Wiggling Progression is too Slow

Am I the only person who thinks that the progression speed for wiggling out of the killers grasp is too slow?
The wiggling either doesn't effect the killer enough, or there isn't enough space between Hooks to have even a slight chance to wiggle out, and if they have Iron Grasp even at tier one, it isn't even worth it to try and wiggle, even if you have Perks that help with wiggling.
I think wiggling should be buffed. Either by increasing the effect on the killers movement, or making wiggle progression faster. Or just increase the default distance between Hooks so allow a higher chance of wiggling.
Just a petpeeve I have about that...
You shouldn't be able to wiggle out on your own, otherwise it would be really easy for any player just find spot where they are unhookable.
When it happens, it should be either by mistake of killer, or team effort.
If you want to make it easier for survivors, then I guess you like to bleed out often... Whenever survivors try to prevent me from hooking, I gladly fulfill that wish. Probably not in a way they want tho.
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Wiggling shouldn't be strong. First of all hooks are already in weird spots a lot of times, second of all it's there so the Killer can't just go basement everytime, third of all you're already downed, the killer already earned the right to hook you. Wiggling should not be buffed, that would be insufferable.
Buff wiggle = I slug everyone every game because I can't hook.
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Might want to try some games as killer before you come here asking for wiggling to be buffed...
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I play both killer and survivor and I agree with you. The wiggle time is too long. You have to hit 21 successive skill checks, and even when you do, if they have iron grasp I think it's like 25? It's nuts! They should either lower the amount or implement a gimmie - ie if you're at 19 successful skills checks and the killer is not right next to a hook, they should let you get the wiggle. It used to be faster in the old system and they really increased it too much if you ask me. It's even worse when you hit 21, but the killer already started the animation to hook you so you don't break free.
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Wiggling is a mechanic that largely exists to prevent the killer from just bringing you to the basement every single time. It should not be buffed as a single survivor should never have the reliable ability to free themselves from the killer's grasp.
Also the devs are buffing sabotage on toolboxes this upcoming chapter.
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Use Boil Over or have your SWF buddies use Breakout.
The carry aspect of the game is tedious as it is anyway, so if Survivors could wriggle off almost every time they got carried, everyone would slug from the get go.
I think if anything, the Killer's pick up speed should be buffed. So far, there's only one perk that affects this part of the gameplay 'Fire Up'. And that perk is outclassed by everything else that does anything remotely similar to what buffs it offers.
Sabotage is being buffed next patch, if you didn't know. So most likely we'll be seeing people wriggling off shoulders as common place then anyway.
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Those skill-checks might as well not exist considering how easy they are to hit, so I don't think counting skill checks is a fair measurement... Overall the killer has like 10-15 seconds or so to hit you before you wiggle out, that is somewhat fair in my opinion. Considering the other option would make you not being able to hook people when they go down at specific spots.
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Why have a struggle system at all though if you pretty much can't wiggle free anymore? The original speed was too fast I agree, but the new one is too slow. They should give you a speed boost if you hit the checks and a negative progression if you miss them.
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It would kinda just make agitation more popular than it already is. Mandatory on my builds for how awful the hook spreads can be on some maps and for its synergy with pain res.
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It exists so you can decide whether you want to wiggle free or not... Also you are not supposed to get out on your own but through bodyblock and hook sabos and such. It would be ridiculous to get out just like that...
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The game isn't designed for wiggling to happen consistently and shouldn't be
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The only thing I hate about wiggling is that the bar is full, but the game prioritize the hooking animation
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What maps have hooks too far apart? All the maps have hooks that are really close together. You're probably just not seeing the ones next to you because they aren't outlines.
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Yeah, that one is especially irritating. Once you've wiggle free, it should drop you 100%
I'm not suggesting they drastically change it, but a slight change would be nice. If you hit all the skill checks, they could reduce the number required to 90% of what it currently is and I'd be happy. And fix the prioritization of hooking over wiggling.
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The reason it's this way is so that people don't break or wear out their controllers/keyboard spamming or shaking a single button. Secondly, you aren't supposed to even really have much chance to wiggle out. The chase already happened and the killer downed you. That's the end of it. A stoke of luck, teamwork or specific perks should be the only thing helping you wiggle out. Nothing else
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Sorry, what? I don't see how allowing the killer to hook rather than survivor wiggle free when they're both performing the action at the same time stops them from spamming a button or wearing out their controllers.
You should be able to wiggle free. It's part of the fun. It's what keeps a chase going and keeps up the intensity for both the killer and survivor. If they didn't want you to wiggle free, why add the mechanic at all. I completely disagree with your statement. I think wiggling free is fun for both parties.
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Some maps have really weird spawns, indoor maps for example can mess up in the sense of a hook being in a room, but the the entrance to the room is too far away, and when it comes to the corners or gate location even on McMillan and autoheaven maps you can have issues hooking more than 1 person in that location.
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Fun for both parties? At what point did you forget that there's three other survivors that have to also be chased and five generators that have to be done? If I want to keep up the intensity and keep up the chase, then I'm going to chase another survivor after hooking the one I just downed.
Time is everything, especially when you reach higher mmr. Generators fly extremely quickly and most experienced killers need to end the chase as fast as possible or drop it and prevent the gens from popping to quickly. You may not care about winning or have no clue what killer is like, but it isn't fun at all having a survivor wiggle out for free without earning it. It certainly is fun for the survivor since running the killer is the most fun part for them, but it's the opposite for killer and the other three are still entitled to their fun as well.
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I guess it depends on whether you're going against a 4 squad or a bunch of solos. I can see that it could definitely be more frustrating with a squad. Actually, Behavior should probably detect if there's a group of friends together and make % adjustments based on that. Personally any time I play as killer, I usually get a group of solos, so it never seems that bad for me. But I am a much lower rank as killer. Also, I don't really care about winning as either killer or survivor, so there's that to consider as well. It might be better if Behavior split the game into Ranked and Casual matches.
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Actually, another idea I just had is that the survivor should get a wiggle bonus if the killer tunnels them. Because it's so freaking irritating that you can't do anything about it in that case.
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The beta Wiggle skillchecks had the right idea. 16s normal, 15s if you hit EVERY Great check. It was just enough to feel meaningful, but not enough to prevent the majority of hooks, even with bodyblocks/sabos. Now they made Great checks useless other than the Survival BP.
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Dealing with even normal wiggling without Boil Over can be very miserable on console. I slug a lot on Switch because I can't get to hooks reliably at all.
Wiggling is supposed to be there to keep the killer from carrying survivors around indefinitely, always going to the basement, stuff like that. It's not meant to get you off the killer's shoulder on your own just because, and it really shouldn't be there just to punish console players. Also, the stronger wiggling is, the more likely killers are to slug to death.