People who think Distortion is selfish

Don't realize that SoloQ survivor is selfish even without the perk.

It's every man for themselves and the other players owe nothing to you.

Don't like how you're playing? People will turn on you and sabotage your game.

Run perks like Empathic or Better Together and that information will be used against you.

Hooked during End game? You're not getting saved. They won't even bother.

SoloQ survivor is a dog eat dog world and there is no guaranteed cooperation from the other players.

It's probably why there is a team based rating based on escapes because it's so bad.



  • GolbezGarlandGabrant
    GolbezGarlandGabrant Member Posts: 979
    edited June 14

    That's my point. Just being more elaborate than "SoloQ is trash."

  • KatsuhxP
    KatsuhxP Member Posts: 720

    What happened that there are people suddenly thinking this? The perk got change quite a while ago but there are thinking this just now.

    Besides that perks are there to make you own life easier outside of team-based perks, of course it just benefits yourself. They're are not made to help your team-mates out xD

    I don't feel like this makes sense, after that logic it's selfish to be good at looping, because killers will drop chases with you more often and focus the other one's first.

    Besides that it isn't like they couldn't use it themself, it's even a unlicenced perk. Just because they don't use it, it doesn't mean no one else can.

  • Neaxolotl
    Neaxolotl Member Posts: 1,477

    Selfish? encouraging tunneling will results in their own death too, I'd call it strange rather than selfish tbh

    Those peoples are basically trying to lose the game

  • Hexonthebeach
    Hexonthebeach Member Posts: 449
    edited June 14

    I agree and disagree: Not all soloq games are without teamwork. But Bond, Empathy and Better Together should deactivate while in chase for some reason.

  • Junylar
    Junylar Member Posts: 2,005
  • Marc_go_solo
    Marc_go_solo Member Posts: 5,188

    It is a self-preserving perk, and I can see why some may see it as selfish. When Distortion prevents the aura of that one survivor, the killer will naturally pursue those without it. It's hard to get around that fact.

    However, I think it's how someone uses it which determines whether it's a selfish playstyle or not. If that player is taking chases early on and is first hooked, then using the perk to protect them if injured is prolonging the trial in general, especially if all others are healthy. If trying to finish that gen and a killer has Nowhere To Hide, keeping close by, knowing you are safer than those without is actually more altruistic. In chase, Distortion can confuse a killer who uses an aura-reading add-on, such as the Huntress, where the survivor can again prolong themselves in chase, or even save a hook state.

    It can be useful as a team perk and I'd say it's more self-preservation than selfish when used right (my distinction between the 2 is "self-preservation" is protecting yourself without intending to harm others, whilst "selfish" is protecting yourself at the expense of others). In some cases, it can be altruistic also!

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,236

    How will I avoid my teammates in chase if I can't see them?

  • BbQz
    BbQz Member Posts: 83

    I mean Dbd isn't really a team game to begin with.

    Your earn blood points alone

    Your MMR increases individually

    You die alone.

    You win and lose individually

    If this was a team game there would be reasons out side selfish ones to heal, unhook, work on gens together as the only reason to do those is for points. It's why waiting for hatch is appealing, why dropping every pallet in first chase or while people fight for unhooks they are selfishly greeding points for them selfs it's a bad system but it's by design. It's why sole survivor left behind distortion and other selfish perks exist this isn't a team game. Misinformed survivors and ignorant killers propagate this idea but it's completely false as behavior made it like this for a reason and ignoring that is just forcing your view of the game on others

  • Unknown2765
    Unknown2765 Member Posts: 2,320

    If your good at looping, its good for you but it is bad for others:
    - as the killer might realize that they waste too much time on chasing you. (thats how i play killer anyway)

  • n000b51
    n000b51 Member Posts: 659

    It is a self-preserving perk, and I can see why some may see it as selfish. When Distortion prevents the aura of that one survivor, the killer will naturally pursue those without it. It's hard to get around that fact.


  • Ebonbane2000
    Ebonbane2000 Member Posts: 160

    I agree. Instead these perks should give off killer instinct on the user if they get too close to their teammate while in chase. And don't put the change in the patch notes lol.

