Weave Attunement + synergies too strong



  • Tits
    Tits Member Posts: 242

    Because the entire survivor side has to change the way they play because a busted combo exists, the counter requires 4 people reacting to it perfectly, how many times do you see people split up against legion or avoid doubling up on generators. Most of the rounds are chaos weather people know about the combo or not, and the fact that its used so frequently that the entire playerbase knows about it without even seeing it on a videoor a site like this

  • VomitMommy
    VomitMommy Member Posts: 2,257

    So it is broken because it's soloQ stomper?

    How is that different to Pinhead, Legion, Skully?

    You have perks that change how you need to play the game. Lightborn, Spirit fury+enduring, knockout, most hex perks, tinkerer.

    You have to play differently against most killers. If you play against Artist, or Dredge same way you play against Clown, then it won't end well for you.

    This is simply not unique to this combination, so I don't see how is it different now.

    And how is first 10 seconds of match whole different way of playing?

  • Tits
    Tits Member Posts: 242

    The amount of times ive been screwed by this combo without even bringing items. And every killer can bring it. And first few minutes? Everyone drops their items by hooks and generators unless ur in a full swf

  • Ohyakno
    Ohyakno Member Posts: 1,029

    Taking a minute out to disable two killer perk slots is well worth it. When you cleanse undying/devour, is that a waste of time off gens? Of course not. You just shot what the killer wanted to do in the knee.

  • Neaxolotl
    Neaxolotl Member Posts: 1,477

    It's by far weakest of all "soloq stomper" builds, simply because YOU being good makes countering the effect of ALL survivors possible, unlike literally any other perks

    The effect is weak, the counter is easy, the rage against this is unjustifiable

  • mangomilkshake
    mangomilkshake Member Posts: 43
    edited June 18

    For once. A useful perk not getting nerfed. For once. Getting something nice killer side. For once. To help offset the pain of going against SWFs. For once. Leave something gd alone. It isn't OP. It's just P. At best- because survivors have full control of moving item locations.

  • jwill1197
    jwill1197 Member Posts: 15

    This combo is miserable to deal with in solo queue. Running Plunderer's every game to play babysitter because people don't bother to learn the new perks isn't fun at all.

  • CrossTheSholf
    CrossTheSholf Member Posts: 200

    Survivors…. just learn to counterplay. Get gud

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590
    edited June 19

    Yeah admittedly I was being a bit hyperbolic. I wouldn't say it's bad in average matches, just no where even remotely close to top 10 good. It's decently usable if there's at least 3+ items, smaller map, and the survivors are bad. If it was touched at all I'd be closer to buffing it since I think it definitely does lean weak.

    However if we're talking strength "objectively", IE good vs good, then yeah it's very bad. I suppose as usual people are basing their power level of it on average matches which is bad players in general and everything's good against bad players. I tend to base my opinions typically always on good vs good. If something's good vs 90% of players but bad vs the good 10% then to me it's still bad since we measure objective by good vs good and not average matches, and I care about winning against equally good players, not winning against bad players.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590
    edited June 19

    Every time something even remotely usable shows up people complain and get it nerfed. Not even good, just decently usable. This is how we end up in this never ending marry go round of 4 gen slow down perks forever. If you're never going to allow other non gen perks to be good we're never going to get variety.

    People complain about boring sit on gen hold m1 game play and then proceed to complain about anything that adds secondary objectives.

  • Laendra
    Laendra Member Posts: 86

    people also complain about other survivors that do those secondary objectives. I see it in post-game lobby all the time. Someone proactively doing totems? "All you did was totems". Someone proactively moving items to the edge? "You didn't touch a gen". Perceived "slights" like doing secondary objectives that make the match safer for the other survivors are met with hostility both during and after the match. I feel sorry for them. They get sandbagged, followed around and lockers fast-entered, or fast-vaults, etc. I've seen (and felt) it as a survivor too

  • Laendra
    Laendra Member Posts: 86

    I am seeing (both as killer, since I am running this combo all the time until it is fixed or countered, and survivor) an uptick of survivors intentionally dying on first hook, and indeed running up to the killer to be hooked once this perk-combo shows up during the match.

  • Karth
    Karth Member Posts: 190
    edited June 30

    If the pinhead i just faced with my duo didnt had this discusting combo we would have had atleast a chance for escape, and dont get me in on the FTP buckle combo since this weave is PERMANENT and that other combo is not and needs atleast 2 people to make it work

    the oblivious status effect needs to go atleast, its too much for 1 perk

  • Archael
    Archael Member Posts: 815

    I would like to ask to not call perks being counter to killer perks/powers since there is no way survs can know what killer is and what perk is running so they can't prepare, and any perk counter will be either waste of perk slot or a luck, not deliberate choice.

  • DeBecker
    DeBecker Member Posts: 126

    Its a difference if something is "remotely usable" or plainly overtuned. This combo is entirely overtuned. There is no legit counterplay unless everyone has 180 IQ.

    Weave Attunement just has to go. There is no way this perk fits well into the game. You wopuld have to make so many prerequisites to make this perk not overtuned, that it would be barely even niche.

  • SolidRazo
    SolidRazo Member Posts: 106

    bro what? you “waste” 2 perk slots for infinite wall hacks and you can still choose to run a slow down perk.

    It is most definitely that serious.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590

    "There is no legit counterplay unless everyone has 180 IQ."

    Pick up item. Walk to map edge. Put down item.

