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General Discussions

5,000 hours console killer, still getting spun by survivors.

Member Posts: 796
edited May 2024 in General Discussions

It's very possible it's a hand eye coordination issue but this literally ruins the game for me when I have a bad run with this. Have a survivor dead to rights, they spin into me or just out of my view to the left or right and I whiff and completely lose sight of them often losing 10+ meters of distance after the whiff because I literally have no earthly clue where they went.

I've tried turning my sensitivity up to 100 and it feels absolutely ridiculous. Like the slightest move of the joystick makes you turn around in a circle. Sometimes I spin with them and get lucky and hit them even though I'm basically swinging blind. The worst feeling is having a survivor down at shack when they are going for the window and have them move to the side slightly I whiff and they vault threw the window while I'm in my attack cooldown, resetting the whole shack chase. My last game I lost almost entirely from 3 or 4 whiffs that could have been downs resulting in pain res hooks.

Call it a skill issue and it very well may be but I need advice or help I'm at my whits end with this costing me games, it feels so bad outplaying someone at a loop just to be last second cheesed out of a hit because my eyes can't follow the quick movement. I'm also running into that short m1 lunge bug a lot as well which is costing me hits and downs.

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  • Member Posts: 796

    It's one thing if it's a slight inconvenience. It's a whole other thing if I literally lost the game because of it. Which has happened many times to me and I'm just totally sick and tired of it. I got 4 outed in that last game because of it when I could have at least gotten a 1k to a 3k if I was just able to land these hits.

  • Member Posts: 796

    It's one thing if it's a slight inconvenience. It's a whole other thing if I literally lost the game because of it. Which has happened many times to me and I'm just totally sick and tired of it. I got 4 outed in that last game because of it when I could have at least gotten a 1k to a 3k if I was just able to land these hits.

  • Member Posts: 3,259

    Think of it like this, I can move my camera as fast as I can move my mouse when looking around and you don't have that option , on PC you can lunge around certain obstacles you can't on console due to this sensitivity and if you found a way to do it you'd be replacing your controller once a month from the joysticks being flipped so rough so often. That's why I respect console killers though because you're playing handicapped and still fighting it out and able to hang in there.

  • Member Posts: 6,347

    I've gotten decent at either stopping or even taking a step back to deal with being spun, but yeah it still can happen. For Piggy I use the sensitivity at 80, for Huntress a bit less than 70, and the other killers that I play I go for max.

    The sticks just cannot respond quick enough, and that half- to a third-second input delay on everything compound the issues. Even if the ping gods are being very generous,. The killers simply cannot be run to their full potential, and several no where near it. And bless you our precious Switch cousins dunno how you do it.

    This isn't the only recent post about controllers and console performance in general, and there's been plenty over the years as well. Quite a bit of all this can be midigated by finally supporting M&K.

  • Member Posts: 679

    I don't play on console these days and haven't done for a few years, but I did start on console for a few years on and off and the difference between close FOV spins is quite significant between the 2 platforms.

    Firstly its much harder to track a survivor that's really close to you on console and secondly I feel like theres a big frame drop when hitting someone mid spin which often results in the speed boost being much more effective. There was times after a hit on console I couldn't even see which way the survivor ran and they would practically vanish.

    Feels like it's just a combination of harder tracking, poor performance and lower FPS that makes it significantly harder. Like it's almost a non issue on PC for me and only very occasionally will I get spun and even if I do I'm basically straight on them 2 seconds later.

  • Member Posts: 3,015

    I've also struggled with this a lot, and haven't been able to figure a workaround. Lately it feels even worse and I'm seriously wondering if the engine update had made it harder to hit survivors, at least for us console players.

  • Member Posts: 637
    edited May 2024

    Ah it pleases me to even have Nintendo Switch mentioned - thank you! I always feel we get left out of conversations and when people say console, they usually refer exclusively to PS and Xbox 😅

    Though I’m just a Nintendo Switch survivor main, I always wonder how the experience is like for switch players as killers (*゚v゚*)

  • Member Posts: 3,259

    Most pc players have a ego about their platform but I'm the opposite I have immense respect for all of you it's not easy to constantly be at a disadvantage and still able to win games or have the desire to keep playing, I can just only imagine the frustration this game gives people on there because it doesn't work perfect on PC either lol if I tried starting on there I probably would've yeeted my Switch out the window and came here to rant about the devs

  • Member Posts: 4,164

    I'm still shocked this bug report has been in the game for over a full year, and still hasn't been acknowledged by BHVR.

  • Member Posts: 41

    It's all about patience. Once they're in your red stain, their only option is to try to make you whiff. Predict the spin, wait for it, don't swing and just move your camera to find them, the spin isn't gaining them any distance from you if you don't swing so you can afford the patience.

    Also when they're that close, make sure you're not lunging out of excitement, that can make you miss too. It's best to get really close and then hit a quick melee. Reserve lunges for choke points where it's harder to spin out of the way.

    And then sometimes you're just going to get a cracked swf with 10k hours so don't let it discourage you. I'm a survivor main tho so this is just my console experience advice from a part-time Myers. Good luck!

  • Member Posts: 787

    almost 8 years in now still not great settings for console makes me sick

  • Member Posts: 1,358

    There is the aim dressing shenanigans that steal your hits, but when it comes to getting spun my cheeky little way of handling it is to spin with the survivor lol

    Waving your damage hitbox around a bit does seem to help paint the survivors hitbox I find.

