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Killers are forbidden to lunge if they are too close to a survivor, which can steal hits.

Killers are forbidden to lunge if they are too close to a survivor. It doesn't matter if a killer is holding a direction and the M1 button at the same time, because the game will force a short M1 tap attack if the killer tries to attack while right next to a survivor.
I'd even claim that many of the aim dressing complaints involve this short M1 tap bug, because if a killer is expecting to be able to do a full lunge attack, and they purposely turn their camera toward an object because lunges have zero object collision (and therefore they are expecting to be able to curve around objects with their lunge), that when the killer is forced into a short M1 tap attack, they can easily hit an object next to them and think the problem was aim dressing.
BHVR should also look into the possibility that the game might be forcing short M1 tap attacks, even though the survivor might be out of range by the time the hit validation snapshots are taken, which means that the forced short M1 tap attack might be stealing a hit, because the killer could have reached the survivor if they were allowed to lunge attack.
This is still pending? Do I need to submit videos with keyboard and mouse inputs? Is BHVR unsure to whether or not this bug happens?
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Just curious... what does it mean with the pending, the closed discussions?
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Pending means that BHVR hasn't confirmed or denied that it's a bug. Even though this issue is easily created, and happens 100% of the time, no one from BHVR is bothering to even comment on it.
Bugs that can steal hits from killers, should be a high priority.
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Killers are forbidden to lunge if they are too close to a survivor. It doesn't matter if a killer is holding a direction and the M1 button at the same time, because the game will force a short M1 tap attack if the killer tries to attack while right next to a survivor.
This means that killers have an M1 deadzone, that is near the max length of the forced M1 zone. M1 attacks are unreliable in the M1 deadzone. Survivor 360s try to trigger this bug, hoping that when the killer starts to hold M1, that the killer is close enough to get a forced short M1 attack, but when hit validation happens the killer is too far away for a short M1 attack to succeed.
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How is this still Pending after 7 months? Is this a super secret bug, that no one is allowed to talk about? This bug is huge, and affects so many games.
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I wonder if this will be “Under Review” for the next 7 months, even though this issue literally happens 100% of the time, and it is very easy to recreate this issue.
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The game validates lunges more than once. The first set of validations, is to check if the killer is allowed to lunge, or if a killer lunge needs to immediately turn into a forced short M1 attack.
There is a COMPELTELY SEPARATE hit validation for whether or not the M1 attack hits the survivor, and that is what causes the stolen hits. The game can forbid the killer from lunging, or forcibly end a lunge early, but then tell the killer the attack missed because the survivor was too far away to hit.
The game should only validate M1 attacks once. This means that if the game forbids a killer to lunge, or forcibly ends their lunge early, then the game should automatically give the killer the hit. There shouldn't be this multiple validation garbage, especially if the proximity validations are done on the killer side (instead of the server side), which means that latency would make it extra worse.
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This is still happening
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Can confirm, routinely happens to me, attached clip is an example
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Please fix this. I had no idea this was going on for so long.
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I reported this issue something like 9 months ago, and it’s been under review for something like 2 months????????
Why hasn’t this gotten a BHVR comment yet?
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Is this really “under review”? How has this been “under review” for 3 months?
Is this a top secret bug that BHVR wants to pretend doesn’t exist? I don’t understand why BHVR hasn’t responded in the TEN MONTHS that this bug report has existed for.
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This bug report has existed for around 11 months! And BHVR still refuses to comment on this bug, that steals hits from the killer.
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This bug happens to me as well, but this actually GIVES me hits, because I play with laggy argentinian connection and the hit validation helps me here. Unless the survivor was 10m away and I had just had a 750ms ping moment. Should get fixed tho.
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This mechanic never ever helps the killer.
If you got a hit due to latency, that is an issue with server hit validation, which is a completely separate topic.
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The thing is that if I lunge, and the survivor moves during a lag peak, I glide off the survivor. But if the short swing happens, 18 times out of 21 it gives me a hit. Like if you had to manually release the saw to hit someone as Billy, you'd prefer if it acted like it does now. I do want it fixed but it does have upside
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The problem is the game has proximity checks as completely separate from the damage checks. And if my assumption is correct, that the proximity checks are done on the killer side instead of the server side, then this bug can happen a lot more often during times of latency.
What should happen is that when the killer tries to lunge, it allows the killer to lunge, then it constantly makes hit validation checks. And if the game confirms a hit should happen… then game can yank the camera, or force a short M1 attack, or do whatever else it wants, because it will 100% give the killer the hit.
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The decrease has existed since 2018 when I started DbD, but I must say that it is getting worse every year, along with the scattering of scratches. When playing survivor, you can avoid multiple attacks in empty terrain by swinging your body from side to side at random or spinning in front of the killer's eyes, I can only assume that BhVR knows this and leaves it as a "technique".
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Any update on this bhvr? common :(
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I opened this bug report in May 2023….. which means that bug report is A YEAR OLD, and STILL has no feedback from BHVR.
Really? A full year, for a bug that steals hits from killers, and could happen in any game? And no one from BHVR cared enough to look into it within the past 12 months????
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I am surprised that this phenomenon continues to exist even as the game approaches its eighth anniversary. At least the inexcusable mistakes caused by Aim Dressing have existed since 2018, especially afflicting PS4 players.
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Additional information, for an additional solution….
The game really should be making the hit validation check first, and if a hit is confirmed, then the proximity check can force a short M1 attack, or yank the camera, or do whatever else it wants, because it already confirmed a hit for the killer.
The second best solution would be to have BOTH the proximity check and the hit validation check ON THE SERVER SIDE, at the same time. And if the hit validation check is rejected, then the proximity check is also rejected.
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Seeing how this post was created last year and this issue still hasn't been fixed is such a joke.
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Why has this not been fixed yet. I wasn't noticing it until they updated to Unreal 5 and now it's screwing me over pretty much every game. This needs fixed. It's really making me feel like not playing.
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I guess we will need some content-creators to make a few videos about this bug before it gets noticed by the devs.
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I don’t understand how something can be under review for 8 months. This bug report is over a year old, is BHVR ever going to confirm it as a bug? It feels like this bug has gotten worse ever since DBD moved to the UE5 engine.
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I'm running Coup de Grace, and this is actively causing me to lose downs in some games when my intention is to lunge past someone who's trying to body block.
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This is the 1 year anniversary of this bug report being Under Review!
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Its the autoaim doing it. Never liked that they added it to the game to help console players and its quite often screws you over in other situations too making you for example miss hits.
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It's officially called aim dressing, and it was added to make hits "look nicer".
However, it 100% functions exactly like an autoaim mechanic, because it affects the killer's camera and M1 attack, BEFORE the actual hit validation check. So even though BHVR said it isn't autoaim, it FUNCTIONS like an autoaim.
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This bug is still in the game.
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M1 Main here.
Yeah this still happens. Address it. 7 Months and you won't address it, BHVR?
If Survivors had a glitch like this it would have been fixed in a week.