  • Unusedkillername
    Unusedkillername Member Posts: 215

    You are equating two different things to eachother

    Useless teammates have existed since this game came out but players with distortion playing around the fact they can not be found and selling out their teammates have only existed since distortions rework I guarantee you based on the fact the OP typed.

    Don't realize that SoloQ survivor is selfish even without the perk.

    It's every man for themselves and the other players owe nothing to you.

    When they use distortion they are using you to save their skin at the expense of yours.

    I am going to be 100% honest even if you don't like it. Based on how you typed this you are, and I hate to type this you seem to be an "entitled survivor main" as much of a meme as that sentence is. This is as your main concern is something strong that should be nerfed on the survivor side players are talking about being nerfed and you say

    it feels like every chapter release gives killers more and more ways to find survivors

    when this is how chapter releases that add perks to the game work across the board.

    There are more aura perks than 5 years ago along with regression perks, progression perks, exhaustion perks, gen blocking perks, anti-tunnel perks, unhook perks, on-hook perks, slugging perks, anti-slugging perks, pallet-based perks, chase perks and so on.

    It only matters how good the best of these perks so when you say "it feels like" feels is doing a lot of lifting.

    But don't take my word for it I may as well just a terrible killer player ranting so I went the the first big YouTuber I could think of (otzdarva's) tier list and looked at the killer perks he rated highly.

    5 info perks made it above his third tier which is considered the "decent" tier one of which has heavily been nerfed since and one is not primarily used as an info perk but to protect totems leaving just 3 perks there and does nowhere to hide the only one left of 3 that was added past distortions rework justify its existence.

    nope, it does not even generously throw you a bone in weave attunement which is just not good enough to be in this post it still doesn't.

    So you are wrong and as much as people may not like the two-sidedness of posts they can't say that and then make posts like that that are just wrong but eloquently put but clearly dont understand the side of the game they are talking about then say

    I find it's mostly killer mains trying to tell us solo survivors that we should want Distortion nerfed to punish the people who use it, but reality is that a Distortion nerf only benefits killers. And they know that. Like, please don't spit on me and tell me it's raining lol thanks. 

    when you don't give any thought to the other side of this game.

  • HexHuntressThighs
    HexHuntressThighs Member Posts: 1,243

    It’s definitely a region thing because in the US out of sveral few games played they have only left people to die on hook without trying three times. It’s so rare I have been counting and asking why leave lol.

  • Hexonthebeach
    Hexonthebeach Member Posts: 449
    edited June 19

    Thats how I used it too, If I had it in chaos shuffle.

    But I see it most commonly used to hunt down teammates.

  • SunaIIanu
    SunaIIanu Member Posts: 815

    I think the amount of good aura perks that where added recently and the amount of aura perks you encounter in game are two different things.

    Lethal is the 3rd most picked perk in nightlight, BBQ the 4th Most and lethal the 6th, so while I agree with you that the amount of good aura perks that where added is limited, aura perks are certainly played a lot.

    For a long time BBQ was the only aura reading perk that you saw often (I don't remember seeing many people with lethal back than) and BBQ is usually easy to counterplay without perks like distortion.

    I think the popularity of lethal rose with the popularity of nowhere to hide and I do think nth alone is enough to justify distortion in it's current form. Nth has no cooldown and travels with the killer so compared to bbq you don't know if it has been triggered.

    Sure, distortion players sometimes screw their teammates, but they could try to take a chase so that is less on distortion and more on the Players themselves imo.

    Also aura reading addons exist and some of them are not uncommon aswell like glowing concoction or Yardstick.

  • Unknown2765
    Unknown2765 Member Posts: 2,320
    edited June 19

    Because a lot of SWFs dont care about SoloQ - so thats the only way for them to live → so right back at the SWFs

    Post edited by JocelynAwakens on
  • TheSubstitute
    TheSubstitute Member Posts: 2,436
    edited June 19

    The issue I have accepting a lot of the arguments I see here is that I do use Distortion a lot. What I do even more often than I use Distortion is, once another survivor is on death hook and I'm not, I get between the Killer and the survivor on death hook, body block and do everything possible to get the Killer to hook me so the survivor on death hook gets away. Hook states are a resource and any time a survivor is killed while another survivor wasn't on death hook the survivors have lost resources and the chance of a 4K has increased.

