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Still sight + open handed = 40 yards of on-demand killer aura revealing???

Still sight + open handed = 40 yards of on-demand killer aura revealing???

How in the world is this balanced? Survivors that are trying to hide are fine with standing still, because they're hiding instead of trying to work on objectives.

Does this mean SWFs can have one person as a "look out", and use voice comms to warn each other where the killer is? So if a SWF sends the killer to a map like The Game, and has aura reveals for just about the entire map, then the killer just has to deal with it?

Why does this perk still reveal killer auras?


  • Rickprado
    Rickprado Member Posts: 561

    Yeah, we need this to hit the live servers to test. But in SWFs we will have and Object of Obsession "situation" all over again, where someone can pinpoint the killer location while the team does the work. And the killer won't have any notice of was is happening because there is no indication to the killer that your aura is being read for this perk (Old Object at least gave away the aura of the observer).

    Also, this perk will make game hostage situations worse, because the person can hide into a corner and stall the game until the kiler DC or just plain give up.

    Lets hope we are wrong.

  • Cali88
    Cali88 Member Posts: 21

    The thing is, it's 1 fewer person progressing the game whenever this will be happening and its effect also requires a perk slot for Open-Handed to reach this far. You can also already make call-outs to the killer's presence if chased or with assistance of other perks anyway

  • ReverseVelocity
    ReverseVelocity Member Posts: 4,221

    I mean it's not exactly free as it's a perk. A lot of stealth gameplay also involves moving a little bit, which would deactivate the perk instantly. You wouldn't be able to adjust your hiding position at all without turning the perk off for a bit.

    I genuinely don't think this will be anywhere near the levels of Old Object.

    Old Object had a 72m range and could be used while progressing objectives. Still Sight has a range of 24m by itself, and 40m with two perk slots. It also requires you to be stood completely still for 4 seconds to activate, you're basically getting a two-for-one chase at that point.

    It'll be a weird gimmick at most.

  • SolidRazo
    SolidRazo Member Posts: 106

    we have to test to see there’s a chance that it just sounds OP on paper but there has been numerous times where something sounds really strong but is actually pretty balanced or weak just look at blood rush.

  • HolyDarky
    HolyDarky Member Posts: 615

    Still Sight will become a very problematic perk for both sides: Unlike other perks that reveals the killer aura (e.g. Wire Trap or Fogwise) it has no cooldown or requirements to active. Staying still for 4 seconds is nothing but gives you very important information (low risk but extremely high reward). It will turn the game in a very passive metagame.

    In SWF this perk will be very useful because one person can nearly always tell their teammates where the killer is and where the killer goes. On some smaller maps like Midwich, Saloon, or The Game this person can always see the killer with open handed. So the teammates are always aware when and from where the killer comes. In SoloQ, on the other hand, this perk will do some serious damage because players will use this perk with other stealth perks like Distortion to hide and play really selfish. The result will be an actual 3v1 match with more tunnling and camping. Then 2v1 situations with two or three gens left will be miserable for all because with Still Sight you can perfectly hide from the killer and hold the game hostage. Killers in general will suffer from the perk since against SWF they know way too much from the killer, especially against killers like Trapper and Hag when you know where they put their traps. But this perk will also be good against Stealth Killers like Ghostface, Pig, and Wraith because you can tell when the killer goes in stealth and in which direction the killer goes. In general, killers won't know that you have Still Sight so they can't prepair for it during the match and will play either against a very passive and boring SoloQ or a prerunning-know-where-you-are-SWF.

    In my opinion this perk was already ridiculous with the reveal of killer aura for free but now with this buff it is even more ridiculous. There are three solutions in my opinion - and yes we will need a solution for this perk because it will become problematic:

    • Remove the killer aura part of this perk and make it that the survivor can see chests, other survivors, generators, and paletts as well as Windows. This would make the perk still useful but healthy. In my opinion this would be the best solution because it gives you an alternative to WoO but also let's you know what's up with your teammates which is very helpful in SoloQ like when you need healing.
    • Add a big cooldown or requirement to this perk so the killer aura information is not free. However, this could turn the perk into a useless one, which would be very sad.
    • Reduce the range back to to PTB range and it cannot work with open handed. Also not good and could still result in passive SoloQ members.

