Weave Attunement + synergies too strong

Laendra Member Posts: 86
edited June 13 in Feedback and Suggestions

I've been experimenting with Weave Attunement with other perks, and I have to say that it is too strong both by itself and with additional perks. 12m radius is too much reach, especially combined with Franklin Demise and Lethal Pursuer. There is no way for the survivors to avoid this, other than to not bring in any items or pickup any items during the match. If you load in and see that all 4 survivors have items, quickly change to Weave Attunement and Franklins and you are almost guaranteed a 3/4K, whether they have distortion or not. I've been on the receiving end of this "current meta" many, many times now as well, and once I see that combination, if I am not in a SWF, I feel the need/desire to give up the match, because I know how it is going to go, unless the killer is incompetent.

Post edited by Rizzo on


  • Laendra
    Laendra Member Posts: 86

    yeah, just ran another match, and if I didn't carry the last survivor to the hatch and give it to them (again), I would have had a 4k with only 1 gen done (which is a lot of gens done with this perk combo).

  • TerraEsram
    TerraEsram Member Posts: 653

    Dunno, they are no problem for a survivor to throw two slot perk for having some "decent" or strong perk, but they are one for the killer?

  • TerraEsram
    TerraEsram Member Posts: 653
    edited June 12


    Lethal have some "bug" where they always add the 2 second, even when they are no duration

    Like, nurse calling or awakened don't have a timer when you get some "aura" but with lethal, when the condition are done, you can see for two more second the aura of the survivor

  • Rickprado
    Rickprado Member Posts: 561

    If a survivor is running Object and you are running weave atunnement you can say goodbye to any form of stealthness. Your position will be revealed to the survivor the whole match, since they can drop an item next to gen or a loop and they will see you forever.

    Although its a good combo, at least for now, i don't think weave attunment is broken. We need some time to test how strong this is, specially since its mostly a perk for m1 killers.

  • NerfDHalready
    NerfDHalready Member Posts: 1,732

    that's if you want to sacrifice stealth for complete dominance in chases. stealthy survivors still can opt to other quite easy counterplays which doesn't even require perks.

  • dknb
    dknb Member Posts: 162

    The difference in mindset between survivors and killers is amazing.
    This perk definitely needs to be nerfed.

  • ArkInk
    ArkInk Member Posts: 664

    Lethal Pursuer works with Weave? News to me, honestly kinda wanna try that now lmao. The combo you're describing is 3 perk slots, isn't it? I can't imagine this effect is worse than 3 slowdowns, which is much more common and much more asinine if you ask me.

    Weave had a lot of conversations on this subject, I think it's getting a bit old. This'll be the talk of the town, then it'll fade to just a neat meme build with some actual gameplay potential.

  • WashYourHands
    WashYourHands Member Posts: 255

    probably the best info perk if the survs don't know what they're doing which means it shouldn't be nerfed

  • hermitkermit
    hermitkermit Member Posts: 356

    I assumed when you meant slowdown you were directly talking about gen regress perks, as you've stated you don't believe that aura could be a slowdown so I'm not sure what you mean then, my apologies for assuming. When it comes to aura not being able to be used as slow down, I disagree, knowing where a survivor is can help jump start chases much quicker, keep survivors out of certain areas that the item is in which can help with gen defense, buy time when trying to find the item to pick it up to take away the effect, knock out any item they had so you needn't worry about flashlight saves, or toolboxes etc.

    If it was so useless I don't believe people would be struggling against it right now, nor do I think people would be running it as often as they are. The combo works, and for some individual players it works well, so I feel it's unfair to completely disregard the value you can get out of it simply because you personally don't agree. It works enough to be used and it works enough to have people express that they struggle against it.

  • Marioneo
    Marioneo Member Posts: 808

    Whats with this burning hatred for this niche combo bro 😂they acting like this is old freddy aura reveal just use up the item and dump it in a corner or deadzone Survivors have full control over this combo, you can also just not bring items to nullify the combo

  • appleas
    appleas Member Posts: 1,124
    edited June 13

    I'm kind of interested in the type of items people are bringing which makes this combination so frustrating to them.

