What killer to buy?

So, theres a huge sale right now, and im wondering which killer(unlicensed) to buy. The ones that cost 2250 iri shard of course.
What killers do you not have, what is your preferred playstyle and do you care about perks?
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Im experienced, so dont bother with difficulty, I only have dredge(From the unlicensed perks), and as for perks, I dont care much. I like ones that require strategy and have a harder power.
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I meant unlicensed killers
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If you want a killer with decent-ish perks, stradegy and a hard power maybe try Singularity. They are a very high skill floor though, so if youre not ready you shouldnt get them yet, but once you get the hang of it they feel extremely satisfying to play as.
Other one with pretty good and fun perks that require some planning and has a pretty high skill floor is Plaque. Shes not that hard if you know what youre doing but it still takes some skill to master vomiting.
Lastly you may like Blight. He has some good perks and he is quite hard to play well as against good survivors. There is also some stragedy on where and where to use your ability.
If youre still feeling unsure as to what killer you should get Otzdarva has a quick quiz on his website that you can do that tells you what killers you most likely like. Also if none of the killers i recommended sound appealing to you, then go with what you feel is the best for you since you know yourself the best. Hope i could help a little bit and have fun with the killer that you bought.
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Could u gve me the link?
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Small correction: im not actually sure who made the quiz but i just heard it from a Otzdarva video.
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