  • Coffeecrashing
    Coffeecrashing Member Posts: 3,674

    it doesn’t matter if there is one fewer survivor in generators. If a survivor is trying to hide from the killer, then they aren’t doing generators anyway, and even without open handed, a excessively hiding survivor can just move from hiding spot to hiding spot, and wait at each one.

    “There’s one less survivor repairing generators” isn’t important. The actual important thing is how fast the killer is doing their objectives COMPARED TO how fast the survivors are doing their objectives. If a survivor can use still sight to majorly stall the killer, then that is much more important than if they were repairing generators.

  • Coffeecrashing
    Coffeecrashing Member Posts: 3,674

    Why do people keep using the word “chase”? The issue with this perk is with survivors trying to hide from the killer, that aren’t repairing generators because they are trying to hide from the killer.

  • Coffeecrashing
    Coffeecrashing Member Posts: 3,674
    edited May 30

    Again, if the 2nd survivor is helping delay the killer enough, then that is way more important than repairing generators.

    I don't even understand the logic people are trying to use here? So hook sabotages, flashlight saves, buckle up + for the people, and everything else that involves 2 people, is a "waste of time" because the 2nd person could be repairing generators? For reals? So if a survivor flashlight saves me, I should be happy, because it meant that two survivors weren't repairing generators??????

    Post edited by Coffeecrashing on
  • Ohyakno
    Ohyakno Member Posts: 1,014

    Best totem perk in the game, hands down. Best not use hexes for a while.

  • ReverseVelocity
    ReverseVelocity Member Posts: 4,221
    edited May 30

    It doesn't reveal Totems though? It's just Generators and Chests + The Killer.

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 7,610

    I'll be keeping an eye on it, of course, but I don't personally anticipate this being a huge problem.

    On top of it being very inefficient and a fairly noticeable risk (you can't move, at all, to use this perk), there's another thing that leads me to believe this probably won't be unhealthy.

    Let's say, for the sake of argument, this combo gets wildly popular- it may not be every survivor in every game, but there's a reasonable chance of seeing at least one person running it in your average game. That means that all forms of Undetectable and Blindness get significantly more useful, because even the weak ones disable two perks at once and dismantle a survivor's entire gameplan, but it also makes certain info perks more potent because the survivor you reveal is a sitting duck intentionally not moving.

    I think it's okay for some strong things to exist and put pressure on players to bring off-meta perks to counter them. As long as there are numerous options, which there are, and the options you have available aren't terrible perks you'd be throwing by bringing normally, which they aren't (at least not all of them), that's a healthy way of encouraging a meta shift.

  • sizzlingmario4
    sizzlingmario4 Member Posts: 6,707

    I don’t think this will really be an issue since you need to stop and do nothing at all for 4 seconds before it works. If it worked while doing an objective or while moving it’d be busted, but that’s not the case.

  • Ohyakno
    Ohyakno Member Posts: 1,014

    I also don't think it'll be a huge problem. Pretty sure the swf with perfect killer location callouts is vanishingly rare.

    However it's pretty conceivable that a survivor using this to hide from the killer will also have distortion: the one size fits all aura perk. It'll be a huge pain in the ass to find somebody with this stuff that doesn't want to be found.

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 7,610

    At that point, the survivor's doing nothing and you're gonna win because the team is playing a 1v3. It'll be kind of annoying to wait out the EGC, but they're not gonna get anything out of that tactic, so I can't imagine it's gonna become super popular.

    Still, kind of annoying, I'll grant you that.

  • Coffeecrashing
    Coffeecrashing Member Posts: 3,674

    A survivor won't be repairing generators if the killer is in the area trying to find a survivor. It doesn't matter what perks that survivor has, This isn't a choice between repairing generators and not repairing generators. It's a choice between hiding from the killer with infinite aura reading, or hiding from the killer without infinite aura reading.

