Charging only auric cells for last year's masks

AykDanroyd Member Posts: 232
edited June 14 in Feedback and Suggestions

I was going through the Twisted Masquerade store and noticed that only the masks from the 6th anniversary are available to be purchased with iridescent shards. The ones from last year (7th anniversary) are available using auric cells only. Is this the direction DBD is heading towards now? Last year's Halloween event did not offer Dwight's mummy outfit & Jane's outfit from 2022 for cells only and gave players the option to obtain them with shards too.

This is yet another move on the part of this game that I highly disprove and am very unsatisfied with and so should every other player. Events should not even have a store. I remember when everything in an event was free and obtainable through the gameplay of the game by earning them, such as the 4th & 5th anniversary crowns, the gnome charm, and many others. Everyone should be disgusted with this and demand that cosmetics from a year ago & older be offered for not only auric cells but shards as well for players who play the game a lot and earned them.

This is an insult to the player base and disrespect for the hours we put in. It's literally telling us that the hours put in are not good enough to obtain last year's masks or "insert future cosmetics older than a year" in future events.

If it's a mistake on the developer's part and those 7th year masks were meant to be available with shards too, then please fix it. This is on top of the awful matches I experienced against tunnelers and Vecna players on the survivor side that took any fun from the event along with OP killer invitation effects that makes it even easier for the killer side (that I also play). This is by far the worst DBD anniversary event I've experienced from the five I played through so far.

Post edited by EQWashu on


  • Yharwick
    Yharwick Member Posts: 521

    That's been a thing since last year. I don't think it's a huge deal, it's cosmetic and the chance to get them for free. It would be cool if the option for shards was there though.

  • Junylar
    Junylar Member Posts: 2,005

    Is this the direction DBD is heading towards now?

    Now? Where have you been for the last 8 years?

  • SleepyLunatic
    SleepyLunatic Member Posts: 408

    I think its pretty fair like that for newcomers but also older players. Next year you can get them for shards.

  • AykDanroyd
    AykDanroyd Member Posts: 232
    edited June 14

    How is it fair when Dwight's mummy outfit from 2022 was available to get with shards in 2023 yet the 2023 anniversary masks are only available to get with cells in 2024? Even Feng's 2023 outfit is available to get with shards this year. There's no consistency.

    This is on top of another huge complaint I have regarding the licensed DLC. I look at the sales of the licensed chapters that were a year old or older back when I got them vs. the sales today of those same chapters when they're several years older. Every single chapter I got (Halloween, Nightmare on Elm Street, The Saw, Stranger Things, Silent Hill, Resident Evil, Texas Chainsaw Massacre/Leatherface, Hellraiser, and Ghostface) were all 50% off during the sales. Now most of them are only 30% or 40% off and Stranger Things is full price, which is $11.99US. That's more than the $7.99 price of the game itself when it's on sale and it's absurd. This even holds true for the newer licensed chapters and I've held off from getting the Ring chapter or anything after it as a result.

    If they want to do this with the 7th year masks, then at least make them available in the store year round and have them available to be obtained with shards maybe a few months after the event.

  • LeFennecFox
    LeFennecFox Member Posts: 1,233

    Yea as soon as I saw old freely earned masks for auric cells I was disappointed. In reality it's more like $5 if you didn't have auric cells to sit which is absurd for a simple mask.