    That..is 180 IQ? Really? If the bar is that low then everything is OP.

    "Weave Attunement just has to go. There is no way this perk fits well
    into the game. You wopuld have to make so many prerequisites to make
    this perk not overtuned, that it would be barely even niche."

    It's a perfectly designed perk. It has very clear and easy to do counter play. The combo is barely good enough. The slightest nerf and it goes into bad territory.

  • TheMikeOTR
    TheMikeOTR Member Posts: 63

    I honestly think it's the fact that it does too much. The combo is too strong

  • Archael
    Archael Member Posts: 815

    I have a question.

    Does weave attunement warns survs it's in use?

    Personally, I think that survs should know if killer is using aura perks.

    Every perk should have some kind of counter play, and you cannot counter aura reading if you don't know there is aura reading, and it's the perk that should provide way to counter itself. Like hex perks counter is to cleanse a totem, and whenever hex is in play, survs know they should look for totems. This is great and I think because of that hex effects should be more powerful, even to the border of overpowered.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590

    "Does weave attunement warns survs it's in use?"

    It does.

  • jezebelthenun
    jezebelthenun Member Posts: 195

    Its hilarious that half of the conversations right now are about getting 4k as fast as possible and not dragging out the game, and the other half is people being told to waste everyone's time carrying objects to map edges.

  • YamamuraVideoRentals
    YamamuraVideoRentals Member Posts: 121
    edited July 1

    The biggest problem with Weave is that many times it's so hard to even find the item that's revealing you. Like, you'll see the icon, but often times the item is hard to see, and its location is hard to pinpoint for one of many different reasons. All the time wasted just trying to find a dropped item is massive value for the killer.

    The range of Weave is also too large imo. A few well-placed items can cover a huge area and provide invaluable intel.

    And even then the idea of dropping items at the edge of the map feels rather absurd. I mean, I've done it as well, but you have to think about it.. it also wastes a ton of your time. And then let's say you've got a toolbox you want to use at a gen, and there is a now-depleted flashlight right there as well revealing your aura at all times… So you're telling me the solution is drop my box, pick up the torch, go all the way to the edge of the map, drop it, then go back to the gen and pick up my item.. Not only has my aura been revealed all this time, and not only am I oblivious for like a minute, but I've also wasted all this time just juggling the items when I could have been working on the generator.

    It's just god awful. I've just given up on bringing items, because I am so sick and tired of dealing with this perk, and cancerous Franklins which also just eliminates your item anyway.

    Not bringing items and running plunderers isn't a "counter". It's a desperation measure.

  • YamamuraVideoRentals
    YamamuraVideoRentals Member Posts: 121

    Don't make assumptions about other people like this. All this is is ad hominem and whataboutisms.

    When MFT (aka Paid For This) was fresh out, I was playing killer 95% of the time and dealing with this garbage constantly. And I smell garbage once again. Franklins is busted, and Weave is busted.

  • Coffeecrashing
    Coffeecrashing Member Posts: 3,688

    I’d rather deal with this perk combination, than deal with 100% iron will.

    At least with this perk combination, survivors can use triangulation (the perk notifies survivors when they are in range of a dropped item) to find the items on the ground.

    Meanwhile, if a survivor is hiding in a locker, or behind a wall, and has 100% iron will….. well too bad for the killer because it’s zero sound, and the killer is just expected to open every locker, and loop around every object, to try to find that survivor.

  • Laluzi
    Laluzi Member Posts: 6,064

    That, and the item isn't sneaking away from you…

    I think Weave Attunement would be fine so long as it didn't go through floors. It's a bit busted on two-story maps (which also make the issue of 'where is the item' worse) and the amount of map that gets revealed by a single item can be pretty huge, but otherwise the damage is generally constrained to a tile. Leave the tile you got Franklins'd in and go back later to clean up the item. I haven't had a problem with this perk combo and I'm liking versing it much more than quad slowdown.

  • Coffeecrashing
    Coffeecrashing Member Posts: 3,688

    This perk combination is also very unreliable, and isn't worth running at higher MMR, where killers are more likely to go against coordinated SWFs that will just voice comm each other to drop their items far away from anything useful.

    It's much more reliable to just play quad slowdown, where you don't need to worry about survivors that can voice comm your perks away. Killers should pick perks that are good against coordinated SWFs, because those are the survivors that are the hardest to beat. Purposely picking perks that are weak against coordinated SWFs, just sounds like a waste of perk slots.

  • MissJupiter
    MissJupiter Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 5

    I agree, I feel like the range is far too wide and the counter is stupid. Weave should either be a hex totem or there is a timer on the aura once an item is picked up/dropped.

    The 'omg it takes two perk slots' argument isn't an argument. FTP/BU took two perk slots as well and they still reworked BU.

    I've seen so many people just go next the second it's franklins/weave. Franklin's has always been an extremely boring perk to go against. It feels pretty intentional that they added chests for this anniversary and then brought in a perk that killers benefited from survs opening those chests.

    Bhvr, you got your money's worth. Please just adjust weave to have a timer or turn it into a hex totem.

  • DeBecker
    DeBecker Member Posts: 126

    So, how do you locate the item in question if you did not drop it by yourself?

  • DeBecker
    DeBecker Member Posts: 126

    Great idea, with no kind of direction or whatsoever. Sigh.

  • Rogue11
    Rogue11 Member Posts: 1,410

    Nothing to see here. Perfectly balanced.