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Hook respawn after the sacrifice. Might as well...

Member Posts: 2,412

Deactivate Flip Flop and Boil Over in the endgame and when you are the last survivor still alive, no?

No reason for these perks to function in this situation anymore

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  • Member Posts: 645

    When they add the finisher mori system at some point over the next year, that situation is going to be redundant anyway - since they can just mori you where you are.

  • Member Posts: 2,412

    When Flip Flop is useful when used by itself with no wiggle perks?

  • Member Posts: 16,691
  • Member Posts: 187

    I mean I'd prefer boil over and flip flop being less usable if it means I don't have to slug/get slugged because the hook is gone.

  • Member Posts: 1,526

    I always wonder when ds was buffed, one of the arguments was: while good players can make good use of it, its absurd to expect new or average players to have the skill to make it worth with 3 seconds. Which I think its absolutelly reasonable. Idk why the argument flips on the killer side tho, either its fine to change unfun mechanics that actually good players can counter in order for less skilled players to have an easier time or it isnt fine.

  • Member Posts: 22,851

    You'll find that I have never argued that DS should be 5 seconds because new players can't make time out of 3 seconds, I've always argued that DS should be 5 or more seconds because there's so many things which disable it that there realistically should be a punishment to tunneling, and as they want that to be in the form of a perk then make it a proper punishment. Therefore, you'll find that my arguments are entirely consistent, and that shockingly different people will believe and argue different things.

  • Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,508

    It's much easier for survivors to choose what gens they do than for killers to choose what hooks they use. When I'm playing killer, I have to take the nearest hook to where the survivor has decided to run or it's a huge risk of of me getting stuck on the environment and them getting off my shoulder. As survivor, if the killer is staying in the same area usually one of us can distract him and still manage to get one of the gens done.

  • Member Posts: 347

    Unlike a survivor's primary objective (gens), killing can be done without having to hook anyone at all. If I down someone in a dead zone, I can literally just let them bleed out to death.

    If the last survivor is in a dead zone, the fact that hooks now respawn means that both sides get to move on to their next match without having to wait for the survivor to bleed out first.

    In a scenario where there are two survivors alive and one goes down in a dead zone, two things can happen:

    1) They get slugged because there's no hook nearby, so the other survivor just hides until this happens to grab the hatch/gate.

    2) The remaining survivor goes for the pick-up, but since the killer knows where the dead zone is, they just go back and slug whoever they find first, repeating the process.

    Both scenarios artificially drag out the match. But if hooks respawn, these scenarios are reduced and matches are faster without that annoying part at the end. This is a positive for everyone. Or do you like being bled out to death?

    Also, picking the death hook of a survivor isn't as macro as you say it is. First, because there's a limited number of hooks you can go to (if closer to the edge, usually around two hooks to choose from). And second, because by the time the dead zones become a threat, the match is pretty much over as it means everyone is already dead.

  • Member Posts: 2,088

    But still removing that macro consideration from the game, which is honestly the only one that killers even have to consider at all.

    They've essentially made every hook a basement hook.

    Survivors have to manage both gens and pallets as macro resources, and any mistakes can potentially cost you the match. I mention gens because 1) it's the equivalent objective, and 2) it sounds ridiculous to even suggest that they make this change to gens. So there's no reason to do it for hooks either.

  • Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,508

    I assume they're doing it because of the surge in complaints about slugging. Not that this will stop slugging, but the game has a lot of mechanics that encourage slugging. Respawning hooks won't get rid of slugging but will remove one of the mechanics that cause slugging to be necessary.

    It's a tradeoff between easier hooks or necessary slugging. It seems half and half: for every complaint about hooks being too easy and never being able to wiggle off, there's also a complaint about too much slugging. There's no making everyone happy, but most survivors would rather be hooked than bleed out.

  • Member Posts: 2,412
  • Member Posts: 2,412

    But how about when theres still other survivors left and the Flip Flop Boil Over is actually wasting the killer's time whilst the teammates are doing gens/gates?

