Year 8 "Twisted Masquerade" Anniversary Event


First time I've posted anything on here that isn't a bug report, and just wanted to offer some feedback on the current anniversary event (Twisted Masquerade: Year 8)

I love the idea behind the new mode. The "Bag of Tryks" feature is a really cool concept, and the different modifiers offer some really interesting twists. There are still some small little bugs I've seen, but all in all, that aspect has been a pretty solid experience.

Unfortuantely, I do have some issues with the invitation abilities. Having played a fair amount of both survivor and killer, I do feel as though the newly added ability to "Remote Hook" someone is unbalanced. Currently, it eliminates a lot of counter-play for survivors: there is little to no chance to save a survivor before reaching a hook, hook sabotaging becomes obsolete, and wiggle-related perks (such as Boil Over, Flip-Flop, or Power Struggle) will have no effect.

In my killer games, I've experienced a lot of genrushing, and in my survivor games, I've come across extremely unforgiving killers. Despite having a 540% bloodpoint boost at times, only low amounts of BP are boosted because matches are over quickly (and I'm usually left irritated).

In my opinion, I believe that removing or altering the "Remote Hook" function would actually decrease the amount of "sweaty" games (for lack of a better term) as survivors would feel like they could do more than just generators and actually interact with the killer in more ways, and killers would not have to run so many generator slowdown perks since survivors would not be solely focused on one objective.

There has been some really cool additions to this year's event, but I'm hoping that feedback like this can improve and enrich future events. Please keep up the good work, and congratulations on 8 years!


  • Fuzzycube
    Fuzzycube Member Posts: 252

    I was thinking the same, removing the instant hook power seems unlikely since it’s part of a challenge but maybe up it to using 2 invites?

  • Ohyakno
    Ohyakno Member Posts: 1,056

    "I don't like the instant hook power"

  • Fuzzycube
    Fuzzycube Member Posts: 252
    edited June 15

    I mean as a killer main who plays killer 99% of the time it’s great, matches have been very one sided though.

  • Ohyakno
    Ohyakno Member Posts: 1,056
    edited June 15

    It definitely depends on what killer you play, like any other mode. The hook thing feels more like a quality of life than a super OP thing.

    But yeah sure. First cool unique mechanic we've seen in a while. Get rid of it. Why not.

  • Fuzzycube
    Fuzzycube Member Posts: 252


    Like I said maybe if it used two invites it wouldn’t seem as strong?

    Although maybe it’s not as bad as first impressions?

  • TheMysticScythe
    TheMysticScythe Member Posts: 6
    edited June 15

    I really don't see how the Remote Hook is a quality of life change for the killer in any way. The only thing it would do is remove the need to walk with a survivor on your shoulder, which unfortunately, as I said in the original post, removes a lot of counter-play from the survivor side.

    I'm all for the introduction of cool, unique mechanics; limited time gamemodes are a perfect time to pitch them to the playerbase. I think the Remote Hook mechanic however has some balancing issues as there's seemingly little to no counterplay potential.

    - Edited to remove grammatical errors

  • Ohyakno
    Ohyakno Member Posts: 1,056

    I didn't say it was quality of life. I said it feels like quality of life. It's obviously a buff, but one that feels kinda natural and not like you're doing something crazy.

    The only thing it precludes are pallet saves. Flashlights still work. I can play over a dozen games without ever losing a survivor to a pallet save so that interactivity is vastly oversold. Sabotaging was overbuffed last patch anyway, so whatever.

  • TheMysticScythe
    TheMysticScythe Member Posts: 6

    I think Sythine's suggestion for a random hook would be nice as it could allow for a bit more of a chaotic nature to the ability.

    One thought I had was altering the ability so that it sent the carried survivor to a hook that was nearest to the furthest survivor from the killer. That way, the option gives a quick hook state to the killer and intel as to where a survivor is located, but it also allows for the survivors to get a quick hook save without pressure.

    Just a thought experiment really, but offers balance to both sides imo.

  • Ohyakno
    Ohyakno Member Posts: 1,056

    Alright, then get rid of it. Whatever. People tantrum about everything marginally interesting in this game and get it removed. It's just a neat thing and it'd make little difference to my or anyone's gameplay if it got ditched.

  • TheMysticScythe
    TheMysticScythe Member Posts: 6

    There really is no need to be this hostile. No one here is having a "tantrum" by offering constructive feedback in the "Feedback and Suggestions" section of a forum.

  • AssortedSorting
    AssortedSorting Member Posts: 1,105
    edited June 16

    Nearly all Killers have standardized hook play, same speed, same powers, same considerations.

    Skipping it allows that time saved to be used to leverage their strengths, and on the stronger killers there's a more noticeable effect as that time not spent doing hook stuff is now replaced with their power use, etc. (This is just "Best case scenario" where nothing else other than moving to hook can happen)

    A more balanced approach rather than simply removing it would be power suppression for a duration after use.

  • MrT1412
    MrT1412 Member Posts: 108

    I think the real issue is how easy it is to use the killer powers compared to their survivor counterparts. The event pallets can be really strong, but you need to know what you're doing. The remote hook and pallet break are easy to use and strong.

  • Ohyakno
    Ohyakno Member Posts: 1,056

    Ya the first part of my statement was about them saying their matches are one sided. Of course they're going to be one sided if you're playing nurse or whatever S-A tier killer you prefer. Your experience is going to be a different one if you're trying to make legion or Freddy work. Making a blanket statement like that with zero context is useless.

    If you think hammering the button to have a survivor auto hook on a hook that's three feet away anyway it's truly ganebreaking then I dunno what to tell you except that you're in excellent company with many other people.

  • Ohyakno
    Ohyakno Member Posts: 1,056

    I mean that's kinda fair, I'm just sick of people rallying around the status quo. Weave attunement does stuff???? The horror. This cannot stand. Gut it and stick it on the pile of worthless perks that do nothing so people can be comfy playing with and against the same half dozen perks they're used to.

    Killers can auto hook on a hook that's three steps away anyway? Whoa! That's new and scary. Don't like it. Get rid of it. It's frustrating. New stuff is good. Let things shake out before you kneejerk demand it get changed.