    I wouldn't care that much if franklins knocked away my default medkit/toolbox. It's annoying but the game is still playable without it.

  • Nazzzak
    Nazzzak Member Posts: 5,455

    I actually agree. I like to give the benefit of the doubt and actually experience things myself before making a judgement call. The concept is fine but 12m is actually a very large radius.

  • Laendra
    Laendra Member Posts: 86

    What you are failing to realzie is that I'm dragging mines…er, that aura reading is better than slow-downs. You can chase them off gens easily. 4K with zero or one gen done is a damn good slow-down. I'm going to continue to run this build until Weave Attunement gets nerfed or until survivors show me they can effectively counter it.

  • GolbezGarlandGabrant
    GolbezGarlandGabrant Member Posts: 979

    How is it when there are complaints of killer things it's dismissed and offer solutions to counterplay but yet when killers complain about survivor things it's sudden "no counterplay!"

  • Rauy556
    Rauy556 Member Posts: 46

    I dont want to sound condescending but why do DBD players (both killers and survivors) IMMEDIATELY want something that's new and that the counterplay is not already pre-defined to be nerfed, instead maybe dedicate some of this energy to think on possible counterplay against it. It is becoming very exhausting to read 'Vecna is too op', reminds me of how so many overreacted when the unknown was released and people started to realize that you could hit through walls and immediately called it op. Its a never ending cycle with this community.

    As many have already pointed out, the obvious counterplay is to just take your item to a corner of the map and leave it there, if you do that you essentially render 1/2 of the killer's build useless.

    Also it is ok for a killer perk combo to be strong as a killer can only have 4 perks, while if a survivor perk combo provides an effect relative in strength to a killer perk combo (FTP + BU) it will always be problematic for the simple reason that the survivors only have to dedicate 2/16 perks for this as opposed to 2/4 for a killer. Also, weave attunement + Franklin's doesnt work on most A tier killers and higher since they use Special M2 attack which don't proc franklin's.

  • alpha5
    alpha5 Member Posts: 311

    Weave Attunement is really stupid on Sadako as you cannot interact with items if you are holding a tape. So you are forced to run across the map, deliver the tape and then make it back amidst the chaos to pick up an item. Also you cannot put down an item for the same reason.

  • bakedpot8oesbro
    bakedpot8oesbro Member Posts: 37

    funny to see everyone defending this dumb perk combo icl😭 if survivor could see your aura and u couldn’t see theirs all hell would break loose.

    make it work like object of obsession where if you see survivors auras inside of dropped item zones the survivor automatically sees yours too. it’s only fair if you wanna make the game thAT unfun and predictable.

  • codebibi
    codebibi Member Posts: 78
    edited June 16

    weave attunement need a cooldown like see the aura of survivors around a item for like 10 seconds and then get in cooldown for like 20-30 seconds

  • MrT1412
    MrT1412 Member Posts: 108

    While it's strong when it works, it can be completely countered just by testing for it at the beginning of the match and dropping your items in the corner of the map. It's essentially a hex perk.

  • dbdjd2023
    dbdjd2023 Member Posts: 4

    when are these people who pretend to play killer to help survivors going to go away? The game is currently broken and unplayable for killers. They literally nerfed the best perks for killers. Dbd will die soon, that’s a guarantee. There are and will be better games out there in the near future.

  • dbdjd2023
    dbdjd2023 Member Posts: 4

    would be ridiculous if they nerf this too but knowing how this game has been going for killers lol

  • VomitMommy
    VomitMommy Member Posts: 2,257

    if survivor could see your aura and u couldn’t see theirs all hell would break loose.

    Except survivors can do it already?

    Key has addon to show you killer's aura on demand.

    And there is several perks to show you a killer's aura on location, or after action.

    While hooked, after unhooking, while standing still, after dropping a pallet, when killer kicks anything, when hitting great skill check, after finishing generator, after healing slugged survivor, when survivor gets injured, whenever killer sees you.