  • VomitMommy
    VomitMommy Member Posts: 2,257

    Well, will be fun to ruin this with stealth killers, or undetectable perks.

    I don't think it is anywhere near as annoying compare to old object of obsession.

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 7,610

    You've kinda got to pick your scenario, though, because there are two things sort of being conflated in this thread.

    There's survivors using this incidentally, when they're just trying to hide, as you say here. Then, separately, there are SWF players trying to leverage it for perfect callouts at all times, which you mention in the original post.

    In the case of the latter, it's really inefficient and risky.

    In the case of the former, it's already weak to killers not needing to look for you because they brought info perks and already know where you are, and it's risky because you still have to stay exactly where you are and not crouch-walk away, which is usually how stealth like that works.

    Then, on top of those reasons, the fact that the killer has such a wealth of good builds/perks to use that would completely shut the tactic down if they planned ahead (assuming it gets popular enough to warrant that) should be the final nail in the coffin. Whatever the scenario we're looking at, outside of rare instances where the perk combo isn't popular at all so you're caught off guard by someone just trying to hide once in a blue moon, it's just not going to be that big of a deal as far as I can see.

  • appleas
    appleas Member Posts: 1,123
    edited May 31

    It will be used by some swf but not all, just like how some swf has one person running a skill check build with Fogwise to call out the Killer position so everyone starts stealthing even before the Killer reaches the gen.

    These swf are usually weaker in chase tho and try to use excessive stealth and gen efficiency to reach endgame

  • SoGo
    SoGo Member Posts: 877

    How is this stronger than, lets say, a red key with the Blood Amber and Prayer Beads?

    While using keys you can run. With the perk you can't. Sure, they keys are limited, but it doesn't take a genius to conserve charges, so it can last all game.

    Another thing, Blindness and Undetectable hard counter this perk.

  • vol4r
    vol4r Member Posts: 236

    I see most people are concerned about it buffing the SWF, but i don't agree with that.

    SWF on voice coms already knows where the killer is at all times.

    People use clocks to communite killer where-abouts and it's even stronger than aura reading.

  • UndeddJester
    UndeddJester Member Posts: 2,969
    edited May 31

    Not sure on this one... can see arguments both ways... not sure how well SWFs can use this, as likely they're calling out where the Killer is to each other already at all times. Are there many scenarios where they don't know where the killer is and this perk will be the one to warn them? Not so sure myself...

    The main issue I see is in relation to stealth teams/players. Distortion, Open Handed, Still Sight sounds pretty darn hard to find...

    I can also imagine a potential issue with rats for survivors running Sole Survivor/Left Behind/Calirvoyance, Open Handed, Still Sight, Distortion and just hiding all game.

    On the plus side, seeing Open Handed may just warn you someone is doing it... so you as a survivor can perhaps compensate. I also feel like Myers and Pig ma struggle with this, as this soft counters their stealth specifically... but I guess we'll have to wait an see 🤔

    Post edited by UndeddJester on
  • AmpersandUnderscore
    AmpersandUnderscore Member Posts: 1,672


    I'll also add that there are already two base kit mechanics that affect this as well: survivors are blind in lockers, so the perk doesn't do anything if you're trying to hide your aura/scream from the killer. (And as you mentioned, the perk doesn't prevent the killer from finding you)

    Crows are specifically designed to reveal survivors who are standing still, doing nothing.

  • Halloulle
    Halloulle Member Posts: 1,283

    Personally curious to see where this perk is going. The standing still for 4 seconds is quite the requirement in some sense (especially if you want to use it for yourself) - but also quite a non-requirement at the same time (calling out mindgames, double backing leaving etc. pp. especially if it's someone who's following for pallet save, FL, head-on, sabo etc.).

    Will have to see how it goes. Some perks are really strong in theory but so clunky that it's still almost impossible to get value.