    What Distortion does is that when I'm on death hook I can't be tunneled out as easily since I have to be found without the advantage of aura perks first. Killers that are trying to tunnel aren't going to switch targets and spread hooks just because they can see a different survivor's aura.

    I also haven't noticed Distortion users being not helpful in matches anymore than survivors not running Distortion. Out of the most recent matches I've had I don't remember any cases of the 3 dead, Killer had 9 hooks scenario where the person who acted as if they had been hooked instead of someone else their computer would have exploded being Distortion users.

    It could be a server area problem as I can't speak to anything but my experience but what people are describing as Distortion users sacrificing their teammates hasn't happened to me any more than survivors that don't use Distortion.

  • Rudjohns
    Rudjohns Member Posts: 1,995
    edited June 19

    If you guys ever nerf Distortion (it will happen, we all know it), heres my suggestion

    Nerf Distortion back to 3 tokens max and not regain tokens by terror radius
    and nerf aura reading altogether by only showing the auras of healthy survivors

  • jezebelthenun
    jezebelthenun Member Posts: 195

    As a solo, it's not selfish at all. I also run bond and calm spirit every game to negate sandbagging, screaming swf teammates. I play as a team no matter what, because that's what wins matches. I use bond to avoid sandbagging my teammates too. I use distortion to stealth and unhook. I take chases when teammates have higher hook states than me. It's only selfish if you play selfishly.

    They all also have the ability to use the same perks. It's not a club with a membership. Plenty of swfs use collective distortion. There are too many aura reading/scream inducing killer perks to not give distortion and calm spirit a second look.

  • Unusedkillername
    Unusedkillername Member Posts: 215
    edited June 19

    People in glass houses…

    This is not a people in glass houses statement because on my post about people defending op perks where I clearly stated a lot of killer perks I want to be nerfed they made this post

    copy and paste directly

    They could nerf all survivor perks until This Is Not Happening is the #1 perk and people would still come here calling it broken...

    They just are I know it's not nice to be blunt about it but almost anything this person says is from the "killers want to take my toys away camp" I'm sorry they are what they are they keep doing it and have been doing it for ages.

    I know they are an ingrained part of the forums community but im not going to mince my words just because of that. Id say it a xxxMrbooger123xxx with 4 posts and it says it to someone with 20k posts, unlike a lot of players here who are very likely to call Mr. Booger what he is but not the otherway around.

    Also NTH should be nerfed to be brought in line with the other aura perks but the power creep in this game does not apply to aura perk more than others because as the game has changed the "hide and seek" portion of the game has declined in relevance while the chasing side of the game has increased.

    Distortion just resets things to the actual baseline.

    It does not completely make's the perks it counters irrelevant without any real condition the killer has control over. It's like if languid touch or any exhaustion infliction perk did not have a requirement. It's overpowered and disproportionately effects killers running weaker builds because every aura perk is one slot thats not a slowdown. Its a bad perk its an overpowered perk (but you know my bar for where overpowered is)

    I know this bridges into another thread but its also an example of that power creep point I made whereas things become more powerful what you bring and how good it is against the things the other side brings becomes more important
    (as seen by how old ultimate weapon was not effected by distortion so it immediately became the best detection perk)

  • NarkoTri1er
    NarkoTri1er Member Posts: 251

    this mindset is why soloQ is terrible btw. Everyone playing each for their own instead of playing as a team.

  • NarkoTri1er
    NarkoTri1er Member Posts: 251

    soloQ is not free for all, it's what community made every other community member believe into

  • Xernoton
    Xernoton Member Posts: 5,644

    Your idea for a nerf on aura reading is pretty bad. On one hand, it makes no sense on the other we have a perk that reveals the aura of an injured survivor. It would also come as a nerf to all aura reading perks in general, which is flawed because not all of them are actually that good. Take BBQ for example. The perk has worked like that for years (apart from the +1 second duration) and it's far from overpowered.

    The only part of Distortion that needs a change is the whole "recharge tokens outside of chase" thing. That is what actually does make the perk selfish because you can use it to avoid getting chased altogether, which then forces your team mates to take these chases for you and die earlier. Basically, you refuse to pull your weight.