  • bakedpot8oesbro
    bakedpot8oesbro Member Posts: 37

    a key has charges. runs out eventually. this perk is constant aura reading across like the majority of the map. i play with object on because of how unfair and brainless this perk is. i see the killers aura 24/7. and it’s funny that the moment i can see their aura too they either dc or lose. because they no longer have that advantage of knowing my every move and the ability to win every mind games.

    if you’re defending this perk it tells me everything i need to know about you and your boring play style.

  • bakedpot8oesbro
    bakedpot8oesbro Member Posts: 37

    no it’s not 🤣 if a survivor is running around picking up items to move to the edge of the map, they’re not on gens = gg. if they pick up their item, the killer can SEE that, survivor gets oblivious = dead

    nice way to call everyone a noob because they lose to someone who can see their aura 24/7, i would LOVE to see you play against someone with this build, without object of obsession.

    im complaining because i shouldn’t have to run a perk EVERY game in the chance that someone will bring this dumb op combo and stomp the lobby. i’m complaining because object is locked behind a paywall. im complaining for my people darling. the survivor mains.

    it’s broken on EVERY map. doesn’t matter what map doesn’t matter where. it is broken full stop. i cant understand how you fail to see this? but then again i can. i see you comment on almost every survivor post on this forum.

  • Skitten56
    Skitten56 Member Posts: 383

    The biggest issue with it imo is how survivors are punished for not performing the counterplay but also are punished for performing the counterplay.

    Survivors get oblivious when they drop an item in the corner and then also reveal their aura to the killer. So the killer can easily sneak up on them if they want to. Not a huge issue but kind of bad game design.

    I think BHVR should remove the oblivious from the perk or return the aura reading back to 8m. 8 meters was fine on the PTB with Franklin's if you were actually smart with the combo and strategically got m1 hits at key locations. Even without doing that, the perk as still decent. As the perk stands with 12m range, its usually just map wide aura reading win basically no work or conditions for 2 perk slots. Pretty powerful in my experience considering some will run full aura builds to get the same amount of aura reading.

  • Neaxolotl
    Neaxolotl Member Posts: 1,477

    Ah just like so many of killer perks and survivor perks

    The perks are meant to give you advantage, and there is far more perks that doesn't even have any counter at all, what's the problem in using two perk slot ONLY to disable items

    Also, if survivors managed to killers to go corner JUST to get ONE free hit(which isn't even guaranteed depends on distance), that's extreme net positive for them

  • VomitMommy
    VomitMommy Member Posts: 2,257

    no it’s not 🤣 if a survivor is running around picking up items to move to the edge of the map, they’re not on gens = gg. if they pick up their item, the killer can SEE that, survivor gets oblivious = dead

    If you get into that point, you already screwed it.

    Nothing is stopping you from checking first second of the match and getting rid of item asap, if killer has it. At that point it's lethal pursuer in two perks.

    i would LOVE to see you play against someone with this build, without object of obsession

    I am the one who always try to drop item to check and just give call out to my team to drop items.

    I don't see how is that difficult to do.

    it’s broken on EVERY map.

    Not true, most maps in DBD have a spot where killer is not going to get value if you drop your item there.

    Midwitch, probably put it into bathroom.

    The Game probably basement, but make sure to not get down nearby

  • Tits
    Tits Member Posts: 242
    edited June 18

    Most are missing the point. Its about as big of a deal as buckle up ftp combo was. The kill rates with this combo speak for themselves. Sure i check to see if they have it, then go drop my item at the corner of the map. But the others dont, they get slapped, it drops in the bushes and reveals anyone going for a hook save/ a generator/ or just walks by for the rest of the match because noone can find the item thats giving away their position. Its also being used so often that many lobbies are just afraid to bring items anymore. It can be used as a camping tool like a reverse kindred, and many other things. Especially on multi floor maps. Its the most busted aura seeing combo. And thats all ontop of how strong franklins was beforehand because people want to go back for their items even more now.

  • VomitMommy
    VomitMommy Member Posts: 2,257

    How is that same thing?

    You wasn't able to check FTP+Buckle up and there wasn't really anything you could do except wait 10 seconds, or just had to hit twice.

    You said yourself, there is a counterplay to Weave attunement.

    If people are scared to bring items that means they know about this combination, so why not simply check it and counter it?