reassured while trying to give up and spam unhooked so they can't give up afterwards, if they want to ruin my game I'm gonna make sure they dodge everytime they see me in a lobby that way I'm eventually stuck with only people who want to play this game and not give up. If more people joined me these players would either stop doing this or quit playing when they're being reassured and t bagged everytime

  • BbQz
    BbQz Member Posts: 83

    While I get the frustration this problem isn't a them vs us issue. You can join a game where some one gives up for reasons you cant possibly predict or understand. Grouping each and every person into a nice tidy target to hate on while convenient does nothing to solve the issues. As players and especially ones who "stick it out" we shouldn't expect or demand others to follow any code or expectation I or anyone else sets. We should be investing the "why" this is happening and how to mitigate that for future games. Every problem has a solution the job of behavior should be finding it.

    Or More likely perhaps they just don't think it's a problem.

  • BbQz
    BbQz Member Posts: 83

    The removing self unhook won't make people quit. They play the game and come back because there's aspects of it that they really enjoy. They most likely leave or wish to exit a game as quick as possible when they perceive that those aspects of fun are not in the current match. Not allowing them to leave isn't going to suddenly make them a willing participant. It's only going to extend the time that they have to ruin your match.

    Also it's worth nothing this isn't a them vs us problem people don't just join games to die on the hook. People giving up can happen at any time and in any match and I would argue most people are susceptible to it atleast once in a while. There's no rounding up these people. There's no identifying them. New ones are created daily, some for the very first time and for reasons that we can't predict or comprehend while it's worth noting for the sake of argument that there's people who always" stick it out" It would be wrong to assume those people force their ideology on others or apply expectations to other people based on their own experience and beliefs. This is just a game after all and many people live with the mindset that the minute the game isn't fun. They start a new one while I don't particularly believe that as strongly as some if The match is just not fun. I'm not staying, especially when I love the core game as much as I do.. being on hook gives you a unique insight on the team as a whole and when I see two people hiding in lockers and one on gen on other side of map with no sign of movement at a 50% progress gen the game is clear as day to me. I'm also some one who has just go through 3 hook stages struggling to the last second after getting hooked once as the team just does nothing. But hide and work on gens sadly this isn't what I would call engaging and my time would have been better spent just struggling and dying

  • BlackRose89
    BlackRose89 Member Posts: 328
    edited May 28

    So I can't say much about the survivor side since Im a killer main but I personally just like better matchmaking and maybe a comeback system for both sides. So I just had a really rough night last night as a killer where I miserably lost pretty much all my matches(I got maybe two kills in ten games). A lot of these matches just went so fast in terms of gens popping(I want to say this was in the random perk mode so I couldnt use slowdown. In fact the mode only gave me one slowdown out of 10 matches and it was M.storm). I even had a survivor say sorry a match was so bad. Honestly, I wanted to afk/quit in a lot of these matches bc they was so one sided and was fun at all. I just think MMR in this game is some of the worst in any other game. I have far fewer one-sided matches in games like Overwatch 2, and Hunt. I also agree with others that the soloq for survivors such be made better somehow. Overall I just personally think one-sided matches and the feeling of hopelessness are the biggest causes for ppl to either afk or DC from matches.

  • Agaki
    Agaki Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 61

    They need to start banning these survivors. I keep seeing survivors being grabbed like fools and then suiciding on hook because they are not looking at their surroundings.

  • Krazzik
    Krazzik Member Posts: 2,475

    Remove unhook attempts unless you have an active Deli or are in the basement with Wicked. Second stage doesn't have skillchecks to speed up the time, easy.

    If the survivor afks or just runs up to the killer and lets them down em, that's already against the rules and they can be banned.

  • ChaosWam
    ChaosWam Member Posts: 1,783

    Not exactly sure you can fully fix it.

    I'm all for adding ways to stop throwing on first hook, even if it means getting rid of the 4% and delegating that to slippery meat or something, but survivors will just go afk or something instead, or just not participate in the match at all.

    Which is really sad to me, because I've been grinding survivor for months now and I'm doing well against killers the community seems to DC/Throw against like Skull Merchant, Knight and even Nurse from time to time. I'd love for these players to at least try to play against the things they dislike, I still dislike going against Wraith personally, but I'm not going to throw and mess up my teammate's chances of escape either.

  • MoNosEmpire
    MoNosEmpire Member Posts: 649
    edited May 28

    Maybe the solution is very simple and everyone here is overlooking it.

    Everyone wants the DC'ing to stop and give survivors hope even when the game is lost right?

    So maybe the solution is to give one random survivor a 100% chance to escape a hook or get off of the floor once all survivors are downed when there are still 4-5 gens left. There could be more pre-requisites of course but I think it's best if the dev's keep this info hidden from the player base to give players this supposed "hope" to stay in the game and hope it's them who gets a chance to bring the game back.

    It would even make for fun content for streamers who save the game.

    Now for the flip side, why do killers DC? Main issue is gens being done too fast, so the answer would be to force the game to not allow survivors to do 4 gens up until a certain amount of time has surpassed, if it is reached, gens are locked by the entity for X amount of seconds until this time has elapsed, giving the killer a chance to compete, making the mid game interesting and full of chases and making survivors choose other perks and not just 4 gen rush perks.

    The power creep would be crazy here though with how perks are currently and can get very oppressive very quickly so this will definitely have to be taken into account, especially things like hindered which reduce chases very effectively against a seasoned killer along with oppressive killers like legion who can effectively have all survivors mending all game.

  • ChaosWam
    ChaosWam Member Posts: 1,783

    The problem is specifically this:

    So maybe the solution is to give one random survivor a 100% chance to
    escape a hook or get off of the floor once all survivors are downed when
    there are still 4-5 gens left

    Most survivor's giving up on hook, aren't doing it before someone else is downed. It's as soon as they're slapped on a hook. I've had it at 5 gens, I've had it at 3 gens, doesn't matter. They give up for various reasons too. My personal experiences on both sides has been:

    • Going down first in the match
    • Going down too fast
    • Playing against a killer or perk they disliike
    • Fellow survivors aren't doing what they expect/demand of them
    • Simply throwing matches
    • Attempting to lower their MMR
    • Making a misplay and deciding to be done

  • MoNosEmpire
    MoNosEmpire Member Posts: 649

    The aforementioned changes would 100% help reduce the early DC rage quitting.

    Matches nowadays feel very oppressive and it makes survivors want to just leave as soon as possible, there's a repetitive pattern when someone is on the hook and no one comes for them they are just given one life left, so instead of waiting for it to happen, they decide to quit out of frustration of no one coming to unhook. My change above was just a rough guideline, it would defo need tuning.

  • ChaosWam
    ChaosWam Member Posts: 1,783

    It feels more like it rewards players for staying in the match rather than the ones who give up immediately though. I'm not arguing it won't work in some cases and isn't a comeback mechanic for those sticking to it, but for the vast majority of survivors who give up on hook immediately they won't stay in the match that long.

  • MoNosEmpire
    MoNosEmpire Member Posts: 649
  • justadreampallet
    justadreampallet Member Posts: 114

    actually that’s genius. Hook suicide should be allowed a bit like if you face a impossible check doctor, or if you want to report a fellow survivor for cheating, and keeping track and matching them would make soloq hopefully better so you got competent team mates and better for killer so you aren’t playing a 1v3 or playing agenst bots