  • Member Posts: 13

    …. You do realize that killers get hook auras revealed to them when they pick up a survivor right? Survivors don't get to see generator auras at basekit and hooks don't tend to spawn that far apart. I've taken survivors to farther hooks and have been taken to farther hooks without any carrying perks. On the survivor side of this, it is almost entirely up to the killer to chase a survivor or to protect a gen. You should be able to carry a survivor to a hook that isn't the closest hook and pay attention to where your hooks might be. As Killer, hook dead zones are RARELY a problem. Maybe I get better RNG as Killer, or maybe I just avoid those situations to the best of my abilities.

  • Member Posts: 3,611
    edited June 2024

    Might I propose an idea:

    If you are using a wiggle build, there is no reason to not bring this perk. Even outside of wiggle builds, it can prove to be strong by create hook-deadzones for you and your team.

  • Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,508

    You should be able to carry a survivor to a hook that isn't the closest hook

    No, not really. Even normal wiggling throws me around a lot. I'll often get stuck on the environment if I try to get to a farther hook (I get caught on the environment when not carrying anyone, too, that's an annoying part of playing on Switch, but it can feel like I'm completely glued in place if someone's wiggling on my shoulder). And a lot of survivors do run to the same area to get downed, whether they do it on purpose or not.

    Anyway, it doesn't really matter. If they choose to forego this and keep hooks broken after a sacrifice, then it'll be as it always has and that's fine, too. I don't mind slugging as killer, and being slugged as survivor isn't necessarily fun but it doesn't bother me that much.

  • Member Posts: 2,088

    The biggest complaint for slugging has always been slugging for the 4k. This does literally nothing to that incredibly common scenario.

  • Member Posts: 347

    Which skill, exactly? Going for the second closest hook instead of the first? lol

    You can play every single killer by just going to the first hook you see and you'll do just fine. It isn't deeper than that. This isn't the killer buff you're making it out to be, lmao.

    We also don't know the Scourge Hook interaction yet, and even if Scourge Hooks respawned as Scourge Hooks, it wouldn't be strong either. But keep advocating for mechanics that promote slugging, I guess. Everyone's got their own opinions.

  • Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,508

    As I said:

    Not that this will stop slugging

    Slugging for the 4k has to do with the hatch mechanic, and reworking that would take a lot of time and effort. Respawning hooks takes like practically no time and effort on BHVR's part. Slugging has been a growing complaint, so I assume this is a reaction (and like I said, not a fix) to that. The biggest complaint I've seen on the forum lately has actually been killers slugging for no reason whatsoever, and this change doesn't help with that, either.

  • Member Posts: 333

    What? If your team has 2 people on the hook at the same time that isn't a hook distance issue that is a major and I mean MAJOR skill issue on your teams part. I don't understand this community and thinking that the killer player should be punished because one solo que survivor is pissed off his team sucks when in reality he is just as bad because he also didn't save the first hooked guy before the second was put on a hook.

  • Member Posts: 2,088

    I don't think it'll stop slugging either, but let's not try and sell this change as some kind of benefit to survivors.

    This doesn't touch on any of the most common reasons for slugging: for the 4k, sabo plays, spite/pettiness.

    It's a killer buff, and it's not exactly game breaking, but it's somewhere more than a tiny qol buff and a macro gameplay buff.

    It being a killer buff is ok, but trying to claim it's anything else makes it seem really weird at best or disingenuous at worst. Let's call a duck a duck here.

  • Member Posts: 29

    I'm saying that it removes one of the few remaining elements of strategy that a killer must take. When I down a survivor that's in a corner or otherwise somewhat dead area AND they are at their last hook before death, I will ensure I take them to a hook that doesn't create even more dead space. Thus creating a bit more strategy for killers to decide where they should hook. If a killer was silly enough to kill the first survivor in a corner hook and creating a bunch of dead space, that's too bad on them. The change negates strategy for killers making them more of a potato and also renders certain Survivor wiggle perks a bit useless. Now if they reduced the overall number hooks in a match and implemented this at the same time, that would be an excellent compromise.

  • Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,508

     let's not try and sell this change as some kind of benefit to survivors.

    I would never say hooks coming back is a benefit to survivors. I was taking a guess at BHVR's mindset, since there seems to be this question of "Why would they do this?"

  • Member Posts: 2,412

    No more survivors dragging out matches, but killers are still allow to do so?

    It would be a fair trade if the basekit Unbreakable is in play right now, but its not

  • Member Posts: 347

    Right... going for the second closest hook instead of the first is such a brilliant display of skill that removing it would completely strip the killer role of any remaining skill expression. Lmao.

    Seeing survivors pretend they understand the killer role will forever be funny, but in this case, it's even more hilarious because this change benefits survivors as well since it means killers are less incentivized to slug.

    Given that in your first comment you said this change would make it so even potato killers will win, I assume you haven't touched the killer role since you started playing. In that case, let me tell you that it's been a long while since BHVR got rid of most zones with only one hook, so early dead zones (at 1 kill) don't even happen anymore, which you'd know if you played killer.

  • Member Posts: 347

    Luckily, a Killer can only drag out a match for a few minutes since you either bleed out or repair gens and escape. However, I did mention in my original comment that it would be nice to have a speed-up option for bleeding out.

    Sadly, survivors can still drag out matches infinitely thanks to stealth and dropping and picking up items, which prevents crows from spawning. Unlike a killer slugging, this can go on until the match is forced to shut down. Now, if you were to ask me, I would say it's pretty obvious which case is more egregious, but that's just me. Both cases need their fixes regardless, so trying to get into an "us vs. them" discussion is pointless.

  • Member Posts: 2,005

    So that survivors get slugged from the get-go, instead of just in the end-game? Interesting proposal.

  • Member Posts: 2,412

    Because I'm bringing a perk?

    Why do killers should have free aura reading on survivors? Why they should have free gen regression?

    I mean, its pretty self explanatory

    Otherwise those already mentioned perks should not exist in the game, don't you think?

  • Member Posts: 5,786

    Youre right why not have a perk that gives free escapes, or a perk that gives free chases

    Because some effects just shouldn't be attached to perks that give consistent value and not every perk should be viable on its own

    Flip flop is a combo perk because on its own it would be too strong for free consistent escapes as it would outclass other slugging perks and other escape perks

    More specialized perks like unbreakable, no mither, and soulguard either have limited usage, downsides, or requirements

    Perks like breakout and items like flashlights and toolboxes require teamwork but provide the same value that 1 perk would provide, should a single perk slot provide more value than a teammate with an item or a altruistic version of the perk, probably not

    This one is a combo perk because effects for potential infinite free self escapes should be limited

    A more general perk like flip flop shouldn't swing the game, either combos or specific counters should

  • Member Posts: 4,634

    No? There are already areas where you can barely reach a hook because the rng is so bad, there is no reason to increase the issue on top of Sabo being stronger currently. This change is good because you are not forced to bleed out survivors as much anymore, because at least you did not create a dead zone by hooking some in a place with no other hooks, why would you want to I crease the likely hood of getting bled out again?

  • Member Posts: 4,634
  • Member Posts: 10,328

    And that's another reason people are mad at Distortion. If the killer could just use their Darkness Revealed to find survivors just hiding at the end, it'd help end hostage taken matches. But because of Distortion, that possibility would be negated, and then the tokens regain because the killer can't find them. And I don't even know if nerfing Distortion would fix this. A survivor can be hiding in the locker, killer decides to check all lockers on the map, but the survivor moves from theirs to one that the killer has already searched: the killer searched every locker on the map and didn't find the survivor. Maybe the solution is to let killers see auras through lockers, because even in the event of the very logical solution, "Survivors get their auras shown when they don't progress the objective for X minutes" they could just hide in a locker.

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