Offerings feel very messy and they would benefit from a rarity rework

tuttoinunavolta Member Posts: 218
edited June 2024 in Feedback and Suggestions

In my opinion, offerings in their current state feel cluttered, outdated and very counterintuitive (so confusing, especially for newer players). Some of them are pretty much useless, too - we have more than 80 active offerings in the game, yet people only use the same ~15 offerings every time because of this. Uncommon and rare offerings also both vastly outnumber the common ones, and while this is not really part of the problem it just looks kinda silly.

I think some offerings would highly benefit from having their effects completely reworked, but even just giving them all a rarity pass would immediately make everything feel so much better. Some suggestions:

Bloodpoint offerings

Bloody Party Streamers and Escape Cake/Survivor Pudding are pretty much the most sought after offerings by every player, it's weird to have them as green and yellow respectively. Especially when there are green BP offerings that are objectively worse than Cake/Pudding, and a lot of purple offerings that are not as useful (and used) as those. Cakes and Puddings should definitely have a higher rarity than yellow, and the green Objective-specific BP offerings shouldn't be as rare as them.

Brown and yellow BP offerings (aside maybe from Hollow Shell and Sealed Envelope) are pretty much useless, most people only use them when they don't have any other offerings to burn on that character. I think taking them out completely would declutter bloodwebs and inventories, make everything feel more orderly, and if BPS/Cake/Pudding were to become more expensive, not having to spend BPs on these useless offerings would justify the higher costs.

Objective-specific BP offerings would benefit from having a little italic text at the end of their descriptions to tell you what kind of actions are included in that category (ex.: the "100% bonus bloodpoints in the Brutality category" offering tells you what kind of in-game actions count as "Brutality"). This would be a significant QOL improvement for newer players.

Map offerings

Map offerings are grouped up with and split by other green offerings, making it all feel cluttered and confusing. Giving them a completely new Rarity type (and maybe doing the same for Sacrificial Ward) or adding something like "Map:" at the beginning of their names would fix that easily. The pride flag charms would also greatly benefit from either one of those solutions, it'd make sense to have all the flags grouped up together so they are easier to find.

Ideally, having the offering's background or perk description include a photo of the realm's maps would also help newer players a lot.

Shroud offerings

Shroud of Separation and Shroud of Union/Binding are rarely used because they really just benefit the other side. Survivors benefit from spawning away from each other, on different gens, and the killer benefits from having all the survivors in the same area that he can control. Their effects should be swapped

It makes no sense for these offerings to go from yellow to purple; either Separation/Union or Binding should become green.

Reagent/Coin offerings

Both categories go from yellow to purple rarity, skipping the green one. They are definitely not useful enough to warrant the purple rarity and should become green instead.

Luck offerings

Luck only affects self-unhook probability, instead of "Increases your luck" these offerings should just tell you that in a more straightforward way, like they do in the DBD wiki: "Increases the Odds of yourself succeeding a Self-Unhook attempt by +3%."

Blueprint offerings

Two blueprint offerings affect hatch, the other two affect basement. The hatch offerings (which are a bit more significant) could reasonably become yellow, or at least giving either category another word instead of blueprint would make it easier to find what you're looking for

Mori offerings

I know they are reworking these to ditch the yellow Mori and it makes sense since it was kind of useless. I hope they don't retire the green and Iri ones though, since they are still useful and sometimes it's just nice to have Mori interactions with more than one survivor in the game (ex. other survivors photobombing Ghostface)

Post edited by tuttoinunavolta on


  • Ohyakno
    Ohyakno Member Posts: 1,206

    You're not gonna get anybody behind making BP offerings iridescent. Folks love watching the BP number go up.

  • tuttoinunavolta
    tuttoinunavolta Member Posts: 218
    edited June 2024

    they don't have to be iri, it was just a suggestion and they could just make Cake/Pudding green and lower the rarity of the Objective-based BP offerings - the goal would be to make Cake/Pudding rarer than Objective BP offerings in some way, since they're objectively better

    plus ditching the yellow and brown Objective BP offerings, that nobody uses, would declutter bloodwebs and save everybody a lot of BPs, that you could use for the slightly more expensive Cakes/Puddings

    Will update the original post to better explain what I mean and remove the iri part

    Post edited by tuttoinunavolta on