Too Many Bloodpoints

Frankly, I do not care about bloodpoints. I don't want them. However when I suggest we get less people lose their minds because number has to go up for forever, apparently. People have a desperate need to see big number at the end of each game.
So. A few options.
1: An offering that distributes all bloodpoints earned by the offeree evenly among the participants in a trial at the end of the game.
2: an absurdly expensive offering that does something dumb. A million BP offering that puts a party hat on your head or something. I don't care.
3: let me donate bloodpoints en masse in the post game screen via kudos.
4: an option to randomly give bloodpoints to someone currently playing the game. They get a pop up that says someone donated you 100,000bp! Yay!
The grind for a new player is astronomical. Reducing bloodpoint gain would make that even worse.
No. If anything bp needs to be much much easier to get.
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I would like donations, but mainly because I see chance for more bloodpoints…
There is never enough bloodpoints!3 -
Yeah that's definitely not what I said due to this response. Read the post.
Also I don't think "the grind" is even that bad. You don't need every character on p100. You don't need every perk in the game considering only a couple dozen are actually good. You don't need thousands of every item and addon.
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Also I don't think "the grind" is even that bad
Try to use some simple math to calculate how much hours you need to get every perk…
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I just want this: Pay 2 million BP to get 2000 shards. That's it
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Hell, even 200 shard would make me cry….
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Or… "Click here to spend X amount and prestige your char." It is so simple as that smh. Or obviuosly…. you could just… not spend it? and left capped at 2M, and problem solved!
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or remove the cap completely, it makes no sense in the first place... thankfully autoclickers exist and i can just waste the 2 million on a character while i'm doing something else, but it's just a waste...
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How's that work when there are events and blood rushes constantly? There's one right now. It's multiplicative with BP offerings. When you get millions of bloodpoints in a play session it alters the math.
Also again: you don't need every perk. Why would anyone fret grinding for bloodhound or red herring? It's entirely unnecessary.
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I doubt new player is going to play only during BP events.
I will make it easier for you.
There is 42 survivors and 36 killers. So you need to prestige 234 times.
1 prestige usually takes around 1,1 milion BP, if you use automatic system. That's 257,400,000 BP
One game (lobby, queue, actual game) would be around 20 minutes on average +/-.
Let's say every game you use cake, so that would be around 60k per game (less if you are survivor), which is 4,290 games. It would be more as survivor main…
Even with cakes, BPS, events you are more than thousand of hours. Where you also had to spend a lot of money to get those DLCs on top of it.
I unlocked everything around 1.5k hours. How is that not an insane grind?
I don't even want to know how many games you would need, if you wanted to unlock everything possible with shards…2 -
Not only on events or blood hunts. But during them. Collecting millions of bloodpoints. The grind is not even a thing anymore.
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Here, just delete your account and start all over. That'll solve the "too many bloodpoints" issue. Or if we ever get to donate BP to other players, I'll take all that I can get.
I've been on a grind to get all Survivors to Prestige 9 for about two years now, and I'm just now starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel. The tunnel that's only going to get longer as the devs keep releasing more and more Survivors. Sigh… 😔
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How so? Tell me a game where you need to pay hundreds of dollars and thousands of hours just to unlock everything.
What game has higher grind? Usually it's either time, or money. DBD is both.
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I have never seen a more pointless argument made. If you don't like BP then just ignore it. It does nothing to you. While I would like to continue expanding my addon collections for killers so I can play any build when I want I stead of scrambling through bloodless to find particular add one. If anything the opposite of what you want should be implemented. Even more BP please.
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Sorry to necro this, I'm getting caught up on notifications.
Listen: that is not what the post says. I'm not advocating for less bloodpoints. I am advocating for a way to ditch them for people who don't care about them. Would it kill people to read beyond the title?