    If that was changed, I'd be more than happy with a hook refreshing all tokens instantly to make up for it. They could also give it another effect that makes you not leave scratch marks after getting unhooked for 10 seconds so it would work as an anti tunnel perk as well.

  • Chocolate_Cosmos
    Chocolate_Cosmos Member Posts: 5,735

    Best responce to someone blaming content creators for balance changes I ever saw. Big W.

  • VomitMommy
    VomitMommy Member Posts: 2,257

    Say what?

    Unless I literally bring 4 information perks, survivors won't run out of Distortion stacks.

    You are never going to see Distortion player with Nowhere to hide, unless you play Stealth killer to deny their tokens.

  • cruelb
    cruelb Member Posts: 110

    I wonder if they could show some evidence of that. Perhaps be more open about stats from the feedback collection or related posts.

    People who play regularly are quite invested in this game for a variety of reasons, perhaps showing some evidence would sit better than the ‘we are listening’ business. Would shut down a lot of unpleasant posts on this forum.

  • CLHL
    CLHL Member Posts: 157

    Personally I don't think the perk needs any change, but it is undeniably selfish. This is ultimately a team game, hiding your location is still a way to shift the killer's attention to someone else.

    Part of the reason why SoloQ is a disaster is the lack of team play and camaraderie, not understanding what is best for the team instead of personal benefit, even if that means that you are the only one sacrificed in the end.

  • BbQz
    BbQz Member Posts: 83

    "Ultimately a team game"

    I don't think this is a true as you think it is... Just at a cursory glance there is many systems and choices the developers have made that really disagree with this sentiment if I boot up OW or any other team game for example no matter my KDR we win and lose as a team. Here we only win as survivors with a escape and that happens on a individual basis.

    And we don't share points in any capacity making things like unhooking a total free for all in low skill solo Q games because even after a single match you realize you need to fight for progression on your blood web with other survivors.

    The game rewards the soloist mind set your "teammate" is some one you want to help just until the point it's not benefiting you like risking getting hatch or when exit gates are open.

    Stopping another player from being tunneled is even tainted by self motivation as losing that punching bag can lower your chances of escape.

    I think if behavior wants people to think this is a team game we need communication of some sort in solo Q we should know the perks of our team by looking at in game start menu and we should share point generation as while would some one with a full chase build be rewarded more for running the killer focusing on unhooks, not be getting objective points as with out them objectives wouldn't be getting done or vice versa all of that reeks of a game that is ultimately a 1v1v1v1 vs 1 with shared goals

  • Paternalpark
    Paternalpark Member Posts: 655

    Distortion should get a nerf. But not by much.

    Lots of killers rely on aura reading now to offset gen regression nerfs.

    I never run the perk so take with some salt.

  • RedPoncho12
    RedPoncho12 Member Posts: 157

    agreed soloQ can be bad when people play selfish. I personally don’t play selfish unless another survivor is shafting me for no reason. If you play solo, you should play as if your teammates are buddies on the other end of the mic. You have to play as a team to have a greater chance of escape, plain and simple. Having the mind set of “I’m only looking out for me” in solos tends to get you and everyone else killed

  • Unusedkillername
    Unusedkillername Member Posts: 215

    You are vehemently campaigning to have everything that still gets used by survivors, the statistically weaker role, nerfed.

    Ostensibly for the sake of perk diversity, but you seem unwilling to entertain the idea of buffing the underpicked.

    You accuse others of being 'entitled [Role] mains', and I'm just telling you that you fit the bill too.

    You are all in a bubble and sometimes when you are part of a bubble you don't realise how the bubble looks from the outside, the forums is not known for being the place you go to for sensible dbd takes for this reason most players are in their bubble and when they are confronted with an opinion about the game that is just different from theirs's it must be from them the other side.

    It may seem ironic coming from "unused killer name" but its just how it is.

    The fact that I have the opinion perks are generally too strong at the top end (so are addons and items but eh) want almost all the top survivor and killer perks nerfed and brought back in line and I have seen people go "you want to nerf suv stuff" and even the person i have argued the point with for a few days now back and forth says "i can see how they see you as an entitled killer main" in actually kinda insane

    if you can call for 8 of the top 10 used killer perks (and there is, even more, I would nerf past that) to being nerfed in a thread and still get that it's mental.

