I'm Having a Rough Time as Killer

heavendog Member Posts: 35

AS A HEADS UP: I haven't gotten on the forums in forever so if this is not the place for this then I sincerely apologize, I am simply having a hard time. Thank you for understanding :)

So ive been playing dbd on and off since around 2017 or so. However i've always played on console. i semi recently acquired the game on pc because console ports are less than desirable. I have around 600 hours on console but only 40 hours on pc atm. I mostly play killer because it's way nicer to control, but when i play i go against survivors with upwards of 3k hours who absolutely destroy and run me around. Now I understand im definitely not a good killer and should focus on gens and getting better perks, but for all intents and purposes dbd only knows I have 40 hours and should absolutely go against people of my level. Just not sure how mmr really works i suppose.


  • SleepyLunatic
    SleepyLunatic Member Posts: 408

    What exactly do you have issues with.

    Gens going to fast? Chases too slow and if yes, how long is your average chase and which killer?

    Do you have issues finding and tracking survivors?

  • heavendog
    heavendog Member Posts: 35

    the problem is im going against survivors who are way better than me and consistently going against them. I do play both sides and I do understand how mindgames and such work I might just be bad at them, but im having issues being able to catch survivors. I do play lower tiers killers so maybe thats the issue and with fewer good perks but theyre who i enjoy playing personally :)

  • AbsolutGrndZer0
    AbsolutGrndZer0 Member Posts: 1,376

    You just need to practice, and remember to take everything in stride. Play to win, sure, but if you don't win every game, don't let it get to you. You will learn more the longer you play.

  • Eleghost
    Eleghost Member Posts: 1,103

    The game is not very new person/low hour player friendly. if you don't know maps somewhat or loops or how to mind game somewhat you may have a bad time, heck even if you do know these you still may have a bad time as killer. The big thing that you need to decide is if you're going for a win or to play before you queue. Obviously this doesn't mean you're trying to lose but picking legion over say nurse or wesker you'll be less likely to win. Perks also play into it but it's a lot of learned skill and what to do when people do certain things.

  • Xernoton
    Xernoton Member Posts: 5,596

    Sorry to hear that. MMR is a bit wonky indeed. It doesn't aim to give you perfectly balanced matches each time (which is good because that would be incredibly tedious) but the range of players that you get matched with is less than ideal. Unfortunately, there is nothing you can do about it other than accept that you will have a hard time at first and keep playing.

    Some games are just not worth the effort to win. That doesn't mean you should give up but when a match is clearly not working out for you it may be better to concentrate on whatever killer it is that you play and take it as a learning experience to try out new stuff than to sweat like your life depends on it. That way, you will be less stressed out and less frustrated while simultaneously getting better at the game. This means, that your MMR will decrease and you will sooner be matched with people that are more on your level.

    And if nothing else helps, vent your frustrations and carry on. We've all been there and it's certainly healthier than bottling everything up.

    Good luck and see you in the fog.

  • AmpersandUnderscore
    AmpersandUnderscore Member Posts: 1,677

    My biggest recommendation is to focus on chase, not gens. There are some looping and zoning guides you can watch that will really help shorten your chase times and give you a better idea of how to optimize your kit.

    If you're chase focused, you can also deliberately chase the 'good survivor' and see what they do better. That helps you see where you can improve.

    I also recommend finding a killer you find interesting and focusing on them. Even without add-ons you can learn some tricks with their kit and not become dependent on certain add-ons. I usually learn new killers with qol add-ons and not gameplay defining 'best' ones.

    But don't focus on gens or winning if you're still learning, you'll only get frustrated. The gens are not your objective, the survivors are.

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,111

    The MMR has never been friendly to newcomers. That's one of the many problems with it. After losing a few matches, it should put you with people your level/experience. If not, again, that's what needs fixing with this MMR.