  • Member Posts: 2,673

    What is your FOV set to? I have mine max at 103 or 107 (I forgot the max)

    My sensitivity is 55%

    Let them spin, fake an m1 attack (position your Killer as though you're going to swing), when they go for a 2nd spin you nail em! You won't have a cooldown as you didn't actually attack.

  • Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 2

    The simple way to prevent someone spinning you is to not spin with them. Instead of trying yo keep up with their spin just step back. As soon as they start to spin stop, step back, and then when you know you can hit them then swing.

  • Member Posts: 3,259

    Didn't BHVR promise to optimize console in like year 2 or 3 of this game? I don't blame anyone for being upset about that

  • Member Posts: 796

    Yeah I've heard the whole stepping back thing and I've never really implemented it. Lack of discipline and patience on my part because I have this mental block that if I step back I'm gonna somehow lose distance on the survivor and fail.

  • Member Posts: 6,347
    edited June 2024

    Back in the spring of 2019 they set a goal to get all platforms running their game at a steady 60 fps, among other things promised. Years later they fessed up that they just couldn't do it, saying there's coding resource bottleneck problems that apparently is unsurmountable. Our PC cousins will notice this as well, as DBD is an unusually super voracious gobbler of resources.

  • Member Posts: 1,210

    Don't listen to "just crank up sensitivity and FOV to the max".

    Sensitivity was doubled in a patch long time ago, so 50% is 100%, 100% is 200%. For me 75% is the sweatspot with all killers.

    And keep in mind that increasing the FOV also makes it easier to get blinded. I also noticed that some cosmetics tend to clip with higher FOVs.

  • Member Posts: 3,554

    I just always predict where survivor is going to spin I can hit them maybe 9/10 of times but that one miss can cost at worst the whole game. I have gotten better with experience on it. Sometimes I wait it out on open but not always you can do that. Killer is just harder for us console players so I feel you pain.

  • Member Posts: 1,259

    Console player here with about 3100 hours. Can confidently say that it isn't your fault. When you get matched against PC, you are at a significant disadvantage as their sensitivity is not capped, letting them 360 easier.

    Also the autolock for hit detection sucks especially hard for console, and I've lost track of how many times I have been forcefully stopped short of a hit and denied because someone did a circle in front of me

  • Member Posts: 504

    Latency on tv is huge. I play both on xbox and PC and I sometimes use gamepad on PC and its much better on 1 ms lat. monitor.

  • Member Posts: 10,302

    Tell me about it. When people who play killer and have thousands of hours, such as ourselves, are facing this issue repeatedly, the skill questioning needs to stop and a solution must be pursued. If you ask me? Survivors turn too fast. I really don't care if it screws up moonwalking, fov "techs" (exploits), etc. New animations, or a simple turn rate cap (which would also solve questionable fast vaults), would fix this. Not only is bullying against new players resulting from kicking this can down the road (killers getting farmed for YT content as they're spun 3+ times), but it's even causing experienced killers to lose matches. It's a hit which the killer entirely deserves, and it's getting aim dressed, or auto-aimed to an obstacle, which the OP rightly points out is causing the entire chase to be reset. Bigger hitboxes on killer attacks could also be an easy fix. Killers like Hillbilly, Oni, Blight, Wesker, and even Nurse, are dead in the water on console vs teams who abuse this stuff. They go from A and S tier to mid tier at best, because the survivors know they can just twitch or spin, and the killer's hit will be denied. I will ask again as I have before, how hard is it to make a decent sized hitbox which will hit survivors standing in front of the killer's attack?

    I acknowledge that some killer's hitboxes can questionable, especially during bad connection matches, like Huntress's hatchets, but seeing the puny hitboxes of Hillbilly, Deathslinger, Nemesis, Blight, Wesker, miss again and again forces people to stop playing these killers. What needs to be understood is that yes, in spite of their enormous flaws, an experienced player has a chance to beat most mid level teams with them, but swap out the mid teams with the high level SWFs, and their chance of winning is basically non-existent. That, or the killer would have to use their power so sparingly as to never use it outside of a guaranteed hit, and always use their M1 at the perfect time as well, which is asking the player to play out a robotically perfect match. So it's not just the M1s, although that is the more universal issue since not all killers have M2 attacks. It's the hitboxes of all attacks which needs to be looked at. It honestly feels easier to hit a no-scope on Call Of Duty than it is to MELEE survivors in this game. Stop letting twitches and spins be the deciding factor of an all-powerful killer getting a 4k or no kills at all, because believe me it is that bad.

  • Member Posts: 10,302

    Well, you will. They spin, which makes them unhittable, then with the distance they get to the nearby loop. They only lose distance on a 360 if they're hit during it, or they're for some reason doing it way earlier than they need to.

  • Member Posts: 10,302

    And that never should have been a thing. The blind box for the killer should have remained as it was, because survivors were already blinding you from off screen. Not every killer buff has to be accompanied by a nerf, but hey, that's how we balance on this game.

  • Member Posts: 1,210
    edited June 2024

    That's how Shadowborn worked before the change, it is what it is. Most ppl will say "just face a wall, be aware" and i agree… until they have Backround Player and/or use Flashbangs, or the downed surv is in a pallet or open corn field. I have >20k and actually STARTED using Lightborn, which is really sad if you think about it. I loved to counter it with gamesense and awareness, but almost everything became advantage over skill.

  • Member Posts: 5

    This is the reason the only killers I can play are the ones where you can effectively attack around corners (Pinhead, Pyramidhead, the Clown, etc.). I get spun too hard and with my optic neuritis, I struggle to see where people go. Especially when they spin to the left (it's my left optic nerve that's damaged)

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