    This is also a good microcosm of why a lot of people think the forums are a bit of a dumpster fire you are either in the bubble or in the mental killer and suv camp.

    This is also something that is often misunderstood. Distortion doesn't negate an aura reading perk by itself. One person having Distortion does not fully disable your NTH, FoR, UW or any other aura reading. It just protects one survivor.

    You need four distortions to make these perks irrelevant.

    Partially true but distortion makes whole perks irrelevant my favorate build to run right now is wesker with BBQ, Pain Res, Brutal Strength and Lethal Pursuer a strong build but could make it stronger by dropping lethal for pop most perks without both pop and pain res are like this and its silly making aura perks a choice to be effected by only exaserbates the issue.

    and yes distortion is op but you know what my view on op is no point is arguing that point we have already done so people using who don't know when they need to do what they need to do are just more annoying that with other perks

    Also, I wouldn't say that the aura reading perks are strictly weaker. Never having to search for a survivor is pretty strong and can probably compete with some regression picks, especially since it only really needs to compete with the fourth one down the list

    It doesn't. Sometimes having 1 with 3 regression/blocking perks is better than a fourth but none are better.

    Keeping bad gens up and good gen spread translates into downs, playing in weaker areas and less time burnt just crossing the map. Their are just so many things about the fundamentals of dbd that make regression perks the best perks in the game.

    sorry no more replies today England are on and its coming home.

  • Rulebreaker
    Rulebreaker Member Posts: 1,892
    edited June 20

    You are all in a bubble and sometimes when you are part of a bubble you don't realise how the bubble looks from the outside

    Tell us, what do you think you're bubble looks like to us?

    Edit: unnecessary raving from us

  • Firellius
    Firellius Member Posts: 4,295

    The fact that I have the opinion perks are generally too strong at the top end (so are addons and items but eh) want almost all the top survivor and killer perks nerfed and brought back in line and I have seen people go "you want to nerf suv stuff" and even the person i have argued the point with for a few days now back and forth says "i can see how they see you as an entitled killer main" in actually kinda insane

    You are putting considerably more effort into telling people that you have stated this than in actually stating it. You made two throw-away remarks in a thread in which you detailed all of the survivor stuff you want nerfed.

    If you come in, guns blazing, shouting that [A], [B] and [C] MUST be nerfed and people should STOP defending such BROKEN things, and then mutter under your breath that you'd be okay if [D] and [E] got nerfed as well, people are going to infer where your priorities lie.

    Which in and of itself is not that much of a problem, it's daily routine on these forums. But I find it ironic that you label someone else an 'entitled [role] main' when you exude the exact same aura.

    Partially true

    No, completely true.

    its silly making aura perks a choice to be effected by only exaserbates the issue.

    I don't think it's that silly, because these perks have powercrept beyond control. Not to mention that the issue works reversed, too. Lots of survivor perks that deal with stealth become irrelevant in the face of these aura reading perks. Think Iron Will, Lightfooted, Fixated, Self-Preservation, just to name a few. All of these are undone by aura reading and now effectively require Distortion to function with any kind of reliability. Which in turn might shunt them to gen-rush or hook-denial perks.

    For once, survivors can use the same beatstick as killers: 'We can -also- make the game worse for everyone'.

    Sometimes having 1 with 3 regression/blocking perks is better than a fourth

    That's what I said.

    Keeping bad gens up and good gen spread translates into downs

    Though judging by how the forums are treating Distortion, how are you going to be able to find survivors if they're not permanently highlighted in neon red?

  • tjt85
    tjt85 Member Posts: 844

    I honestly don't get all the fuss over this perk. Otz's argument essentially boils down to feeling bad for finding the same Survivor over and over again. I mean… OK? It's unfortunate when that happens, but so what? Doesn't mean the perk needs to change because some players run it to stay hidden while others don't and get found.

    There are perks and items in the game to facilitate different Survivor play styles and playing stealthy by avoiding interaction with the Killer is one of them.

