Vecna gameplay show a possibility for Knight (rework)

Hi! Hope everyone is doing fine.

I am playing Vecna these days and could not notice how "similar" the spells and the Knight's guards are: its like different powers in one killers (although the Knight Guards are far more similar among them than Vecna's spells).

What if the Knight had a system just like Vecna, where he could select a guard having individual cooldowns for every guard (like 15s each)? At the start i was against the Knight having the ability to choose a guard because of how the "sequence" is part of his learning curve - a good Knight player should have in mind the sequence of guards and how will use them - but i feel Knight would be so much more pleasant to play if he could just select his guards as Vecna select his spells, according to the moment of the match needs.

Jailer is said to be the useless guard but most of this come from the fact that he is better used as a tracking tool than a chasing tool and sometimes you have to "waste" jailer into something to draw a Carnifex or the assassin. But this would go away if you could choose jailer only when you need more tracking or you are uncertain where the survivors are. Same for the other two guards.

Of course, this alone wouldn't fix the all the problems the Knight has, but would be a nice addition.

Fellow Knight mains, whats your thought on this?
