Remote hooks on Vecna

I've been obsessed with Vecna since he came out. I love him. He's my favorite now, and I have been playing him so much in the anniversary.
The remote hook thing you can do in the anniversary event, in my opinion, fits with him SO well. It feels awesome to magically send a survivor away. It makes me feel like a sorcerer who can't be bothered to take the survivor to the hook manually so I just use magic instead, and then move on to casting spells in chases.
So, would it be possible to make this part of his kit in some capacity? It would need to be toned down from the event version to allow some more counterplay, but I still think it'd be really nice. It would make him more time efficient without affecting his chase counterplay at all, and it could be a nice thing to have since Mage Hand will be made a little bit less powerful.
The way I'd do it is maybe make the effect from the Dispelling Sphere last for a shorter amount of time, and make it so it doesn't apply to survivors on the ground, so then if a survivor is downed while dispelled, they can be remote hooked on the farthest hook from Vecna, ignoring Scourge Hooks. This would have the following benefits:
- Vecna would have a choice as to how he wants to use the Dispelling Sphere (For info, to dispel or to enable the remote hook).
- Remote hooks can't be used to Trigger Scourge hooks, which would disincentivize Scourge hooks on Vecna (So no pain res).
- Also survivors would know exactly who can and cannot be remote hooked, this way they know whether they should or shouldn't attempt to body block or sabo save.
- The ability would have a limit to how much it can be used, since it'd be tied to the cooldown of the Orb. It would still be easier to trigger than Pyramid Head's cages, with the trade-off of still being susceptible to DS, Pallet Saves or Flashlight saves.
(I honestly don't think it'd be necessary to make downed survivors unaffected by the orb, because it'd still put Vecna in the position where he'd have to choose whether to spend his Sphere on a downed survivor instead of dispelling items in a new chase or getting info)
I'm willing to admit I'm biased because I love magic users and liches, and I am a killer main. I just wanted to share my opinion cuz I think this'd be such a cool ability to have on this killer in particular.
And thanks to the devs for clearly putting so much love into this chapter! It made me fall in love with the game again.
it should been one of his perks instead of languish touch. it would fit him better.
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Remote hook has had very negative feedback, i don't think they will ever bring it back
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It could work as a hex imo if they fix the softlock bug
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I agree with that.
I have to wonder… if they have to fix it would they even do it? They ditched the DS animation because they couldn't fix it.0 -
It would barely be a B tier perk. As a hex no one would use it.
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Which is a shame in my opinion. Like…it just beats sabo and body blocking. Unlike Pyramid Heads cages, remote hooks don't prevent DS or flashy saves or pallet saves.. or at least they shouldn't. I don't get why they're getting so much hate. It just helps keep the pace of the game from the killer perspective.
Still. Pyramid Head is the only killer in the roster that messes with some form of remote hook state. I think It'd fit Vecna really well and it'd be nice to have a second killer that has this kind of interaction.1 -
I love the remote hook feature
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Im really going to miss remote hooks when they're gone. It wasn't until this event that I realized just how much I hate carrying survivors to hooks.
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It is for this very reason that I use Agitation on ALL of my killers hahaha. It's a bit of a wasted perk slot, but the less downtime the more fun the game is imo.
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Good. They should get rid of it mid event.