    Sure, Distortion doesn't help the team and can sometimes harm it. But then again Sprint Burst, Lithe, Windows of Opportunity and more than a dozen other perks that I could mention don't help the team either. Most people run perks to keep themselves alive, since we all have our strengths and weaknesses after all. Some players put their own chances to escape above others. That's just how it goes in Solo Q and going into a match expecting others to play like they're in a SWF is just so unrealistic (that doesn't mean I don't think BHVR could do more to help Solo Q work as a team if they want to. They absolute could and should).

    Anyway, I don't understand why this perk in particular gets singled out so often for criticism. I don't think it needs to change at all.

  • C3Tooth
    C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,266

    Its not unfortunate. 2 survivors sit on Gen, killer comes with aura reading.

    • Distortion user knows they're being watched, the other doesnt.
    • When killer comes, they dont see Distortion user's aura, dont see Distortion user's scratch mark as if Distortion user not exist. Only see aura and scratch mark of the other survivor.

  • mizark3
    mizark3 Member Posts: 2,238

    This is the exact mindset encouraged by the developers. (Taken from the steam page)

    I agree that selfish gameplay is (part of) the problem, but they never disincentivize it, which contributes to making it a larger problem than it needs to be.

  • Unusedkillername
    Unusedkillername Member Posts: 215

    Replying coz england drew :(

    You are putting considerably more effort into telling people that you have stated this than in actually stating it. You made two throw-away remarks in a thread in which you detailed all of the survivor stuff you want nerfed.

    If you come in, guns blazing, shouting that [A], [B] and [C] MUST be nerfed and people should STOP defending such BROKEN things, and then mutter under your breath that you'd be okay if [D] and [E] got nerfed as well, people are going to infer where your priorities lie.

    Which in and of itself is not that much of a problem, it's daily routine on these forums. But I find it ironic that you label someone else an 'entitled [role] main' when you exude the exact same aura.

    Its because nobody is arguing with me that pop and pain res should not be nerfed.

    Thats it eveyone is just jumping to defend the other sets of perks right now.

    Its just as simple as that

    This is the only comment that has questioned it. The only comment and it was posted 2 days after my original post

    If I stretch it this may count but they just seem to disagree with the general opinion I have that things are too strong.

    If you want my take on pop and pain res it's that they need to be gutted. Minor nerfs will lead to killers still stacking them together as they do if they are left as the best 2 perks in the game.

    They are as far out of line with other regression perks as sprint burst is with exhaustion perks and more generally I think a mechanic like regression needs some form of limit like exhaustion perks have with the exhaustion status effect that limits how many you can run or forces some form of diminishing returns.

    I personally think that killers being able to proc to many in quick succession will always lead to 3 gening being too prevalent as being able to keep gens up in unsafe locations will always translate into downs making them better than any other type of perk on the roster.

    But because I haven't had to defend that take I've said less about it because I'm replying to people I only bring up what i think I need to not write.


    Running aura perks into distortion is pointless never can one player use 2 distortions while a killer can run 2 aura perks. Its just naturally weighted in the survivors favour unless the killer runs 0 aura then what does it become replaced by, slowdown regression ect. It's a perk in a fundamentally bad spot.

    survivors can use the same beatstick as killers: 'We can -also- make the game worse for everyone'.

    I know, Its why I want all of the stuff that is being used to makeup that beatstick nerfed on both killer and survivor.

    I don't think it's that silly, because these perks have powercrept beyond control.

    They changed with the game. The game went from having perks that revealed you for free like whispers but didn't give the whole game away to perks that show your location when conditions were fulfilled as the game became less about hiding and more about chases. Yes the powercrept the previous perks but the regression perk's power creep is more subtle as they get stronger with every other regression perk despite individual nerfs.

    Though judging by how the forums are treating Distortion, how are you going to be able to find survivors if they're not permanently highlighted in neon red?

    It's not just about that being punished disproportionately for running slightly weaker builds if the survivors use distortion feels bad, it's very rare but the few times I've play a game with 2 aura perks and went ah well I have half a build because I ran into 4 people using it sucks.

    but it also leans into that part of the game I have previously said about where what you bring becomes more important the more powerful things are because if the killer goes all out with 4 slowdowns the perk does nothing and outperking people just becomes more prevalent.