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Events not fun in the slightest from a survivor perspective

Sarrif Member Posts: 192
edited June 14 in Feedback and Suggestions

So I'll try to keep this short but due to the event it's just not fun to play right now. After play like 20 matches and the four man swf team getting stomped on all of them I think I have figured out the main issues.

The invitation abilities on killer side negates a lot of what survivors can do and there's nothing they can do except stealth through the game and hope they don't get caught.

What I mean by this is that the ability to insta hook for certain killers is incredibly problematic because in practice this means that killers that are very high mobility and have a lot of pressure, have much less downtime to give survivors time to reset. Before when a killer spends 10~20ish seconds hooking a survivor it's now one maybe two seconds and they are immediately back to get more pressure. This also has the effect that sabotage is no longer in the game practically speaking. Pallet saves are also buggy because the killer can ignore it by just instantly activating the ability.

Next the ability to reduce stuns is also incredibly bad because it makes the event pallets worthless practically speaking since they break instantly and the killers don't get a real stun so you can't make distance to anything else unless it's literally right there.

Finally the worst ability of them all is that they can just break a pallet so instead of playing around it or giving the survivor any kind of counterplay the pallet just breaks and the killer gets a free m1 or insta down depending on where the pallet is and who the killer is.

So you are left with a game where chases are incredibly short and there's far less reset time for survivors so healing becomes a massive issue. You can't do much to protect a teammate if they are tunneled because sabo is gone and survivors make drastically less distance due to pallets being easily countered and if you take hits then you are screwed because your not going to have time to heal and complete five gens.

Oh and the block window effects buggy as heck, I've had killers vault through it before, and that's if it actually works and you don't accidentally use the quiet mode because everything is tied to the same button.

So it seems like the only way you can play this update is being an immersed Claudett if you want to survive. And that's just not really fun for me. The extra bloodpoints is kinda nice but this whole… event just makes me wish chaos shuffle was back even more.

Post edited by Rizzo on


  • Sarrif
    Sarrif Member Posts: 192

    TBH I'd take a slugging nurse over what we have. At least then there would be something we can do and builds that could realistically help with it. But what the event is? It's just pain, and it's not even the interesting kind of pain it's just boring. Like, at this point I'm checking out the new Killer Klowns game, it's janky and has issues but at least it's the fun kind of jank.

  • MrBendiix
    MrBendiix Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 37

    I hope you will have a good time with the killer klowns.
    I think I may take a break from the game as well and just skip the event all together. The game feels like its getting more and more balanced towards the top 0.1% that loves to play comp. The game overall and even the event just feels way too sweaty, and I am personally struggling more and more to find the fun in DBD.
    I do have 2300 hours and have played for quite a few years now, but I would still consider myself more of a casual player even tho I play a lot, since I prefer to run fun builds or do perk randomizer, but honestly it really feels like if you don't run full meta builds while in a sweaty SWF, you will not have a good time anymore, the game is not casual friendly anymore, and even tho there is no official ranked mode, the game feels like its focused towards the few players that enjoy comp, 1v1 and tournament play, not your average player.

  • Sarrif
    Sarrif Member Posts: 192

    Dude I was literally in a 4 man swf. None of us got out. I think I escaped once through hatch. There's no way someone could run an off meta build and survive in this unless your going specifically for hatch.

  • Sarrif
    Sarrif Member Posts: 192
  • Caiman
    Caiman Member Posts: 2,566

    You just click the button you always click to play the game.

  • Sarrif
    Sarrif Member Posts: 192

    Oh wow, lol I'm dumb. Since I was in a swf I just assumed that the event replaced the normal game option. Thanks this is actually much better.

  • Sarrif
    Sarrif Member Posts: 192

    Yeah your right, this events garbage and I'm glad I don't have to play it.

  • radiantHero23
    radiantHero23 Member Posts: 3,892

    Wow. So we had this from both sides now.

    I wonder if you have been around last year for this where killers where able to expose a survivor at bloodlust one. That was something let me tell you...

    I've said this before in another post that is awfully similar to this one: imo, killer got the short end of the stick here. (which if fine, regarding that the role had the stronger powers last year.)

    Sure, your point, that stronger killers are even stronger with the auto hooks is not wrong, but this happens, when a basekit feature that helps lower tier killers a lot to keep up is implemented generally while killers that are not in the need of a mechanic like this still remain untouched.

    That's why I've been telling people for months that killers like Blight are not fine basekit for a better version of dbd.

    Let's get into the argument:

    • The old iron will on demand for 15 sec, usable on both health states is incredibly strong. This can end chases or give massive distance due to the killer being highly dependant on sound clues. It genuinely feels as overtuned as the exposed on bloodlust one from last year. A bit over the top. (which is fine. I hope that next year, they will find a balance)
    • Window blocking is very strong at windows that a killer has to vault aka God windows. What you describe seems to be a latency issue.
    • You do know that there is more a team / a survivor can do that is getting tunneled except sabotage? Bodyblock / good looping...

    If you really despise the event this much, then maybe go to the normal queue. That's why it's two separate game modes this time around. At least that's why I think there are two separate queues.

  • radiantHero23
    radiantHero23 Member Posts: 3,892

    "I was literally in a 4man swf."

    Thaf means you win automatically?

  • appleas
    appleas Member Posts: 1,122

    If you were trying to garner sympathy OP, you probably shouldn't have mentioned you were in a 4 man swf.

  • Sarrif
    Sarrif Member Posts: 192

    It means that we should have had a few escapes statistically.

  • HexHuntressThighs
    HexHuntressThighs Member Posts: 1,243

    There are two separate event queues. Don’t select masquerade just select play. And then choose killer or survivor.

  • SoloQKev
    SoloQKev Member Posts: 163

    I played ten games today, and I can't play any more. In this event, most of the killers I am getting are blights, and they are slugging and tunnelling at five gens. I had a Skull merchant at five gens intentionally slugging everyone and not hooking them. I was so tempted to DC from that match but didn't. I eventually came off the game because I was wasting offerings without getting many points. I was looking forward to this event, too. Maybe when I calm down, I might play Killer later, chill with the survivors, and give them some easy games. As I am sure, some survivors want just 1 or 2 chill games. I am not saying they want free escapes and stuff like that, I am just saying some want to, you know actually play the event. So I will be a good killer and have fun with my Tiffany later.

  • VantablackPharaoh91
    VantablackPharaoh91 Member Posts: 584
    edited June 14

    Not my experience. I'm having a great time as a casual Survivor, just vibing win or loss, playing for BP and playing around with the event powers. I'm sure it will be a more fun vibe on Killer as well, the last modes were for me! I do not feel like the mode is overpowered for anyone in the slightest though it DOES feel slightly more Killer-sided. But why should I care about that again? I'm raking in BP left right and center, prestiging people, and having a blast doing it with my friends. :)

    NGL I am really a fan of the modes, both sides. Finally, something more casual instead of a ranked MMR mode, I can get something win or lose and the sweat in my experience is SUPER minimal (though there still) compared to the base game.

    Maybe just play the normal base game if that's not for you?