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Walkie Talkies for survs

Nope, no vc or in-game chat. Just 4 basic informations you can choose from the display, like "Rescuing", "follow me", "shack", "perk".
Not too crazy, just to give another option to play certain things better.
"Shack" when I'm there and injured for example
"Perk" when I want to point out, that my actions are related to a perk. Maybe I'm in an argue who gets the save and I need it, because I have deli.
To fit it in the setting, Walkie Talkies are equipped when going in a locker. They are no items and hang around the back of survivors. I dont want to hear someone spamming, so there is no audio cue. YES, no robotic voice. However, there is a tiny display which you can see when you look to the back of your character to see the latest info. This is probably then called something different, but I dont know that name lol.
You can coordinate it all without these, but I think solo que could use some extra help to be more coordinated sometimes. And this idea doesn't benefit survivors that much.
SWF: broadcasting killer's coordinates and action every tick, coordinating every step, keeping track of every gen and every pallet state, sharing info about every important object on the map
SoloQ: expected to be happy and content with just a few basic commands.
To be honest, it's worse than doing nothing, because if they implement it, they will be done with buffing soloQ for another 5 years while replying to every criticism something in the lines of "well, we already gave you those basic useless commands, why are you still not happy?"
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Like you make a huge detailed post and you commands are basically useless in 80% of matches...
Like "work on gens" "unhook now" "find totem"
Would be infinity more useful in your average solo Q game as knowing when the killer is camping or slugging is way more useful then any of your examples
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Camping would be a great information, though
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that was never their answer for solos improvement suggestions after implementing survivor action icons so why do you think they would react like that??
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as for the suggestion: good idea but there is definitely better ways to implement it.
It shouldn’t be tied to being in a locker for example. And IMO perks should get something else akin to survivor action icons (eg when Deliverance is active and survivor hooked others should be able to see it into he hud)
But the basic idea of a communication wheel is something that would definitely be healthy for the general soloq experience even when the gap between soloq and swf wouldn’t be closed completely (which is just impossible because you can’t change the mindsets of the players)
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SWF: broadcasting killer's coordinates and action every tick, coordinating every step, keeping track of every gen and every pallet state, sharing info about every important object on the map
Very few SWFs do this, and those that do are 4-man's who've worked out a system prior to the start of the match.
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I would love to just get basic chat wheel.
Would be cool to create like 20 commands and each player can select like 5 of them to use in game.
This is way better than voice chat in my opinion. That simply wouldn't end well in this community and most players are going to turn it off.
Chat wheel doesn't require personal interaction with randoms, so I believe it would get used more.
Just give it like 5 seconds cooldown so survivors can't spam it and annoy everyone else.
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Pretty much.
And thanks to Vecna we know chat wheel is possible, because that's basically same system as his spell selection.
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Yeah, chat wheel would be nice, too!!!